if ( wxPGGlobalVars->m_mapEditorClasses.empty() )
+ m_validatingEditor = 0;
m_iFlags = 0;
m_pState = NULL;
m_wndEditor = m_wndEditor2 = NULL;
m_mouseSide = 16;
m_editorFocused = 0;
- // Must set empty but valid data
- m_unspecifiedAppearance.SetEmptyData();
+ // Set up default unspecified value 'colour'
+ m_unspecifiedAppearance.SetFgCol(*wxLIGHT_GREY);
// Set default keys
m_selColumn = 1;
+ int wasFocused = m_iFlags & wxPG_FL_FOCUSED;
m_labelEditor = NULL;
m_labelEditorProperty = NULL;
+ // Fix focus (needed at least on wxGTK)
+ if ( wasFocused )
+ SetFocusOnCanvas();
+ // Fix editor position
+ CorrectEditorWidgetPosY();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
const wxPGProperty* firstSelected = GetSelection();
const wxPropertyGridPageState* state = m_pState;
+ const wxArrayInt& colWidths = state->m_colWidths;
bool wasSelectedPainted = false;
unsigned int si;
int sx = x;
- for ( si=0; si<state->m_colWidths.size(); si++ )
+ for ( si=0; si<colWidths.size(); si++ )
- sx += state->m_colWidths[si];
+ sx += colWidths[si];
dc.DrawLine( sx, y, sx, y2 );
lh );
- if ( p->IsCategory() )
+ // Default cell rect fill the entire row
+ wxRect cellRect(greyDepthX, y,
+ gridWidth - greyDepth + 2, rowHeight-1 );
+ bool isCategory = p->IsCategory();
+ if ( isCategory )
- // Captions have their cell areas merged as one
fontChanged = true;
- wxRect cellRect(greyDepthX, y, gridWidth - greyDepth + 2, rowHeight-1 );
if ( renderFlags & wxPGCellRenderer::DontUseCellBgCol )
- wxPGCellRenderer* renderer = p->GetCellRenderer(0);
- renderer->Render( dc, cellRect, this, p, 0, -1, renderFlags );
- // Tree Item Button
- if ( !HasFlag(wxPG_HIDE_MARGIN) && p->HasVisibleChildren() )
- DrawExpanderButton( dc, butRect, p );
if ( butRect.x > 0 )
- if ( p->m_flags & wxPG_PROP_MODIFIED && (windowStyle & wxPG_BOLD_MODIFIED) )
+ if ( p->m_flags & wxPG_PROP_MODIFIED &&
+ (windowStyle & wxPG_BOLD_MODIFIED) )
fontChanged = true;
- unsigned int ci;
- int cellX = x + 1;
- int nextCellWidth = state->m_colWidths[0] -
- (greyDepthX - m_marginWidth);
- wxRect cellRect(greyDepthX+1, y, 0, rowHeight-1);
- int textXAdd = textMarginHere - greyDepthX;
+ // Magic fine-tuning for non-category rows
+ cellRect.x += 1;
+ }
+ int firstCellWidth = colWidths[0] - (greyDepthX - m_marginWidth);
+ int firstCellX = cellRect.x;
+ // Calculate cellRect.x for the last cell
+ unsigned int ci = 0;
+ int cellX = x + 1;
+ for ( ci=0; ci<colWidths.size(); ci++ )
+ cellX += colWidths[ci];
+ cellRect.x = cellX;
+ // Draw cells from back to front so that we can easily tell if the
+ // cell on the right was empty from text
+ bool prevFilled = true;
+ ci = colWidths.size();
+ do
+ {
+ ci--;
+ int textXAdd = 0;
+ if ( ci == 0 )
+ {
+ textXAdd = textMarginHere - greyDepthX;
+ cellRect.width = firstCellWidth;
+ cellRect.x = firstCellX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int colWidth = colWidths[ci];
+ cellRect.width = colWidth;
+ cellRect.x -= colWidth;
+ }
- for ( ci=0; ci<state->m_colWidths.size(); ci++ )
+ // Merge with column to the right?
