- // FIXME_MGL -- so what is The Proper Way?
- if ( wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxT("mgl.screen-width") )
- width = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("mgl.screen-width"));
- if ( wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxT("mgl.screen-height") )
- height = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("mgl.screen-height"));
- if ( wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxT("mgl.screen-depth") )
- depth = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("mgl.screen-depth"));
- if ( wxSystemOptions::HasOption(wxT("mgl.screen-refresh") )
- refresh = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt(wxT("mgl.screen-refresh"));
- mode = MGL_findMode(width, height, depth);
- if ( mode == -1 )
- {
- wxLogWarning(_("Mode %ix%i-%i not available, falling back to default mode."), width, height, depth);
- mode = 0; // always available
- }
- g_displayDC = new MGLDisplayDC(mode, 1, refresh);
- if ( !g_displayDC->isValid() )
- {
- delete g_displayDC;
- g_displayDC = NULL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- g_winMng = MGL_wmCreate(g_displayDC->getDC());
- if (!g_winMng)
- return FALSE;
- MGL_wmSetWindowPainter(MGL_wmGetRootWindow(g_winMng), wxDesktopPainter);
- return TRUE;
-void wxDestroyMGL_WM()
- if ( g_winMng )
- {
- MGL_wmDestroy(g_winMng);
- g_winMng = NULL;
- }
- if ( g_displayDC )
- {
- delete g_displayDC;
- g_displayDC = NULL;
- }
+ static int screenshot_num = 0;
+ char screenshot[128];
+ sprintf(screenshot, "screenshot-%03i.png", screenshot_num++);
+ g_displayDC->savePNGFromDC(screenshot, 0, 0,
+ g_displayDC->sizex(),
+ g_displayDC->sizey());