+ /**
+ Asynchronously call the given method.
+ Calling this function on an object schedules an asynchronous call to
+ the method specified as CallAfter() argument at a (slightly) later
+ time. This is useful when processing some events as certain actions
+ typically can't be performed inside their handlers, e.g. you shouldn't
+ show a modal dialog from a mouse click event handler as this would
+ break the mouse capture state -- but you can call a method showing
+ this message dialog after the current event handler completes.
+ The method being called must be the method of the object on which
+ CallAfter() itself is called.
+ Notice that it is safe to use CallAfter() from other, non-GUI,
+ threads, but that the method will be always called in the main, GUI,
+ thread context.
+ Example of use:
+ @code
+ class MyFrame : public wxFrame {
+ void OnClick(wxMouseEvent& event) {
+ CallAfter(&MyFrame::ShowPosition, event.GetPosition());
+ }
+ void ShowPosition(const wxPoint& pos) {
+ if ( wxMessageBox(
+ wxString::Format("Perform click at (%d, %d)?",
+ pos.x, pos.y), "", wxYES_NO) == wxYES )
+ {
+ ... do take this click into account ...
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ @endcode
+ @param method The method to call.
+ @param x1 The (optional) first parameter to pass to the method.
+ @param x2 The (optional) second parameter to pass to the method.
+ Note that currently only up to 2 arguments can be passed.
+ @since 2.9.5
+ */
+ template<typename T, typename T1, ...>
+ void CallAfter(void (T::*method)(T1, ...), T1 x1, ...);