- void SetClientSize(int width, int height);
- void GetPosition(int *x, int *y) const;
- bool Show(bool show);
- void Iconize(bool iconize);
- void Fit();
- void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
- wxString GetTitle() const ;
- void OnCharHook(wxKeyEvent& event);
- void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
- void SetModal(bool flag);
- // Standard buttons
- void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnApply(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
- // Responds to colour changes
- void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);
- // _WX_DIALOG_H_
+ // implementation only from now on
+ // -------------------------------
+ // override some base class virtuals
+ virtual bool Show(bool show = true);
+ //
+ // Callbacks
+ //
+ virtual MRESULT OS2WindowProc( WXUINT uMessage
+ ,WXWPARAM wParam
+ ,WXLPARAM lParam
+ );
+ // Constructor with a modal flag, but no window id - the old convention
+ wxDEPRECATED( wxDialog( wxWindow* pParent
+ ,const wxString& rsTitle
+ ,bool bModal
+ ,int nX = -1
+ ,int nY = -1
+ ,int nWidth = 500
+ ,int nHeight = 500
+ ,long lStyle = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE
+ ,const wxString& rsName = wxDialogNameStr
+ ) );
+ // just call Show() or ShowModal()
+ wxDEPRECATED( void SetModal(bool bFlag) );
+ // use IsModal()
+ wxDEPRECATED( bool IsModalShowing() const );
+ //
+ // find the window to use as parent for this dialog if none has been
+ // specified explicitly by the user
+ //
+ // may return NULL
+ //
+ wxWindow *FindSuitableParent() const;
+ //
+ // Common part of all ctors
+ //
+ void Init(void);
+ wxWindow* m_pOldFocus;
+ bool m_endModalCalled; // allow for closing within InitDialog
+ // this pointer is non-NULL only while the modal event loop is running
+ wxDialogModalData *m_modalData;
+ //
+ // While we are showing a modal dialog we disable the other windows using
+ // this object
+ //
+ class wxWindowDisabler* m_pWindowDisabler;
+}; // end of CLASS wxDialog
+#endif // _WX_DIALOG_H_