// This will select current objects out of the DC,
// which is what you have to do before deleting the
// DC.
-void wxDC::SelectOldObjects(WXHDC dc)
+void wxDC::SelectOldObjects(
- if (dc)
+ if (hPS)
if (m_hOldBitmap)
-// ::SelectObject((HDC) dc, (HBITMAP) m_oldBitmap);
+ ::GpiSetBitmap(hPS, (HBITMAP) m_hOldBitmap);
if (m_vSelectedBitmap.Ok())
m_hOldBitmap = 0;
- if (m_hOldPen)
- {
-// ::SelectObject((HDC) dc, (HPEN) m_oldPen);
- }
+ //
+ // OS/2 has no other native GDI objects to set in a PS/DC like windows
+ //
m_hOldPen = 0;
- if (m_hOldBrush)
- {
-// ::SelectObject((HDC) dc, (HBRUSH) m_oldBrush);
- }
m_hOldBrush = 0;
- if (m_hOldFont)
- {
-// ::SelectObject((HDC) dc, (HFONT) m_oldFont);
- }
m_hOldFont = 0;
- if (m_hOldPalette)
- {
-// ::SelectPalette((HDC) dc, (HPALETTE) m_oldPalette, TRUE);
- }
m_hOldPalette = 0;
bool wxDC::CanGetTextExtent() const
- // What sort of display is it?
- int technology = 0; // TODO: ::GetDeviceCaps(GetHdc(), TECHNOLOGY);
+ LONG lTechnology = 0L;
- // TODO: return (technology == DT_RASDISPLAY) || (technology == DT_RASPRINTER);
- return FALSE;
+ ::DevQueryCaps(GetHDC(), CAPS_TECHNOLOGY, 1L, &lTechnology);
+ return (lTechnology == CAPS_TECH_RASTER_DISPLAY) || (lTechnology == CAPS_TECH_RASTER_PRINTER);
+} // end of wxDC::CanGetTextExtent
int wxDC::GetDepth() const
- // TODO:
- return (1);
+ int nBitsPerPixel;
+ if(::DevQueryCaps( GetHDC()
+ ,lArray
+ ))
+ {
+ nBitsPerPixel = (int)lArray[CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT];
+ }
+ return nBitsPerPixel;
+} // end of wxDC::GetDepth
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// drawing
-void wxDC::DoCrossHair(wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
+void wxDC::DoCrossHair(
+ wxCoord vX
+, wxCoord vY
- // TODO
+ wxCoord vX1 = vX - VIEWPORT_EXTENT;
+ wxCoord vY1 = vY - VIEWPORT_EXTENT;
+ wxCoord vX2 = vX + VIEWPORT_EXTENT;
+ wxCoord vY2 = vY + VIEWPORT_EXTENT;
+ POINTL vPoint[4];
+ vPoint[0].x = vX1;
+ vPoint[0].y = m_vRclPaint.yTop - vY;
+ vPoint[1].x = vX2;
+ vPoint[1].y = m_vRclPaint.yTop - vY;
+ ::GpiMove(m_hPS, &vPoint[0]);
+ ::GpiLine(m_hPS, &vPoint[1]);
+ vPoint[2].x = vX;
+ vPoint[2].y = m_vRclPaint.yTop - vY1;
+ vPoint[3].x = vX;
+ vPoint[3].y = m_vRclPaint.yTop - vY2;
+ ::GpiMove(m_hPS, &vPoint[2]);
+ ::GpiLine(m_hPS, &vPoint[3]);
+} // end of wxDC::DoCrossHair
void wxDC::DoDrawLine(
wxCoord vX1
vPoint[1].y = m_vRclPaint.yTop - vY2;
::GpiMove(m_hPS, &vPoint[0]);
::GpiLine(m_hPS, &vPoint[1]);
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawLine
// Draws an arc of a circle, centred on (xc, yc), with starting point (x1, y1)
vPtlArc[1].x = vX2;
vPtlArc[1].y = vY2;
::GpiPointArc(m_hPS, vPtlArc); // Draws the arc
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawArc
void wxDC::DoDrawCheckMark(
wxCoord vX1
::GpiMove(m_hPS, &vPoint[0]);
::GpiLine(m_hPS, &vPoint[1]);
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawCheckMark
void wxDC::DoDrawPoint(
wxCoord vX
vPoint.x = vX;
vPoint.y = m_vRclPaint.yTop - vY;
::GpiSetPel(m_hPS, &vPoint);
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawPoint
void wxDC::DoDrawPolygon(
int n
::GpiMove(m_hPS, &vPoint);
lHits = ::GpiPolygons(m_hPS, ulCount, &vPlgn, flOptions, flModel);
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawPolygon
void wxDC::DoDrawLines(
int n
vPoint.y = vPoints[0].y + vYoffset;
::GpiLine(m_hPS, &vPoint);
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawLines
void wxDC::DoDrawRectangle(
wxCoord vX
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawRectangle
