-if [ $skiplinux != yes ]; then
- echo "-=-=- Starting Linux build..."
- # The remote linux build is a bit different than the others. The
- # SRPMs will have already been built in the initial source
- # building steps, the only thing that the remote build needs to
- # do is an "rpmbuild --rebuild" for each package. So we'll just
- # copy the build script over and execute it, there is no need to
- # unpack the tarball and most of the other steps...
- echo "Copying source filesa nd build script..."
- ssh root@$LINUX_HOST "mkdir -p $LINUX_BUILD && rm -rf $LINUX_BUILD/*"
+ echo "Copying source files and build script..."
+ ssh root@$host "mkdir -p $LINUX_BUILD && rm -rf $LINUX_BUILD/*"