no default filename will be supplied. The wildcard determines what files
are displayed in the file selector, and file extension supplies a type
extension for the required filename. Flags may be a combination of wxOPEN,
-wxSAVE, wxOVERWRITE\_PROMPT, wxHIDE\_READONLY, or 0. They are only significant
-at present in Windows.
Both the X and Windows versions implement a wildcard filter. Typing a
filename containing wildcards (*, ?) in the filename text item, and
clicking on Ok, will result in only those files matching the pattern being
-displayed. In the X version, supplying no default name will result in the
-wildcard filter being inserted in the filename text item; the filter is
-ignored if a default name is supplied.
-Under Windows (only), the wildcard may be a specification for multiple
+displayed. The wildcard may be a specification for multiple
types of file with a description for each, such as:
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxOPEN}}{This is an open dialog (Windows only).}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxSAVE}}{This is a save dialog (Windows only).}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxHIDE\_READONLY}}{Hide read-only files (Windows only).}
-\twocolitem{{\bf wxOVERWRITE\_PROMPT}}{Prompt for a conformation if a file will be overridden (Windows only).}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxOPEN}}{This is an open dialog.}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxSAVE}}{This is a save dialog.}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxHIDE\_READONLY}}{Hide read-only files.}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxOVERWRITE\_PROMPT}}{Prompt for a conformation if a file will be overridden.}