-// Name: font.cpp
+// Name: src/mac/carbon/font.cpp
// Purpose: wxFont class
-// Author: AUTHOR
+// Author: Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
-// Created: ??/??/98
+// Created: 1998-01-01
// RCS-ID: $Id$
-// Copyright: (c) AUTHOR
-// Licence: wxWindows licence
+// Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
-#ifdef __GNUG__
-#pragma implementation "font.h"
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
-#include "wx/defs.h"
-#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/font.h"
-#include "wx/fontutil.h"
-#include "wx/gdicmn.h"
-#include "wx/utils.h"
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/string.h"
+ #include "wx/utils.h"
+ #include "wx/intl.h"
+ #include "wx/gdicmn.h"
+ #include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/fontutil.h"
+#include "wx/graphics.h"
+#include "wx/settings.h"
+#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
+#ifndef __DARWIN__
+#include <ATSUnicode.h>
-#include "wx/mac/private.h"
-#include "ATSUnicode.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxFontRefData: public wxGDIRefData
+ wxFontRefData()
+ {
+ Init(10, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
+ false, wxT("applicationfont"), wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ }
+ wxFontRefData(const wxFontRefData& data)
+ {
+ Init(data.m_pointSize, data.m_family, data.m_style, data.m_weight,
+ data.m_underlined, data.m_faceName, data.m_encoding);
+ }
+ wxFontRefData(int size,
+ int family,
+ int style,
+ int weight,
+ bool underlined,
+ const wxString& faceName,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ {
+ Init(size, family, style, weight, underlined, faceName, encoding);
+ }
+ wxFontRefData( wxUint32 coreTextFontType );
+ wxFontRefData( CTFontRef font );
+ wxFontRefData( CTFontDescriptorRef fontdescriptor, int size );
+ virtual ~wxFontRefData();
+ void SetNoAntiAliasing( bool no = true ) { m_noAA = no; }
+ bool GetNoAntiAliasing() const { return m_noAA; }
+ void SetPointSize( int size )
+ {
+ m_pointSize = size;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ int GetPointSize() const { return m_pointSize; }
+ void SetFamily( int family )
+ {
+ m_family = family;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ int GetFamily() const { return m_family; }
+ void SetStyle( int style )
+ {
+ m_style = style;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ int GetStyle() const { return m_style; }
+ void SetWeight( int weight )
+ {
+ m_weight = weight;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ int GetWeight() const { return m_weight; }
+ void SetUnderlined( bool u )
+ {
+ m_underlined = u;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ bool GetUnderlined() const { return m_underlined; }
+ void SetFaceName( const wxString& facename )
+ {
+ m_faceName = facename;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ const wxString& GetFaceName() const { return m_faceName; }
+ void SetEncoding( wxFontEncoding encoding )
+ {
+ m_encoding = encoding;
+ MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ }
+ wxFontEncoding GetEncoding() const { return m_encoding; }
+ void MacInvalidateNativeFont();
+ void MacFindFont();
+ // common part of all ctors
+ void Init(int size,
+ int family,
+ int style,
+ int weight,
+ bool underlined,
+ const wxString& faceName,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding);
+ void Init( CTFontRef font );
+ // font characterstics
+ int m_pointSize;
+ int m_family;
+ int m_style;
+ int m_weight;
+ bool m_underlined;
+ wxString m_faceName;
+ wxFontEncoding m_encoding;
+ bool m_noAA; // No anti-aliasing
+ FMFontFamily m_macFontFamily;
+ FMFontSize m_macFontSize;
+ FMFontStyle m_macFontStyle;
