+ //
+ // In the case of a frame whose client is sized, the client cannot be
+ // large than its parent frame minus its borders! This usually happens
+ // when using an autosizer to size a frame to precisely hold client
+ // controls as in the notebook sample.
+ //
+ // In this case, we may need to resize both a frame and its client so we
+ // need a quick calc of the frame border size, then if the frame
+ // (less its borders) is smaller than the client, size the frame to
+ // encompass the client with the appropriate border size.
+ //
+ if (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame)))
+ {
+ RECTL vFRect;
+ HWND hWndFrame;
+ int nWidthFrameDelta = 0;
+ int nHeightFrameDelta = 0;
+ int nHeightFrame = 0;
+ int nWidthFrame = 0;
+ wxFrame* pFrame;
+ pFrame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame);
+ hWndFrame = pFrame->GetFrame();
+ ::WinQueryWindowRect(hWndFrame, &vRect);
+ ::WinMapWindowPoints(hWndFrame, HWND_DESKTOP, (PPOINTL)&vRect, 2);
+ vFRect = vRect;
+ ::WinCalcFrameRect(hWndFrame, &vRect, TRUE);
+ nWidthFrameDelta = ((vRect.xLeft - vFRect.xLeft) + (vFRect.xRight - vRect.xRight));
+ nHeightFrameDelta = ((vRect.yBottom - vFRect.yBottom) + (vFRect.yTop - vRect.yTop));
+ nWidthFrame = vFRect.xRight - vFRect.xLeft;
+ nHeightFrame = vFRect.yTop - vFRect.yBottom;
+ if (nWidth == vFRect.xRight - vFRect.xLeft &&
+ nHeight == vFRect.yTop - vFRect.yBottom)
+ {
+ //
+ // In this case the caller is not aware of OS/2's need to size both
+ // the frame and it's client and is really only moving the window,
+ // not resizeing it. So move the frame, and back off the sizes
+ // for a proper client fit.
+ //
+ ::WinSetWindowPos( hWndFrame
+ ,(LONG)nX - (vRect.xLeft - vFRect.xLeft)
+ ,(LONG)nY - (vRect.yBottom - vFRect.yBottom)
+ ,(LONG)0
+ ,(LONG)0
+ );
+ nX += (vRect.xLeft - vFRect.xLeft);
+ nY += (vRect.yBottom - vFRect.yBottom);
+ nWidth -= nWidthFrameDelta;
+ nHeight -= nHeightFrameDelta;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (nWidth > nWidthFrame - nHeightFrameDelta ||
+ nHeight > nHeightFrame - nHeightFrameDelta)
+ {
+ ::WinSetWindowPos( hWndFrame
+ ,(LONG)nX - (vRect.xLeft - vFRect.xLeft)
+ ,(LONG)nY - (vRect.yBottom - vFRect.yBottom)
+ ,(LONG)nWidth + nWidthFrameDelta
+ ,(LONG)nHeight + nHeightFrameDelta
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::WinSetWindowPos( GetHwnd()
+ ,(LONG)nX
+ ,(LONG)nY
+ ,(LONG)nWidth
+ ,(LONG)nHeight
+ );
+ if (m_vWinSwp.cx == 0 && m_vWinSwp.cy == 0 && m_vWinSwp.fl == 0)
+ //
+ // Uninitialized
+ //
+ ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &m_vWinSwp);
+ else
+ {
+ int nYDiff = m_vWinSwp.cy - nHeight;
+ //
+ // Handle resizing of scrolled windows. The target or window to
+ // be scrolled is the owner (gets the scroll notificaitons). The
+ // parent is usually the parent frame of the scrolled panel window.
+ // In order to show the scrollbars the target window will be shrunk
+ // by the size of the scroll bar widths (20) and moved in the X and Y
+ // directon. That value will be computed as part of the diff for
+ // moving the children. Everytime the window is sized the
+ // toplevel OnSize is going to resize the panel to fit the client
+ // or the whole sizer and will need to me resized. This will send
+ // a WM_SIZE out which will be intercepted by the ScrollHelper
+ // which will cause the scrollbars to be displayed via the SetScrollbar
+ // call in CWindow.
+ //
+ if ( IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxGenericScrolledWindow)) ||
+ IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxScrolledWindow))
+ )
+ {
+ int nAdjustWidth = 0;
+ int nAdjustHeight = 0;
+ SWP vSwpScroll;
+ if (GetScrollBarHorz() == NULLHANDLE ||
+ !WinIsWindowShowing(GetScrollBarHorz()))
+ nAdjustHeight = 0L;
+ else
+ nAdjustHeight = 20L;
+ if (GetScrollBarVert() == NULLHANDLE ||
+ !WinIsWindowShowing(GetScrollBarVert()))
+ nAdjustWidth = 0L;
+ else
+ nAdjustWidth = 20L;
+ ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHWND(), &vSwpScroll);
+ ::WinSetWindowPos( GetHWND()
+ ,vSwpScroll.x
+ ,vSwpScroll.y + nAdjustHeight
+ ,vSwpScroll.cx - nAdjustWidth
+ ,vSwpScroll.cy - nAdjustHeight
+ );
+ nYDiff += nAdjustHeight;
+ }
+ MoveChildren(nYDiff);
+ ::WinQueryWindowPos(GetHwnd(), &m_vWinSwp);
+ }
+#if 0
+ // FIXME: By my logic, the next line should be needed as it moves child
+ // windows when resizing the parent (see comment at beginning of
+ // function). However, this seems to cause lots of problems. At
+ // least, e.g. the grid sample almost works with this line
+ // commented out but crashes badly with it.
+ MoveChildren(nHeightDelta);