These are the classes relevant to sizer-based layout:
@li wxSizer: Abstract base class
+@li wxBoxSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a row or column
@li wxGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a grid with all fields
having the same size
@li wxFlexGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a flexible grid
@li wxGridBagSizer: Another grid sizer that lets you specify the cell an item
is in, and items can span rows and/or columns.
-@li wxBoxSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a row or column
@li wxStaticBoxSizer: Same as wxBoxSizer, but with a surrounding static box
@li wxWrapSizer: A sizer which wraps its child controls as size permits
@li wxComboCtrl: A combobox with application defined popup
@li wxDataViewCtrl: A control to display tabular or tree like data
@li wxDataViewTreeCtrl: A specialized wxDataViewCtrl with a wxTreeCtrl-like API
+@li wxDataViewListCtrl: A specialized wxDataViewCtrl for displaying and editing simple tables.
@li wxEditableListBox: A listbox with editable items.
+@li wxFileCtrl: A control for selecting a file. Useful for custom file dialogs.
@li wxGauge: A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time remaining
@li wxGenericDirCtrl: A control for displaying a directory tree
@li wxGrid: A control to display spread-sheet like data in tabular form
@li wxRadioBox: A group of radio buttons
@li wxRadioButton: A round button to be used with others in a mutually
exclusive way
+@li wxRearrangeCtrl: A control allowing the user to rearrange a list of items.
@li wxRichTextCtrl: Generic rich text editing control
@li wxSimpleHtmlListBox: A listbox showing HTML content
@li wxStaticBox: A static, or group box for visually grouping related controls
@li wxHVScrolledWindow: As ::wxScrolledWindow but supports scroll units of
variable sizes.
@li wxGrid: A grid (table) window
+@li wxInfoBar: An information bar usually shown on top of the main window.
@li wxSplitterWindow: Window which can be split vertically or horizontally
@li wxStatusBar: Implements the status bar on a frame
@li wxToolBar: Toolbar class
@li wxDirDialog: Directory selector dialog
@li wxFileDialog: File selector dialog
@li wxFindReplaceDialog: Text search/replace dialog
-@li wxMultiChoiceDialog: Dialog to get one or more selections from a list
-@li wxSingleChoiceDialog: Dialog to get a single selection from a list and
- return the string
-@li wxTextEntryDialog: Dialog to get a single line of text from the user
-@li wxPasswordEntryDialog: Dialog to get a password from the user
@li wxFontDialog: Font chooser dialog
+@li wxMessageDialog: Simple message box dialog
+@li wxMultiChoiceDialog: Dialog to get one or more selections from a list
@li wxPageSetupDialog: Standard page setup dialog
+@li wxPasswordEntryDialog: Dialog to get a password from the user
@li wxPrintDialog: Standard print dialog
@li wxProgressDialog: Progress indication dialog
-@li wxMessageDialog: Simple message box dialog
-@li wxSymbolPickerDialog: Symbol selector dialog
+@li wxRearrangeDialog: Dialog allowing the user to rearrange a list of items.
@li wxRichTextFormattingDialog: A dialog for formatting the content of a
+@li wxSingleChoiceDialog: Dialog to get a single selection from a list and
+ return the string
+@li wxSymbolPickerDialog: Symbol selector dialog
+@li wxTextEntryDialog: Dialog to get a single line of text from the user
@li wxWizard: A wizard dialog.
An event object contains information about a specific event. Event handlers
(usually member functions) have a single, event argument.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_eventhandling
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_events
@li wxActivateEvent: A window or application activation event
@li wxCalendarEvent: Used with wxCalendarCtrl
@li wxIdleEvent: An idle event
@li wxInitDialogEvent: A dialog initialisation event
@li wxJoystickEvent: A joystick event
+@li wxKeyboardState: State of the keyboard modifiers.
@li wxListEvent: A list control event
@li wxMaximizeEvent: A maximize event
@li wxMenuEvent: A menu event
@li wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent: A mouse capture changed event
@li wxMouseCaptureLostEvent: A mouse capture lost event
@li wxMouseEvent: A mouse event
+@li wxMouseState: State of the mouse
@li wxMoveEvent: A move event
@li wxNavigationKeyEvent: An event set by navigation keys such as tab
@li wxNotebookEvent: A notebook control event
wxWidgets provides several classes and functions for message logging.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_log
+Related overview: @ref overview_log
@see @ref group_funcmacro_log "Logging Functions and Macros"
These are the data structure classes supported by wxWidgets.
+@li wxAny: A class for storing arbitrary types that may change at run-time
@li wxCmdLineParser: Command line parser class
@li wxDateSpan: A logical time interval.
@li wxDateTime: A class for date/time manipulations
wxWidgets has several small classes to work with disk files and directories.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_file
+Related overview: @ref overview_file
@li wxFileName: Operations with the file name and attributes
@li wxDir: Class for enumerating files/subdirectories.
@li wxTextFile: Class for working with text files as with arrays of lines
@li wxStandardPaths: Paths for standard directories
@li wxPathList: A class to help search multiple paths
+@li wxFileSystemWatcher: Class providing notifications of file system changes
@section page_class_cat_streams Streams
-wxWidgets has its own set of stream classes, as an alternative to often buggy
-standard stream libraries, and to provide enhanced functionality.
+wxWidgets has its own set of stream classes as an alternative to the
+standard stream libraries and to provide enhanced functionality.
+Related overview: @ref overview_stream
@li wxStreamBase: Stream base class
@li wxStreamBuffer: Stream buffer class
Resources allow your application to create controls and other user interface
elements from specifications stored in an XML format.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_xrc
+Related overview: @ref overview_xrc
@li wxXmlResource: The main class for working with resources
@li wxXmlResourceHandler: The base class for XML resource handlers
wxWidgets provides simple interprocess communications facilities based on
Windows DDE, but available on most platforms using TCP.
-Related Overviews: @ref overview_ipc
+Related overview: @ref overview_ipc
@li wxClient, wxDDEClient: Represents a client
@li wxConnection, wxDDEConnection: Represents the connection between a client