+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxComboCtrl with custom popup animation. We use EVT_TIMER, which is quite
+// safe, but requires much more can than doing it in a single function (ie.
+// AnimateShow) and using combination of wxSleep and wxSafeYield.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if wxUSE_TIMER
+#define CUSTOM_COMBOBOX_ANIMATION_DURATION 200 // In milliseconds
+#include "wx/timer.h"
+class wxComboCtrlWithCustomPopupAnim : public wxComboCtrl
+ virtual bool AnimateShow( const wxRect& rect, int flags )
+ {
+ MyFrame* myFrame = (MyFrame*) ::wxGetTopLevelParent(this);
+ if ( !myFrame->m_cbUseAnim->GetValue() )
+ return true;
+ m_animStart = ::wxGetLocalTimeMillis();
+ m_animRect = rect;
+ m_animFlags = flags;
+ wxScreenDC dc;
+ wxBitmap bitmap( rect.width, rect.height, -1 );
+ wxMemoryDC memdc( bitmap );
+ memdc.Blit( 0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, &dc, rect.x, rect.y );
+ memdc.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap);
+ m_animBackBitmap = bitmap;
+ m_animTimer.SetOwner( this, wxID_ANY );
+ m_animTimer.Start( 10, wxTIMER_CONTINUOUS );
+ DoOnTimer();
+ return false;
+ }
+ void OnTimerEvent( wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+ {
+ DoOnTimer();
+ }
+ void DoOnTimer()
+ {
+ bool stopTimer = false;
+ wxWindow* popup = GetPopupControl()->GetControl();
+ wxScreenDC dc;
+ const wxRect& rect = m_animRect;
+ // Popup was hidden before it was fully shown?
+ if ( IsPopupWindowState(Hidden) )
+ {
+ stopTimer = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxLongLong t = ::wxGetLocalTimeMillis();
+ int pos = (int) (t-m_animStart).GetLo();
+ {
+ //
+ // Actual animation happens here
+ //
+ int width = rect.width;
+ int height = rect.height;
+ int center_x = rect.x + (width/2);
+ int center_y = rect.y + (height/2);
+ double d_height = (double) height;
+ dc.SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN );
+ dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
+ int w = (((pos*256)/CUSTOM_COMBOBOX_ANIMATION_DURATION)*width)/256;
+ double ratio = ((double)w / (double)width);
+ int h = (int)(d_height * ratio);
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_animBackBitmap, rect.x, rect.y );
+ dc.DrawRectangle( center_x - w/2, center_y - h/2, w, h );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stopTimer = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( stopTimer )
+ {
+ dc.DrawBitmap( m_animBackBitmap, rect.x, rect.y );
+ popup->Move( 0, 0 );
+ m_animTimer.Stop();
+ DoShowPopup( m_animRect, m_animFlags );
+ }
+ }
+ // Popup animation related
+ wxLongLong m_animStart;
+ wxTimer m_animTimer;
+ wxRect m_animRect;
+ wxBitmap m_animBackBitmap;
+ int m_animFlags;
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxComboCtrlWithCustomPopupAnim, wxComboCtrl)
+ EVT_TIMER(wxID_ANY, wxComboCtrlWithCustomPopupAnim::OnTimerEvent)
+#define wxComboCtrlWithCustomPopupAnim wxComboCtrl