- else if (style1 == BS_OWNERDRAW)
- {
- // TODO: how to find the bitmap?
- // TODO: can't distinguish between bitmap button and bitmap static.
- // Change implementation of wxStaticBitmap to SS_BITMAP.
- // PROBLEM: this assumes that we're using resource-based bitmaps.
- // So maybe need 2 implementations of bitmap buttons/static controls,
- // with a switch in the drawing code. Call default proc if BS_BITMAP.
- win = new wxBitmapButton;
- }
- else if ((style1 == BS_PUSHBUTTON) || (style1 == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON))
- {
- win = new wxButton;
- }
- else if (style1 == BS_GROUPBOX)
- {
- win = new wxStaticBox;
- }
- else
- {
- char buf[256];
- sprintf(buf, "Don't know what kind of button this is: id = %d", (int) id);
- wxLogError(buf);
- }
- }
- else if (str == "COMBOBOX")
- {
- win = new wxComboBox;
- }
- // TODO: Problem if the user creates a multiline - but not rich text - text control,
- // since wxWin assumes RichEdit control for this. Should have m_isRichText in
- // wxTextCtrl. Also, convert as much of the window style as is necessary
- // for correct functioning.
- // Could have wxWindow::AdoptAttributesFromHWND(WXHWND)
- // to be overridden by each control class.
- else if (str == "EDIT")
- {
- win = new wxTextCtrl;
- }
- else if (str == "LISTBOX")
- {
- win = new wxListBox;
- }
- else if (str == "SCROLLBAR")
- {
- win = new wxScrollBar;
- }
+ else if (style1 == BS_OWNERDRAW)
+ {
+ // TODO: how to find the bitmap?
+ // TODO: can't distinguish between bitmap button and bitmap static.
+ // Change implementation of wxStaticBitmap to SS_BITMAP.
+ // PROBLEM: this assumes that we're using resource-based bitmaps.
+ // So maybe need 2 implementations of bitmap buttons/static controls,
+ // with a switch in the drawing code. Call default proc if BS_BITMAP.
+ win = new wxBitmapButton;
+ }
+ else if ((style1 == BS_PUSHBUTTON) || (style1 == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON))
+ {
+ win = new wxButton;
+ }
+ else if (style1 == BS_GROUPBOX)
+ {
+ win = new wxStaticBox;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLogError(_T("Don't know what kind of button this is: id = %d"),
+ id);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (str == "COMBOBOX")
+ {
+ win = new wxComboBox;
+ }
+ // TODO: Problem if the user creates a multiline - but not rich text - text control,
+ // since wxWin assumes RichEdit control for this. Should have m_isRichText in
+ // wxTextCtrl. Also, convert as much of the window style as is necessary
+ // for correct functioning.
+ // Could have wxWindow::AdoptAttributesFromHWND(WXHWND)
+ // to be overridden by each control class.
+ else if (str == "EDIT")
+ {
+ win = new wxTextCtrl;
+ }
+ else if (str == "LISTBOX")
+ {
+ win = new wxListBox;
+ }
+ else if (str == "SCROLLBAR")
+ {
+ win = new wxScrollBar;
+ }