+ size_t WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *pwz, size_t n) const
+ {
+ /*
+ we have a problem here: by default, WideCharToMultiByte() may
+ replace characters unrepresentable in the target code page with bad
+ quality approximations such as turning "1/2" symbol (U+00BD) into
+ "1" for the code pages which don't have it and we, obviously, want
+ to avoid this at any price
+ the trouble is that this function does it _silently_, i.e. it won't
+ even tell us whether it did or not... Win98/2000 and higher provide
+ WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS but it doesn't work for the older systems and
+ we have to resort to a round trip, i.e. check that converting back
+ results in the same string -- this is, of course, expensive but
+ otherwise we simply can't be sure to not garble the data.
+ */
+ // determine if we can rely on WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS: according to MSDN
+ // it doesn't work with CJK encodings (which we test for rather roughly
+ // here...) nor with UTF-7/8 nor, of course, with Windows versions not
+ // supporting it
+ BOOL usedDef wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(false),
+ *pUsedDef;
+ int flags;
+ if ( CanUseNoBestFit() && m_CodePage < 50000 )
+ {
+ // it's our lucky day
+ pUsedDef = &usedDef;
+ }
+ else // old system or unsupported encoding
+ {
+ flags = 0;
+ pUsedDef = NULL;
+ }