Presets for building wxWidgets applications.
- FIXME: docs
+ These presets provide the following "public" interface:
+ - WX_* : used to let the user of the generated makefile choose a wxWidgets
+ build among those available; you can use them in your project to
+ e.g. build a target only if WX_SHARED is 0 or if WX_PORT is "msw".
+ - WXLIBPOSTFIX: contains the [u][d] string which is typically useful when
+ defining names of directories/files which should coexist
+ with other builds using different wxWidgets configurations.
+ - wx, wx-lib: templates to be used respectively for <dll>/<exe> and <lib>
+ targets; they add all the wxWidgets-related settings (e.g. the
+ include and library search paths, the necessary preprocessor
+ symbols, etc).
+ - wxgui: to be used when building GUI-mode applications.
+ - wxconsole: to be used when building console-only applications
+ (NOTE: it doesn't add the wxUSE_GUI=0 define since you don't
+ need it when compiling wxBase-only code).
+ - wxlike: this template should be combined with "wx" or "wx-lib" and will
+ make your project build with the same Unicode & shared
+ config as the wxWidgets build selected using the WX_* options.
+ - <wx-lib>: to define which wxWidgets libraries to link with;
+ please note that you should use them in the right order or
+ linking under Unix would result in errors, e.g.
+ <wx-lib>core</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>base</wx-lib>
+ is correct, but the reverse is not (if lib A depends on lib B, then
+ lib A must be listed before B). So <wx-lib>base</wx-lib>
+ (which must always be present) should be the last wx-lib tag.
+ - <wxlike-libname>,
+ <wxlike-dllname>: useful if you want to have a build logic similar to the
+ wxWidgets build logic which allows different builds to
+ coexist without conflicts. These tags helps you to name
+ libraries using the same wxWidgets rules and thus avoid
+ conflicts between libraries compiled in e.g. Unicode,
+ shared mode and those compiled in ANSI, shared mode &c.
+ - <wxlike-lib>: if your library/application needs to link with both
+ wxWidgets and some other wx-based library, which in turn
+ follows the wxWidgets naming conventions, then this tag is
+ what you need to reference the wx-based additional library.
+ - <wxlike-dirname>: sets the output directory for the current target to $(value)
+ when on Unix and to e.g. $(value)/vc_lib when on Windows,
+ i.e. acts like <dirname> just following wxWidgets naming rules.
+ Useful to allow multiple builds of the
+ - <wxlike-paths>: if your library/application needs to compile & link with both
+ wxWidgets and some other wx-based library, which in turn
+ follows the wxWidgets naming conventions, then this tag is
+ what you need to add to the compiler and linker flags the paths
+ of the "include" and "lib" folders of the wx-based additional library.
+ - <set-wxlike-builddir>: sets BUILDDIR using wxWidgets naming rules to help
+ to keep object files compiled with different
+ settings separate.
+ - <set-wxlike>: sets a variable with the name of a library named with the same
+ wxWidgets rules.
+ NOTE: as a reference here is a list of all wxWidgets libraries satisfying
+ the dependency constraints mentioned in <wx-lib> description:
+ <wx-lib>webview</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>richtext</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>aui</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>ribbon</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>propgrid</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>stc</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>qa</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>gl</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>xrc</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>html</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>media</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>adv</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>net</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>xml</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>core</wx-lib>
+ <wx-lib>base</wx-lib>
+ <requires version="0.2.2"/>
+ <using module="wx_presets"/>
<!-- this variable identifies the version of the wx presets.
- this is changed only when major changes to wxpresets take place. -->
- <set var="WX_PRESETS_VERSION">3</set>
+ this is changed only when major changes to wxpresets take place.
+ -->
+ <set var="WX_PRESETS_VERSION">4</set>
- <!-- list of known libraries used by wx-lib tag defined in wx_unix.bkl and wx_win32.bkl -->
- <set var="LIB_LIST">
- base core net xml odbc xrc html adv media gl dbgrid qa aui richtext
+ <!-- list of known libraries used by wx-lib tag defined in wx_unix.bkl and wx_win32.bkl
+ VERY IMPORTANT: when updating this list also update the <wx-lib> and <wx-all-libs>
+ tag definitions.
+ -->
+ <set var="WX_LIB_LIST">
+ base core net xml xrc html adv media gl qa aui ribbon propgrid richtext stc webview
- <!-- NOTE: refer to the NET contrib using NETUTILS instead of NET
- (which is already in LIB_LIST) -->
- <set var="CONTRIBLIB_LIST">animate applet deprecated fl foldbar gizmos mmedia netutils ogl plot stc svg</set>
+ <!-- if you define this variable to 0 before including wx presets, the
+ "test_for_selected_wxbuild" target which is added by default in win32 and GNU
+ makefiles, won't be added.
