+ @remarks
+ - If property is not supposed to use choice or spinctrl or other editor
+ with int-based value, it is not necessary to implement this method.
+ - Default implementation simply assign given int to m_value.
+ - If property uses choice control, and displays a dialog on some choice
+ items, then it is preferred to display that dialog in IntToValue
+ instead of OnEvent.
+ - You might want to take into account that m_value is Null variant if
+ property value is unspecified (which is usually only case if you
+ explicitly enabled that sort behavior).
+ */
+ virtual bool IntToValue( wxVariant& value,
+ int number,
+ int argFlags = 0 ) const;
+#endif // !defined(SWIG) || defined(CREATE_VCW)
+ /**
+ Converts property value into a text representation.
+ @param value
+ Value to be converted.
+ @param argFlags
+ If 0 (default value), then displayed string is returned.
+ If wxPG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable string value
+ instead of displayable. If wxPG_EDITABLE_VALUE is set, returns
+ string value that must be editable in textctrl. If
+ wxPG_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT is set, returns text that is appropriate to
+ display as a part of string property's composite text
+ representation.
+ @remarks Default implementation calls GenerateComposedValue().
+ */
+ virtual wxString ValueToString( wxVariant& value, int argFlags = 0 ) const;
+ /** Converts string to a value, and if successful, calls SetValue() on it.
+ Default behavior is to do nothing.
+ @param text
+ String to get the value from.
+ @return
+ true if value was changed.
+ */
+ bool SetValueFromString( const wxString& text, int flags = wxPG_PROGRAMMATIC_VALUE );
+ /** Converts integer to a value, and if succesful, calls SetValue() on it.
+ Default behavior is to do nothing.
+ @param value
+ Int to get the value from.
+ @param flags
+ If has wxPG_FULL_VALUE, then the value given is a actual value and
+ not an index.
+ @return
+ True if value was changed.
+ */
+ bool SetValueFromInt( long value, int flags = 0 );