-in RGB RGB RGB format unless png_set_filler() is called to insert filler
-bytes, either before or after each RGB triplet. 16-bit RGB data will
-be returned RRGGBB RRGGBB, with the most significant byte of the color
-value first, unless png_set_strip_16() is called to transform it to
-regular RGB RGB triplets, or png_set_filler() is called to insert
-filler bytes, either before or after each RRGGBB triplet. Similarly,
-8-bit or 16-bit grayscale data can be modified with png_set_filler()
-or png_set_strip_16().
+in RGB RGB RGB format unless png_set_filler() or png_set_add_alpha()
+is called to insert filler bytes, either before or after each RGB triplet.
+16-bit RGB data will be returned RRGGBB RRGGBB, with the most significant
+byte of the color value first, unless png_set_strip_16() is called to
+transform it to regular RGB RGB triplets, or png_set_filler|add alpha()
+is called to insert filler bytes, either before or after each RRGGBB
+triplet. Similarly, 8-bit or 16-bit grayscale data can be modified with
+png_set_filler(), png_set_add_alpha(), or png_set_strip_16().