+ This is useful when e.g. you want to have wxWidgets as an optional
+ dependency and thus you don't want to perform that check unconditionally.
+ -->
+ <set var="WX_TEST_FOR_SELECTED_WXBUILD" overwrite="0">
+ 1
+ </set>
<!-- this is a temporary variable until there is non general -->
<!-- function in bakefiles for returning native markup for -->
+ <!-- OPTIONS -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- These are essentially the configurations you -->
+ <!-- want in bakefile. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- In MSVC these are the different build -->
+ <!-- configurations you can have (in the build menu), -->
+ <!-- and in autoconf is enabled with enable-xxx=xx. -->
+ <!-- For other compilers a separate configuration -->
+ <!-- file is created (such as config.gcc on gcc) -->
+ <!-- which has several options a user can modify. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Note that the above only happens if an option -->
+ <!-- is not constant, i.e. if it cannot be determined -->
+ <!-- by bakefile itself. -->
+ <!-- Also note that for 'autoconf' format these options -->
+ <!-- are only useful when used together with wxpresets.m4 -->
+ <!-- macro file which contains macros for detecting the -->
+ <!-- option values for wx-based projects. See wxpresets.m4 -->
+ <!-- comments for more info. -->
+ <!-- Presets for limited dmars make.exe format: -->
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='dmars'">
+ <set var="WX_UNICODE">1</set>
+ <set var="WX_DEBUG">1</set>
+ <set var="WX_SHARED">0</set>
+ </if>
+ <!-- 'gnu' format needs to redefine the following options later in wx_unix.bkl -->
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='gnu'">
+ <set var="WX_UNICODE"/>
+ <set var="WX_SHARED"/>
+ <set var="WX_PORT"/>
+ <set var="WX_VERSION"/>
+ </if>
+ <!-- This is a standard option that determines -->
+ <!-- whether the user wants to build this library as -->
+ <!-- a dll or as a static library. -->
+ <if cond="not isdefined('WX_SHARED')">
+ <set var="WX_SHARED_DEFAULT" overwrite="0">0</set>
+ <option name="WX_SHARED">
+ <values>0,1</values>
+ <values-description>Static,DLL</values-description>
+ <default-value>$(WX_SHARED_DEFAULT)</default-value>
+ <description>
+ Use DLL build of wx library?
+ </description>
+ </option>
+ </if>
+ <!-- Configuration for building the bakefile with -->
+ <!-- unicode strings or not (unicode or ansi). -->
+ <if cond="not isdefined('WX_UNICODE')">
+ <set var="WX_UNICODE_DEFAULT" overwrite="0">1</set>
+ <option name="WX_UNICODE">
+ <values>0,1</values>
+ <values-description>ANSI,Unicode</values-description>
+ <default-value>$(WX_UNICODE_DEFAULT)</default-value>
+ <description>
+ Use Unicode build of wxWidgets?
+ </description>
+ </option>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="not isdefined('WX_DEBUG')">
+ <set var="WX_DEBUG_DEFAULT" overwrite="0">1</set>
+ <option name="WX_DEBUG">
+ <values>0,1</values>
+ <values-description>Release,Debug</values-description>
+ <default-value>$(WX_DEBUG_DEFAULT)</default-value>
+ <description>
+ Use debug build of wxWidgets (linked with debug CRT)?
+ </description>
+ </option>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="not isdefined('WX_VERSION')">
+ <set var="WX_VERSION_DEFAULT" overwrite="0">29</set>
+ <option name="WX_VERSION">
+ <default-value>$(WX_VERSION_DEFAULT)</default-value>
+ <description>
+ Version of the wx library to build against.
+ </description>
+ </option>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="not isdefined('WX_MONOLITHIC')">
+ <set var="WX_MONOLITHIC_DEFAULT" overwrite="0">0</set>
+ <option name="WX_MONOLITHIC">
+ <values>0,1</values>
+ <values-description>Multilib,Monolithic</values-description>
+ <default-value>$(WX_MONOLITHIC_DEFAULT)</default-value>
+ <description>
+ Use monolithic build of wxWidgets?
