WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_ARRAY_PTR(GdkWindow *, wxArrayGdkWindows);
-// callback definition for inserting a window (internal)
-typedef void (*wxInsertChildFunction)( wxWindowGTK*, wxWindowGTK* );
// wxWindowGTK
virtual void Lower();
virtual bool Show( bool show = true );
- virtual void DoEnable( bool enable );
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag( long style );
// there is also the exception of wxMenuBar)
virtual bool GTKNeedsParent() const { return !IsTopLevel(); }
+ // This is called when capture is taken from the window. It will
+ // fire off capture lost events.
+ void GTKReleaseMouseAndNotify();
// Override GTKWidgetNeedsMnemonic and return true if your
// needs to set its mnemonic widget, such as for a
PangoContext *GtkGetPangoDefaultContext();
- virtual void ApplyToolTip( GtkTooltips *tips, const wxChar *tip );
+ // applies tooltip to the widget (tip must be UTF-8 encoded)
+ virtual void ApplyToolTip( GtkTooltips *tips, const gchar *tip );
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
// Called when a window should delay showing itself
// horizontal/vertical scroll position
double m_scrollPos[ScrollDir_Max];
- // if true, don't notify about adjustment change (without resetting the
- // flag, so this has to be done manually)
- bool m_blockValueChanged[ScrollDir_Max];
// return the scroll direction index corresponding to the given orientation
// (which is wxVERTICAL or wxHORIZONTAL)
static ScrollDir ScrollDirFromOrient(int orient)
bool m_showOnIdle:1; // postpone showing the window until idle
// C++ has no virtual methods in the constrcutor of any class but we need
// different methods of inserting a child window into a wxFrame,
// wxMDIFrame, wxNotebook etc. this is the callback that will get used.
- wxInsertChildFunction m_insertCallback;
+ typedef void (*InsertChildFunction)(wxWindowGTK*, wxWindowGTK*);
+ InsertChildFunction m_insertCallback;
// implement the base class pure virtuals
virtual void DoClientToScreen( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoScreenToClient( int *x, int *y ) const;
int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO);
virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height);
virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height);
+ virtual void DoEnable(bool enable);
virtual bool DoPopupMenu( wxMenu *menu, int x, int y );