+ // ATSU Font Information
+ // this is split into an ATSU font id that may
+ // contain some styles (special bold fonts etc) and
+ // these are the additional qd styles that are not
+ // included in the ATSU font id
+ ATSUFontID m_macATSUFontID;
+ FMFontStyle m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles ;
+ // for true themeing support we must store the correct font
+ // information here, as this speeds up and optimizes rendering
+ ThemeFontID m_macThemeFontID ;
+ wxCFRef<CTFontRef> m_ctFont;
+ wxCFRef<CTFontDescriptorRef> m_ctFontDescriptor;
+ ATSUStyle m_macATSUStyle ;
+ wxNativeFontInfo m_info;
+#define M_FONTDATA ((wxFontRefData*)m_refData)
// ============================================================================
// implementation
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void wxFontRefData::Init(int pointSize,
- int family,
- int style,
- int weight,
- bool underlined,
- const wxString& faceName,
- wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ int family,
+ int style,
+ int weight,
+ bool underlined,
+ const wxString& faceName,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding)
m_style = style;
- m_pointSize = pointSize;
+ m_pointSize = (pointSize == -1) ? wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT).GetPointSize() : pointSize;
m_family = family;
m_style = style;
m_weight = weight;
m_underlined = underlined;
m_faceName = faceName;
m_encoding = encoding;
- m_macFontNum = 0 ;
+ m_noAA = false;
+ m_macFontFamily = 0 ;
m_macFontSize = 0;
m_macFontStyle = 0;
- m_fontId = 0;
+ m_macATSUFontID = 0;
+ m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles = 0 ;
+ m_macThemeFontID = kThemeCurrentPortFont ;
+ m_macATSUStyle = NULL ;
+ if ( m_macATSUStyle )
+ {
+ ::ATSUDisposeStyle((ATSUStyle)m_macATSUStyle);
+ m_macATSUStyle = NULL ;
+ }
+void wxFontRefData::MacInvalidateNativeFont()
+ m_ctFont.reset();
+ m_ctFontDescriptor.reset();
+ if ( m_macATSUStyle )
+ {
+ ::ATSUDisposeStyle((ATSUStyle)m_macATSUStyle);
+ m_macATSUStyle = NULL ;
+ }
+/* from Core Text Manual Common Operations */
+static CTFontDescriptorRef wxMacCreateCTFontDescriptor(CFStringRef iFamilyName, CTFontSymbolicTraits iTraits )
+ CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor = NULL;
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes;
+ assert(iFamilyName != NULL);
+ // Create a mutable dictionary to hold our attributes.
+ attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ check(attributes != NULL);
+ if (attributes != NULL) {
+ // Add a family name to our attributes.
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(attributes, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute, iFamilyName);
+ if ( iTraits ) {
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef traits;
+ CFNumberRef symTraits;
+ // Create the traits dictionary.
+ symTraits = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type,
+ &iTraits);
+ check(symTraits != NULL);
+ if (symTraits != NULL) {
+ // Create a dictionary to hold our traits values.
+ traits = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ check(traits != NULL);
+ if (traits != NULL) {
+ // Add the symbolic traits value to the traits dictionary.
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(traits, kCTFontSymbolicTrait, symTraits);
+ // Add the traits attribute to our attributes.
+ CFDictionaryAddValue(attributes, kCTFontTraitsAttribute, traits);
+ CFRelease(traits);
+ }
+ CFRelease(symTraits);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the font descriptor with our attributes
+ descriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(attributes);
+ check(descriptor != NULL);
+ CFRelease(attributes);
+ }
+ // Return our font descriptor.