+ </description>
+ </option>
+ </if>
<!-- The directory where wxWidgets is installed: -->
<if cond="not isdefined('WX_DIR')">
<set var="WX_DIR_DEFAULT" overwrite="0">$(DOLLAR)($(ENV_VAR)WXWIN)</set>
- <option name="WX_DIR" category="path">
+ <option name="WX_DIR" category="path" never_empty="1">
The directory where wxWidgets library is installed
- <!-- this is just a wrapper that includes the real implementation: -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- These are handy ways of dealing with the -->
+ <!-- extensions in the library names of the -->
+ <!-- wxWindows library. -->
+ <set var="WXLIBPOSTFIX">
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='1' and WX_UNICODE=='1'">ud</if>
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='1' and WX_UNICODE=='0'">d</if>
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='0' and WX_UNICODE=='1'">u</if>
+ </set>
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">
+ <set var="COMPILER_PREFIX" make_var="1">$(COMPILER)</set>
+ </if>
+ <!-- -->
<set var="__wx_included_impl">0</set>
<set var="__wx_included_impl">1</set>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='xcode2'">
+ <!-- xCode2 is an IDE and thus reuses almost nothing from unix part of wxpresets;
+ better use the win32 part! -->
+ <include file="wx_win32.bkl"/>
+ <set var="__wx_included_impl">1</set>
+ </if>
<if cond="__wx_included_impl=='0'">
<error>This format is not (yet) supported by wx preset.</error>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Combine 'wxlike' with 'wx' or 'wx-lib' templates to have your
+ project build in the same configuration used by the selected
+ wxWidgets build -->
+ <template id="wxlike">
+ <!-- WX_DEBUG-dependent -->
+ <set var="_OPT">
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='1'">off</if>
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='0'">speed</if>
+ </set>
+ <set var="_DEBUGINFO">
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='1'">on</if>
+ <if cond="WX_DEBUG=='0'">off</if>
+ </set>
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">
+ <optimize>$(_OPT)</optimize>
+ <debug-info>$(_DEBUGINFO)</debug-info>
+ </if>
+ </template>
+ <!-- Template for building wx-based GUI applications -->
+ <template id="wxgui" template="wx">
+ <app-type>gui</app-type>
+ </template>
+ <!-- Template for building wx-based console applications -->
+ <template id="wxconsole" template="wx">
+ <app-type>console</app-type>
+ </template>
+ <!-- UTILITY TAGS -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- private helper tag: does the same thing as for <set-wxlike> except that:
+ - the variable created is always named "__temp"
+ - can be used (only) inside targets as this is a non-global tag
+ -->
+ <define-tag name="__setlibname" rules="lib,dll,module,exe">
+ <set var="__temp">
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf' and FORMAT!='gnu'">
+ $(attributes['prefix'])_$(WX_PORT)$(WX_VERSION)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_$(value)
+ </if>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf' or FORMAT=='gnu'">
+ $(attributes['prefix'])_$(WX_PORT)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_$(value)-$(WX_VERSION_MAJOR).$(WX_VERSION_MINOR)
+ </if>
+ </set>
+ </define-tag>
+ <!-- A simple tag which helps you to define a library name using the same rules used
+ by wxWidgets. Use the 'prefix' attribute to add your lib's prefix.
+ E.g.:
+ <wxlike-libname prefix='mylib'>module1</wxlike-libname>
+ <wxlike-libname prefix='mylib'>module2</wxlike-libname>
+ -->
+ <define-tag name="wxlike-libname" rules="lib">
+ <__setlibname prefix="$(attributes['prefix'])">$(value)</__setlibname>
+ <libname>$(__temp)</libname>
+ </define-tag>
+ <!-- exactly like <wxlike-libname> but this one sets the DLL name (and the DLL lib import name)
+ and thus must be used only inside a <dll> target...
+ -->
+ <define-tag name="wxlike-dllname" rules="dll,module">
+ <__setlibname prefix="$(attributes['prefix'])">$(value)</__setlibname>
+ <libname>$(__temp)</libname>
+ <dllname>$(__temp)</dllname>
+ </define-tag>
+ <!-- Links against a library which uses the same wxWidgets conventions.
+ -->
+ <define-tag name="wxlike-lib" rules="exe,lib,dll,module">
+ <__setlibname prefix="$(attributes['prefix'])">$(value)</__setlibname>
+ <sys-lib>$(__temp)</sys-lib>
+ </define-tag>
+ <!-- Sets as output folder for the current target a directory
+ called "$(value)/$(COMPILER_PREFIX)_lib|dll", just like wxWidgets does.
+ This makes it possible to keep separated the libraries/exes compiled with
+ different compilers and with a different value for WX_SHARED.
+ -->
+ <define-tag name="wxlike-dirname" rules="lib,dll,exe,module">
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">
+ <if cond="WX_SHARED=='0'">lib</if>
+ <if cond="WX_SHARED=='1'">dll</if>
+ </set>
+ <set var="_DIRNAME">
+ </set>
+ <dirname>$(_DIRNAME)</dirname>
+ <if cond="FORMAT_SUPPORTS_ACTIONS=='1'">
+ <set var="__mkdir_tgt">make_dir_$(id)</set>
+ <add-target target="$(__mkdir_tgt)" type="action"/>
+ <modify-target target="$(__mkdir_tgt)">
+ <command cond="TOOLSET=='unix'">
+ @mkdir -p $(_DIRNAME)
+ </command>
+ <command cond="TOOLSET in ['win32','os2','dos']">
+ if not exist $(nativePaths(_DIRNAME)) mkdir $(nativePaths(_DIRNAME))
+ </command>
+ </modify-target>
+ <!-- the following code is mostly equivalent to a:
+ <dependency-of>$(id)</dependency-of>
+ put into the __mkdir_tgt target, except that it does _prepend_
+ the __mkdir_tgt dependency instead of appending it.