void wxDC::DoDrawRoundedRectangle(
wxCoord vX
,(LONG)dRadius // horizontal corner radius
,(LONG)dRadius // vertical corner radius
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawRoundedRectangle
// Draw Ellipse within box (x,y) - (x+width, y+height)
void wxDC::DoDrawEllipse(
); // Draws full arc with center at current position
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawEllipse
void wxDC::DoDrawEllipticArc(
wxCoord vX
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawEllipticArc
-void wxDC::DoDrawIcon(const wxIcon& icon, wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
+void wxDC::DoDrawIcon(
+ const wxIcon& rIcon
+, wxCoord vX
+, wxCoord vY
- // TODO:
+ wxCHECK_RET( rIcon.Ok(), wxT("invalid icon in DrawIcon") );
+ ::WinDrawPointer( GetHPS()
+ ,vX
+ ,vY
+ ,(HPOINTER)GetHiconOf(rIcon)
+ );
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawIcon
-void wxDC::DoDrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp
- ,wxCoord x, wxCoord y
- ,bool useMask
- )
+void wxDC::DoDrawBitmap(
+ const wxBitmap& rBmp
+, wxCoord vX
+, wxCoord vY
+, bool bUseMask
- // TODO
+ POINTL vPoint = {vX, vY};
+ ::WinDrawBitmap( GetHPS()
+ ,(HBITMAP)GetHbitmapOf(rBmp)
+ ,&vPoint
+ ,0L
+ ,0L
+ );
+} // end of wxDC::DoDrawBitmap
void wxDC::DoDrawText(
const wxString& rsText
COLORREF vOldTextColor;
COLORREF vOldBackground = ::GpiQueryBackColor(m_hPS);
- POINTL aPoint[4] = { vXdest, vYdest
- ,vXdest + vWidth, vYdest + vHeight
- ,vXsrc, vYsrc
- ,vXsrc + vWidth, vYsrc + vHeight
- };
if (bUseMask)
bool bSuccess;
-#if 0
if (bUseMask)
- // Create a temp buffer bitmap and DCs to access it and the mask
+ // Create a temp buffer bitmap and DCs/PSs to access it and the mask
- HDC dc_mask = ::CreateCompatibleDC(GetHdcOf(*source));
- HDC dc_buffer = ::CreateCompatibleDC(GetHdc());
- HBITMAP buffer_bmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap(GetHdc(), width, height);
- ::SelectObject(dc_mask, (HBITMAP) mask->GetMaskBitmap());
- ::SelectObject(dc_buffer, buffer_bmap);
- // copy dest to buffer
- if ( !::BitBlt(dc_buffer, 0, 0, (int)width, (int)height,
- GetHdc(), xdest, ydest, SRCCOPY) )
- {
- wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
- }
+ HDC hDCMask;
+ HDC hDCBuffer;
+ HPS hPSMask;
+ HPS hPSBuffer;
+ DEVOPENSTRUC vDOP = {0L, "DISPLAY", NULL, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L};
+ SIZEL vSize = {0, 0};
+ LONG rc;
+ hDCMask = ::DevOpenDC(vHabmain, OD_MEMORY, "*", 5L, (PDEVOPENDATA)&vDOP, NULLHANDLE);
+ hDCBuffer = ::DevOpenDC(vHabmain, OD_MEMORY, "*", 5L, (PDEVOPENDATA)&vDOP, NULLHANDLE);
+ hPSMask = ::GpiCreatePS(vHabmain, hDCMask, &vSize, PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);
+ hPSBuffer = ::GpiCreatePS(vHabmain, hDCBuffer, &vSize, PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);
+ memset(&vBmpHdr, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2));
+ vBmpHdr.cbFix = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2);
+ vBmpHdr.cx = vWidth;
+ vBmpHdr.cy = vHeight;
+ vBmpHdr.cPlanes = 1;
+ vBmpHdr.cBitCount = 24;
+ HBITMAP hBufBitmap = ::GpiCreateBitmap(GetHPS(), &vBmpHdr, 0L, NULL, NULL);
+ POINTL aPoint1[4] = { 0, 0
+ ,vWidth, vHeight
+ ,vXdest, vYdest
+ ,vXdest + vWidth, vYdest + vHeight
+ };
+ POINTL aPoint2[4] = { 0, 0
+ ,vWidth, vHeight
+ ,vXsrc, vYsrc
+ ,vXsrc + vWidth, vYsrc + vHeight
+ };
+ POINTL aPoint3[4] = { vXdest, vYdest
+ ,vXdest + vWidth, vYdest + vHeight
+ ,vXsrc, vYsrc
+ ,vXsrc + vWidth, vYsrc + vHeight
+ };
+ POINTL aPoint4[4] = { vXdest, vYdest
+ ,vXdest + vWidth, vYdest + vHeight
+ ,0, 0
+ ,vWidth, vHeight