+ return descriptor ;
+wxFontRefData::wxFontRefData( wxUint32 coreTextFontType )
+ CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage( coreTextFontType, 0.0, NULL ) ;
+ if ( CTFontGetSize(m_ctFont) == 0 )
+ {
+ CFRelease(font);
+ font = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage( coreTextFontType, 12.0, NULL );
+ }
+ Init( font );
+wxFontRefData::wxFontRefData( CTFontRef font )
+ Init( font );
+wxFontRefData::wxFontRefData( CTFontDescriptorRef fontdescriptor, int size )
+ if ( size == 0 )
+ {
+ wxCFRef< CFNumberRef > value( (CFNumberRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute( fontdescriptor, kCTFontSizeAttribute ) );
+ float fsize;
+ if ( CFNumberGetValue( value , kCFNumberFloatType , &fsize ) )
+ {
+ size = (int) fsize + 0.5 ;
+ }
+ }
+ Init( CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(fontdescriptor, size,NULL) );
+void wxFontRefData::Init( CTFontRef font )
+ Init(10, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL,
+ false, wxT("applicationfont"), wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT);
+ m_ctFont.reset( font );
void wxFontRefData::MacFindFont()
- if( m_faceName == "" )
- {
- switch( m_family )
- {
- case wxDEFAULT :
- m_macFontNum = ::GetAppFont() ;
- break ;
- case wxDECORATIVE :
- ::GetFNum( "\pTimes" , &m_macFontNum) ;
- break ;
- case wxROMAN :
- ::GetFNum( "\pTimes" , &m_macFontNum) ;
- break ;
- case wxSCRIPT :
- ::GetFNum( "\pTimes" , &m_macFontNum) ;
- break ;
- case wxSWISS :
- ::GetFNum( "\pGeneva" , &m_macFontNum) ;
- break ;
- case wxMODERN :
- ::GetFNum( "\pMonaco" , &m_macFontNum) ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( m_faceName == "systemfont" )
- m_macFontNum = ::GetSysFont() ;
- else if ( m_faceName == "applicationfont" )
- m_macFontNum = ::GetAppFont() ;
- else
- {
- c2pstrcpy( (StringPtr) wxBuffer, m_faceName ) ;
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1050 )
+ {
+ if ( m_faceName.empty() && m_family == wxDEFAULT )
+ {
+ m_ctFont.reset(CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage( kCTFontSystemFontType, 0.0, NULL ));
+ }
+ if ( m_ctFont )
+ {
+ wxCFStringRef name( CTFontCopyFamilyName( m_ctFont ) );
+ m_faceName = name.AsString();
+ m_pointSize = CTFontGetSize(m_ctFont) ;
+ CTFontSymbolicTraits traits = CTFontGetSymbolicTraits( m_ctFont );
+ if ( traits & kCTFontItalicTrait )
+ m_style = wxITALIC;
+ if ( traits & kCTFontBoldTrait )
+ m_weight = wxBOLD ;
+ if ( !m_ctFontDescriptor.get() )
+ m_ctFontDescriptor.reset( CTFontCopyFontDescriptor( m_ctFont ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_faceName.empty() )
+ {
+ switch ( m_family )
+ {
+ case wxSCRIPT :
+ case wxROMAN :
+ case wxDECORATIVE :
+ m_faceName = wxT("Times");
+ break ;
+ case wxSWISS :
+ m_faceName = wxT("Lucida Grande");
+ break ;
+ case wxMODERN :
+ case wxTELETYPE:
+ m_faceName = wxT("Monaco");
+ break ;
+ default:
+ m_faceName = wxT("Times");
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ CTFontSymbolicTraits traits = 0;
+ if (m_weight == wxBOLD)
+ traits |= kCTFontBoldTrait;
+ if (m_style == wxITALIC || m_style == wxSLANT)
+ traits |= kCTFontItalicTrait;
+// use font descriptor caching
+#if 1
+ wxString lookupname = wxString::Format( "%s_%ld", m_faceName.c_str(), traits );
+ static std::map< std::wstring , wxCFRef< CTFontDescriptorRef > > fontdescriptorcache ;
+ m_ctFontDescriptor = fontdescriptorcache[ std::wstring(lookupname.wc_str()) ];
+ if ( !m_ctFontDescriptor )
+ {
+ wxCFStringRef cf( m_faceName, wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding() );
+ m_ctFontDescriptor.reset( wxMacCreateCTFontDescriptor( cf, traits ) );
+ fontdescriptorcache[ std::wstring(lookupname.wc_str()) ] = m_ctFontDescriptor;
+ }
- strcpy( (char *) wxBuffer, m_faceName ) ;
- c2pstr( (char *) wxBuffer ) ;
