+ wxCocoaTrackingRectManager *m_visibleTrackingRectManager;
+ static wxWindow *sm_capturedWindow;
+ virtual void CocoaReplaceView(WX_NSView oldView, WX_NSView newView);
+ void SetInitialFrameRect(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+ inline NSRect MakeDefaultNSRect(const wxSize& size)
+ {
+ // NOTE: position is 10,10 to make it "obvious" that it's out of place
+ return NSMakeRect(10.0,10.0,WidthDefault(size.x),HeightDefault(size.y));
+ }
+ // These functions translate NSPoint or NSRect between the coordinate
+ // system of Cocoa's boudns rect and wx's coordinate system.
+ NSPoint CocoaTransformBoundsToWx(NSPoint pointBounds);
+ NSRect CocoaTransformBoundsToWx(NSRect rectBounds);
+ NSPoint CocoaTransformWxToBounds(NSPoint pointWx);
+ NSRect CocoaTransformWxToBounds(NSRect rectWx);
+#endif //def __OBJC__