+ };
+ ::GpiSetBitmap(hPSMask, (HBITMAP) pMask->GetMaskBitmap());
+ ::GpiSetBitmap(hPSBuffer, (HBITMAP) hBufBitmap);
- // copy src to buffer using selected raster op
- if ( !::BitBlt(dc_buffer, 0, 0, (int)width, (int)height,
- GetHdcOf(*source), xsrc, ysrc, dwRop) )
- {
- wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
- }
+ //
+ // Copy dest to buffer
+ //
+ rc = ::GpiBitBlt( hPSBuffer
+ ,GetHPS()
+ ,4L
+ ,aPoint1
+ );
+ if (rc == GPI_ERROR)
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
+ }
- // set masked area in buffer to BLACK (pixel value 0)
- COLORREF prevBkCol = ::SetBkColor(GetHdc(), RGB(255, 255, 255));
- COLORREF prevCol = ::SetTextColor(GetHdc(), RGB(0, 0, 0));
- if ( !::BitBlt(dc_buffer, 0, 0, (int)width, (int)height,
- dc_mask, xsrc, ysrc, SRCAND) )
- {
- wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
- }
+ //
+ // Copy src to buffer using selected raster op
+ //
+ rc = ::GpiBitBlt( hPSBuffer
+ ,GetHPS()
+ ,4L
+ ,aPoint2
+ ,lRop
+ );
+ if (rc == GPI_ERROR)
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
+ }
- // set unmasked area in dest to BLACK
- ::SetBkColor(GetHdc(), RGB(0, 0, 0));
- ::SetTextColor(GetHdc(), RGB(255, 255, 255));
- if ( !::BitBlt(GetHdc(), xdest, ydest, (int)width, (int)height,
- dc_mask, xsrc, ysrc, SRCAND) )
- {
- wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
- }
- ::SetBkColor(GetHdc(), prevBkCol); // restore colours to original values
- ::SetTextColor(GetHdc(), prevCol);
- // OR buffer to dest
- success = ::BitBlt(GetHdc(), xdest, ydest,
- (int)width, (int)height,
- dc_buffer, 0, 0, SRCPAINT) != 0;
- if ( !success )
- {
- wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
- }
+ //
+ // Set masked area in buffer to BLACK (pixel value 0)
+ //
+ COLORREF vPrevBkCol = ::GpiQueryBackColor(GetHPS());
+ COLORREF vPrevCol = ::GpiQueryColor(GetHPS());
+ ::GpiSetBackColor(GetHPS(), OS2RGB(255, 255, 255));
+ ::GpiSetColor(GetHPS(), OS2RGB(0, 0, 0));
+ rc = ::GpiBitBlt( hPSBuffer
+ ,hPSMask
+ ,4L
+ ,aPoint2
+ );
+ if (rc == GPI_ERROR)
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
+ }
- // tidy up temporary DCs and bitmap
- ::SelectObject(dc_mask, 0);
- ::DeleteDC(dc_mask);
- ::SelectObject(dc_buffer, 0);
- ::DeleteDC(dc_buffer);
- ::DeleteObject(buffer_bmap);
+ //
+ // Set unmasked area in dest to BLACK
+ //
+ ::GpiSetBackColor(GetHPS(), OS2RGB(0, 0, 0));
+ ::GpiSetColor(GetHPS(), OS2RGB(255, 255, 255));
+ rc = ::GpiBitBlt( GetHPS()
+ ,hPSMask
+ ,4L
+ ,aPoint3
+ );
+ if (rc == GPI_ERROR)
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
+ //
+ // Restore colours to original values
+ //
+ ::GpiSetBackColor(GetHPS(), vPrevBkCol);
+ ::GpiSetColor(GetHPS(), vPrevCol);
+ //
+ // OR buffer to dest
+ //
+ rc = ::GpiBitBlt( GetHPS()
+ ,hPSMask
+ ,4L
+ ,aPoint4
+ );
+ if (rc == GPI_ERROR)
+ {
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("BitBlt"));
+ }
+ //
+ // Tidy up temporary DCs and bitmap
+ //
+ ::GpiSetBitmap(hPSMask, NULLHANDLE);
+ ::GpiSetBitmap(hPSBuffer, NULLHANDLE);
+ ::GpiDestroyPS(hPSMask);
+ ::GpiDestroyPS(hPSBuffer);
+ ::DevCloseDC(hDCMask);
+ ::DevCloseDC(hDCBuffer);
+ ::GpiDeleteBitmap(hBufBitmap);
+ bSuccess = TRUE;
-// else // no mask, just BitBlt() it
-// {
+ else // no mask, just BitBlt() it
+ {
+ POINTL aPoint[4] = { vXdest, vYdest
+ ,vXdest + vWidth, vYdest + vHeight
+ ,vXsrc, vYsrc
+ ,vXsrc + vWidth, vYsrc + vHeight
+ };
bSuccess = (::GpiBitBlt( m_hPS
-// }
+ }
vCbnd.lColor = (LONG)vOldTextColor;
::GpiSetAttrs( m_hPS // presentation-space handle
,PRIM_CHAR // Char primitive.