+ wxCFStringRef cf( m_faceName, wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding() );
+ m_ctFontDescriptor.reset( wxMacCreateCTFontDescriptor( cf, traits ) );
+// use font caching
+#if 1
+ wxString lookupnameWithSize = wxString::Format( "%s_%ld_%ld", m_faceName.c_str(), traits, m_pointSize );
+ static std::map< std::wstring , wxCFRef< CTFontRef > > fontcache ;
+ m_ctFont = fontcache[ std::wstring(lookupnameWithSize.wc_str()) ];
+ if ( !m_ctFont )
+ {
+ m_ctFont.reset( CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor( m_ctFontDescriptor, m_pointSize, NULL ) );
+ fontcache[ std::wstring(lookupnameWithSize.wc_str()) ] = m_ctFont;
+ }
+ m_ctFont.reset( CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor( m_ctFontDescriptor, m_pointSize, NULL ) );
+ }
+#if wxMAC_USE_ATSU_TEXT == 0
+ OSStatus status = noErr;
+ CTFontDescriptorRef desc = m_ctFontDescriptor ;
+ ATSFontRef atsfont = CTFontGetPlatformFont( m_ctFont, &desc );
+ FMFont fmfont = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef( atsfont );
+ ATSUAttributeTag atsuTags[] =
+ {
+ kATSUFontTag ,
+ kATSUSizeTag ,
+ kATSUVerticalCharacterTag,
+ kATSUQDBoldfaceTag ,
+ kATSUQDItalicTag ,
+ kATSUQDUnderlineTag ,
+ };
+ ByteCount atsuSizes[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] =
+ {
+ sizeof( ATSUFontID ) ,
+ sizeof( Fixed ) ,
+ sizeof( ATSUVerticalCharacterType),
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ };
+ Boolean kTrue = true ;
+ Boolean kFalse = false ;
+ Fixed atsuSize = IntToFixed( m_pointSize );
+ ATSUVerticalCharacterType kHorizontal = kATSUStronglyHorizontal;
+ ATSUAttributeValuePtr atsuValues[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] =
+ {
+ &fmfont ,
+ &atsuSize ,
+ &kHorizontal,
+ (m_weight == wxBOLD) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ (m_style == wxITALIC || m_style == wxSLANT) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ (m_underlined) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ };
+ if ( m_macATSUStyle )
+ {
+ ::ATSUDisposeStyle((ATSUStyle)m_macATSUStyle);
+ m_macATSUStyle = NULL ;
+ }
+ status = ::ATSUCreateStyle((ATSUStyle *)&m_macATSUStyle);
+ wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't create ATSU style") );
+ status = ::ATSUSetAttributes(
+ (ATSUStyle)m_macATSUStyle,
+ sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag) ,
+ atsuTags, atsuSizes, atsuValues);
+ }
+ {
+ OSStatus status = noErr;
+ Str255 qdFontName ;
+ if ( m_macThemeFontID != kThemeCurrentPortFont )
+ {
+ Style style ;
+ GetThemeFont( m_macThemeFontID, GetApplicationScript(), qdFontName, &m_macFontSize, &style );
+ if ( m_macFontSize == 0 )
+ m_macFontSize = 12;
+ m_macFontStyle = style ;
+ m_faceName = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( qdFontName );
+ if ( m_macFontStyle & bold )
+ m_weight = wxBOLD ;
+ else
+ m_weight = wxNORMAL ;
+ if ( m_macFontStyle & italic )
+ m_style = wxITALIC ;
+ if ( m_macFontStyle & underline )
+ m_underlined = true ;
+ m_pointSize = m_macFontSize ;
+ m_macFontFamily = FMGetFontFamilyFromName( qdFontName );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_faceName.empty() )
+ {
+ if ( m_family == wxDEFAULT )
+ {
+ m_macFontFamily = GetAppFont();
+ FMGetFontFamilyName(m_macFontFamily,qdFontName);
+ m_faceName = wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( qdFontName );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch ( m_family )
+ {
+ case wxSCRIPT :
+ case wxROMAN :
+ case wxDECORATIVE :
+ m_faceName = wxT("Times");
+ break ;
+ case wxSWISS :
+ m_faceName = wxT("Lucida Grande");
+ break ;
+ case wxMODERN :
+ case wxTELETYPE:
+ m_faceName = wxT("Monaco");
+ break ;
+ default:
+ m_faceName = wxT("Times");
+ break ;
+ }
+ wxMacStringToPascal( m_faceName , qdFontName );
+ m_macFontFamily = FMGetFontFamilyFromName( qdFontName );