+ This is required because some compilers (e.g. MSVC) need to store in the
+ output folder some files (e.g. the PDB file) while compiling and thus
+ the library output folder must have been created before _any_ source file
+ is compiled, not just before the library is linked.
+ -->
+ <modify-target target="$(id)">
+ <set var="__deps" prepend="1">
+ $(substitute(__mkdir_tgt, lambda x: ref('__depname', x), 'DEP'))
+ </set>
+ </modify-target>
+ </if>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf'">
+ <set var="_DIRNAME">$(value)</set>
+ <dirname>$(_DIRNAME)</dirname>
+ </if>
+ </define-tag>
+ <!-- Adds to the compiler & linker flags the path for the "include" and the
+ "lib" folders of a library following wxWidgets conventions which is
+ located in $(value).
+ -->
+ <define-tag name="wxlike-paths" rules="exe,lib,dll,module">
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf' and FORMAT!='gnu'">
+ <!-- WXLIBPATH is a path like "/lib/vc_lib"
+ NOTE: even if this template is going to be used for a "lib"
+ target (which does not uses lib-paths at all), we can still
+ use the <lib-path> target: it will just be discarded
+ -->
+ <lib-path>$(value)$(WXLIBPATH)</lib-path>
+ <!-- no special include paths for a lib following wxWidgets naming
+ conventions -->
+ <include>$(value)/include</include>
+ </if>
+ <!-- for autoconf format the user should use CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to
+ specify non-system paths since the wx-based library should have
+ been installed in standard paths
+ -->
+ </define-tag>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Sets the BUILDDIR variable using the same rules used by wxWidgets itself.
+ This makes it possible to keep separated the object files compiled with
+ different configuration settings.
+ -->
+ <define-global-tag name="set-wxlike-builddir">
+ <!-- note that the builddir for autoconf should always be '.' -->
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf'">
+ <if cond="WX_SHARED=='0'"></if>
+ <if cond="WX_SHARED=='1'">_dll</if>
+ </set>
+ <set var="BUILDDIR">
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ </define-global-tag>
+ <!-- Sets a variable with the name of the 'var' attribute value using the
+ same rules used for wxWidgets library naming.
+ E.g.
+ <set-wxlike var='MYMODULE_LIBNAME' prefix='mylib'>
+ mymodule
+ </set-wxlike>
+ This tag also supports a 'cond' attribute making it very powerful
+ for conditional linking a wx-based library:
+ <option name="USE_MYMODULE">
+ <values>0,1</values>
+ </option>
+ <set-wxlike var='MYMODULE_DEP'
+ prefix='mylib'
+ cond="USE_MYMODULE=='1'">
+ mymodule
+ </set-wxlike>
+ ...
+ <exe id="myexe">
+ <sys-lib>$(MYMODULE_DEP)</sys-lib>
+ </exe>
+ -->
+ <define-global-tag name="set-wxlike">
+ <if cond="FORMAT!='autoconf' and FORMAT!='gnu'">
+ <if cond="'cond' not in attributes">
+ <set var="$(attributes['var'])">
+ $(attributes['prefix'])_$(WX_PORT)$(WX_VERSION)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_$(value)
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="'cond' in attributes">
+ <set var="$(attributes['var'])">
+ <if cond="$(attributes['cond'])">
+ $(attributes['prefix'])_$(WX_PORT)$(WX_VERSION)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_$(value)
+ </if>
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="FORMAT=='autoconf' or FORMAT=='gnu'">
+ <if cond="'cond' not in attributes">
+ <set var="$(attributes['var'])">
+ $(attributes['prefix'])_$(WX_PORT)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_$(value)-$(WX_VERSION_MAJOR).$(WX_VERSION_MINOR)
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ <if cond="'cond' in attributes">
+ <set var="$(attributes['var'])">
+ <if cond="$(attributes['cond'])">
+ $(attributes['prefix'])_$(WX_PORT)$(WXLIBPOSTFIX)_$(value)-$(WX_VERSION_MAJOR).$(WX_VERSION_MINOR)
+ </if>
+ </set>
+ </if>
+ </if>
+ </define-global-tag>
+ <include file="wx_xrc.bkl"/>