+ if ( m_macFontFamily == kInvalidFontFamily )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug( wxT("ATSFontFamilyFindFromName failed for %s"), m_faceName.c_str() );
+ m_macFontFamily = GetAppFont();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( m_faceName == wxT("systemfont") )
+ m_macFontFamily = GetSysFont();
+ else if ( m_faceName == wxT("applicationfont") )
+ m_macFontFamily = GetAppFont();
+ else
+ {
+ wxCFStringRef cf( m_faceName, wxLocale::GetSystemEncoding() );
+ ATSFontFamilyRef atsfamily = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName( cf , kATSOptionFlagsDefault );
+ if ( atsfamily == (ATSFontFamilyRef) -1 )
+ {
+ wxLogDebug( wxT("ATSFontFamilyFindFromName failed for ") + m_faceName );
+ m_macFontFamily = GetAppFont();
+ }
+ else
+ m_macFontFamily = FMGetFontFamilyFromATSFontFamilyRef( atsfamily );
+ }
+ }
+ m_macFontStyle = 0;
+ if (m_weight == wxBOLD)
+ m_macFontStyle |= bold;
+ if (m_style == wxITALIC || m_style == wxSLANT)
+ m_macFontStyle |= italic;
+ if (m_underlined)
+ m_macFontStyle |= underline;
+ m_macFontSize = m_pointSize ;
+ }
+ // we try to get as much styles as possible into ATSU
+ // ATSUFontID and FMFont are equivalent
+ FMFontStyle intrinsicStyle = 0 ;
+ status = FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance( m_macFontFamily , m_macFontStyle , &m_macATSUFontID , &intrinsicStyle);
+ wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't get an ATSUFont from font family") );
+ m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles = m_macFontStyle & (~intrinsicStyle );
+ if ( m_macATSUStyle )
+ {
+ ::ATSUDisposeStyle((ATSUStyle)m_macATSUStyle);
+ m_macATSUStyle = NULL ;
+ }
+ status = ::ATSUCreateStyle((ATSUStyle *)&m_macATSUStyle);
+ wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't create ATSU style") );
+ ATSUAttributeTag atsuTags[] =
+ {
+ kATSUFontTag ,
+ kATSUSizeTag ,
+ kATSUVerticalCharacterTag,
+ kATSUQDBoldfaceTag ,
+ kATSUQDItalicTag ,
+ kATSUQDUnderlineTag ,
+ kATSUQDCondensedTag ,
+ kATSUQDExtendedTag ,
+ };
+ ByteCount atsuSizes[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] =
+ {
+ sizeof( ATSUFontID ) ,
+ sizeof( Fixed ) ,
+ sizeof( ATSUVerticalCharacterType),
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ sizeof( Boolean ) ,
+ };
+ Boolean kTrue = true ;
+ Boolean kFalse = false ;
+ Fixed atsuSize = IntToFixed( m_macFontSize );
+ ATSUVerticalCharacterType kHorizontal = kATSUStronglyHorizontal;
+ ATSUAttributeValuePtr atsuValues[sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag)] =
+ {
+ &m_macATSUFontID ,
+ &atsuSize ,
+ &kHorizontal,
+ (m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles & bold) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ (m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles & italic) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ (m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles & underline) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ (m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles & condense) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ (m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles & extend) ? &kTrue : &kFalse ,
+ };
+ status = ::ATSUSetAttributes(
+ (ATSUStyle)m_macATSUStyle,
+ sizeof(atsuTags) / sizeof(ATSUAttributeTag) ,
+ atsuTags, atsuSizes, atsuValues);
+ wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , wxT("couldn't modify ATSU style") );
+ return;
+ }
- ::GetFNum( (StringPtr) wxBuffer, &m_macFontNum);
- }
- }
- m_macFontStyle = 0;
- if (m_weight == wxBOLD)
- m_macFontStyle |= bold;
- if (m_style == wxITALIC || m_style == wxSLANT)
- m_macFontStyle |= italic;
- if (m_underlined)
- m_macFontStyle |= underline;
- m_macFontSize = m_pointSize ;
- //TODO:if we supply the style as an additional parameter we must make a testing
- //sequence in order to degrade gracefully while trying to maintain most of the style
- //information, meanwhile we just take the normal font and apply the features after
- OSStatus status = ::ATSUFONDtoFontID(m_macFontNum, normal /*qdStyle*/, (UInt32*)&m_macATSUFontID);
- /*
- status = ATSUFindFontFromName ( (Ptr) m_faceName , strlen( m_faceName ) ,
- kFontFullName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontRomanScript , kFontNoLanguage , (UInt32*)&m_macATSUFontID ) ;
- */
- wxASSERT_MSG( status == noErr , "couldn't retrieve font identifier" ) ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFont
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxFont::Init()
bool wxFont::Create(const wxNativeFontInfo& info)
- return Create(info.pointSize, info.family, info.style, info.weight,
- info.underlined, info.faceName, info.encoding);
+ return Create(
+ info.pointSize, info.family, info.style, info.weight,
+ info.underlined, info.faceName, info.encoding );
wxFont::wxFont(const wxString& fontdesc)
bool wxFont::Create(int pointSize,
- int family,
- int style,
- int weight,
- bool underlined,
- const wxString& faceName,
- wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ int family,
+ int style,
+ int weight,
+ bool underlined,
+ const wxString& faceName,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding)
- m_refData = new wxFontRefData(pointSize, family, style, weight,
- underlined, faceName, encoding);
+ m_refData = new wxFontRefData(
+ pointSize, family, style, weight,
+ underlined, faceName, encoding);
- return TRUE;
+ return true;
+bool wxFont::MacCreateFromUIFont(wxUint32 ctFontType )
+ UnRef();
+ m_refData = new wxFontRefData(ctFontType);
+ RealizeResource();
+ return true;
+bool wxFont::MacCreateFromCTFontDescriptor( const void * ctFontDescriptor , int size )
+ UnRef();
+ m_refData = new wxFontRefData((CTFontDescriptorRef)ctFontDescriptor, size);;
+ RealizeResource();
+ return true;
+bool wxFont::MacCreateFromThemeFont(wxUint16 themeFontID)
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1050)
+ {
+ return MacCreateFromUIFont(HIThemeGetUIFontType(themeFontID));
+ }
+ {
+ UnRef();
+ m_refData = new wxFontRefData(
+ false, wxEmptyString, wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT );
+ M_FONTDATA->m_macThemeFontID = themeFontID ;
+ RealizeResource();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
bool wxFont::RealizeResource()
- M_FONTDATA->MacFindFont() ;
- return TRUE;
+ M_FONTDATA->MacFindFont();
+ return true;
void wxFont::SetEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding)
- M_FONTDATA->m_encoding = encoding;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetEncoding( encoding );
void wxFont::Unshare()
- // Don't change shared data
- if (!m_refData)
+ // Don't change shared data
+ if (!m_refData)
- m_refData = new wxFontRefData();
- }
+ m_refData = new wxFontRefData();
+ }
- wxFontRefData* ref = new wxFontRefData(*(wxFontRefData*)m_refData);
- UnRef();
- m_refData = ref;
- }
+ wxFontRefData* ref = new wxFontRefData(*(wxFontRefData*)m_refData);
+ UnRef();
+ m_refData = ref;
+ }
+wxGDIRefData *wxFont::CreateGDIRefData() const
+ return new wxFontRefData;
+wxGDIRefData *wxFont::CloneGDIRefData(const wxGDIRefData *data) const
+ return new wxFontRefData(*wx_static_cast(const wxFontRefData *, data));
void wxFont::SetPointSize(int pointSize)
+ if ( M_FONTDATA->GetPointSize() == pointSize )
+ return;
- M_FONTDATA->m_pointSize = pointSize;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetPointSize( pointSize );
- M_FONTDATA->m_family = family;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetFamily( family );
- M_FONTDATA->m_style = style;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetStyle( style );
- M_FONTDATA->m_weight = weight;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetWeight( weight );
-void wxFont::SetFaceName(const wxString& faceName)
+bool wxFont::SetFaceName(const wxString& faceName)
- M_FONTDATA->m_faceName = faceName;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetFaceName( faceName );
+ return wxFontBase::SetFaceName(faceName);
void wxFont::SetUnderlined(bool underlined)
- M_FONTDATA->m_underlined = underlined;
+ M_FONTDATA->SetUnderlined( underlined );
+ RealizeResource();
+void wxFont::SetNoAntiAliasing( bool no )
+ Unshare();
+ M_FONTDATA->SetNoAntiAliasing( no );
// accessors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TODO: insert checks everywhere for M_FONTDATA == NULL!
int wxFont::GetPointSize() const
- return M_FONTDATA->m_pointSize;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetPointSize();
+wxSize wxFont::GetPixelSize() const
+ // TODO: consider caching the value
+ wxGraphicsContext* dc = wxGraphicsContext::CreateFromNative((CGContextRef) NULL);
+ dc->SetFont(*(wxFont *)this,*wxBLACK);
+ wxDouble width, height = 0;
+ dc->GetTextExtent( wxT("g"), &width, &height, NULL, NULL);
+ delete dc;
+ return wxSize((int)width, (int)height);
+ return wxFontBase::GetPixelSize();
int wxFont::GetFamily() const
- return M_FONTDATA->m_family;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetFamily();
int wxFont::GetStyle() const
- return M_FONTDATA->m_style;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetStyle() ;
int wxFont::GetWeight() const
- return M_FONTDATA->m_weight;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetWeight();
bool wxFont::GetUnderlined() const
- return M_FONTDATA->m_underlined;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , false, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetUnderlined();
wxString wxFont::GetFaceName() const
- wxString str;
- if ( M_FONTDATA )
- str = M_FONTDATA->m_faceName ;
- return str;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , wxEmptyString , wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetFaceName() ;
wxFontEncoding wxFont::GetEncoding() const
- return M_FONTDATA->m_encoding;
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT , wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetEncoding() ;
+bool wxFont::GetNoAntiAliasing() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , false, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->GetNoAntiAliasing();
+short wxFont::MacGetFontNum() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macFontFamily;
+short wxFont::MacGetFontSize() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macFontSize;
+wxByte wxFont::MacGetFontStyle() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macFontStyle;
+wxUint32 wxFont::MacGetATSUFontID() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macATSUFontID;
+wxUint32 wxFont::MacGetATSUAdditionalQDStyles() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macATSUAdditionalQDStyles;
+wxUint16 wxFont::MacGetThemeFontID() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macThemeFontID;
+void * wxFont::MacGetATSUStyle() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , NULL, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return M_FONTDATA->m_macATSUStyle;
+const void * wxFont::MacGetCTFont() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return (CTFontRef)(M_FONTDATA->m_ctFont);
+const void * wxFont::MacGetCTFontDescriptor() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , 0, wxT("invalid font") );
+ return (CTFontDescriptorRef)(M_FONTDATA->m_ctFontDescriptor);
+const wxNativeFontInfo * wxFont::GetNativeFontInfo() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( M_FONTDATA != NULL , NULL, wxT("invalid font") );
+ wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), NULL, wxT("invalid font") );
+ M_FONTDATA->m_info.InitFromFont(*this);
+ return &(M_FONTDATA->m_info);