+ if ( !prevFilled && isCategory )
- cellRect.width = nextCellWidth - 1;
+ cellRect.width += colWidths[ci+1];
+ }
+ if ( !isCategory )
+ cellRect.width -= 1;
- wxWindow* cellEditor = NULL;
- int cellRenderFlags = renderFlags;
+ wxWindow* cellEditor = NULL;
+ int cellRenderFlags = renderFlags;
- // Tree Item Button (must be drawn before clipping is set up)
- if ( ci == 0 && !HasFlag(wxPG_HIDE_MARGIN) && p->HasVisibleChildren() )
- DrawExpanderButton( dc, butRect, p );
+ // Tree Item Button (must be drawn before clipping is set up)
+ if ( ci == 0 && !HasFlag(wxPG_HIDE_MARGIN) && p->HasVisibleChildren() )
+ DrawExpanderButton( dc, butRect, p );
- // Background
- if ( isSelected && (ci == 1 || ci == m_selColumn) )
+ // Background
+ if ( isSelected && (ci == 1 || ci == m_selColumn) )
+ {
+ if ( p == firstSelected )
- if ( p == firstSelected )
- {
- if ( ci == 1 && m_wndEditor )
- cellEditor = m_wndEditor;
- else if ( ci == m_selColumn && m_labelEditor )
- cellEditor = m_labelEditor;
- }
+ if ( ci == 1 && m_wndEditor )
+ cellEditor = m_wndEditor;
+ else if ( ci == m_selColumn && m_labelEditor )
+ cellEditor = m_labelEditor;
+ }
- if ( cellEditor )
- {
- wxColour editorBgCol =
- cellEditor->GetBackgroundColour();
- dc.SetBrush(editorBgCol);
- dc.SetPen(editorBgCol);
+ if ( cellEditor )
+ {
+ wxColour editorBgCol =
+ cellEditor->GetBackgroundColour();
+ dc.SetBrush(editorBgCol);
+ dc.SetPen(editorBgCol);
+ dc.SetTextForeground(m_colPropFore);
+ dc.DrawRectangle(cellRect);
+ if ( m_dragStatus != 0 ||
+ (m_iFlags & wxPG_FL_CUR_USES_CUSTOM_IMAGE) )
+ cellEditor = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetBrush(m_colPropBack);
+ dc.SetPen(m_colPropBack);
+ if ( p->IsEnabled() )
- dc.DrawRectangle(cellRect);
- if ( m_dragStatus != 0 ||
- (m_iFlags & wxPG_FL_CUR_USES_CUSTOM_IMAGE) )
- cellEditor = NULL;
- }
- {
- dc.SetBrush(m_colPropBack);
- dc.SetPen(m_colPropBack);
- if ( p->IsEnabled() )
- dc.SetTextForeground(rowFgCol);
- else
- dc.SetTextForeground(m_colDisPropFore);
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( renderFlags & wxPGCellRenderer::DontUseCellBgCol )
- if ( renderFlags & wxPGCellRenderer::DontUseCellBgCol )
- {
- dc.SetBrush(rowBgBrush);
- dc.SetPen(rowBgCol);
- }
+ dc.SetBrush(rowBgBrush);
+ dc.SetPen(rowBgCol);
+ }
- if ( renderFlags & wxPGCellRenderer::DontUseCellFgCol )
- {
- dc.SetTextForeground(rowFgCol);
- }
+ if ( renderFlags & wxPGCellRenderer::DontUseCellFgCol )
+ {
+ dc.SetTextForeground(rowFgCol);
+ }
- dc.SetClippingRegion(cellRect);
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(cellRect);
- cellRect.x += textXAdd;
- cellRect.width -= textXAdd;
+ cellRect.x += textXAdd;
+ cellRect.width -= textXAdd;
- // Foreground
- if ( !cellEditor )
+ // Foreground
+ if ( !cellEditor )
+ {
+ wxPGCellRenderer* renderer;
+ int cmnVal = p->GetCommonValue();
+ if ( cmnVal == -1 || ci != 1 )
- wxPGCellRenderer* renderer;
- int cmnVal = p->GetCommonValue();
- if ( cmnVal == -1 || ci != 1 )
- {
- renderer = p->GetCellRenderer(ci);
- renderer->Render( dc, cellRect, this, p, ci, -1,
- cellRenderFlags );
- }
- else
- {
- renderer = GetCommonValue(cmnVal)->GetRenderer();
- renderer->Render( dc, cellRect, this, p, ci, -1,
- cellRenderFlags );
- }
+ renderer = p->GetCellRenderer(ci);
+ prevFilled = renderer->Render(dc, cellRect, this,
+ p, ci, -1,
+ cellRenderFlags );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ renderer = GetCommonValue(cmnVal)->GetRenderer();
+ prevFilled = renderer->Render(dc, cellRect, this,
+ p, ci, -1,
+ cellRenderFlags );
- cellX += state->m_colWidths[ci];
- if ( ci < (state->m_colWidths.size()-1) )
- nextCellWidth = state->m_colWidths[ci+1];
- cellRect.x = cellX;
- dc.DestroyClippingRegion(); // Is this really necessary?
- textXAdd = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ prevFilled = true;
+ }
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion(); // Is this really necessary?
+ while ( ci > 0 );
if ( fontChanged )
// Return rect which encloses the given property range
+ // (in logical grid coordinates)
+ //
int visTop = p1->GetY();
int visBottom;
wxRect r = GetPropertyRect(p1, p2);
if ( r.width > 0 )
+ // Convert rectangle from logical grid coordinates to physical ones
+ int vx, vy;
+ GetViewStart(&vx, &vy);
+ r.x -= vx;
+ r.y -= vy;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxPropertyGrid::CenterSplitter( bool enableAutoCentering )
+void wxPropertyGrid::ResetColumnSizes( bool enableAutoResizing )
+ wxPropertyGridPageState* state = m_pState;
+ if ( state )
+ state->ResetColumnSizes(0);
+ if ( enableAutoResizing && HasFlag(wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER) )
+ m_pState->m_dontCenterSplitter = false;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxPropertyGrid::CenterSplitter( bool enableAutoResizing )
SetSplitterPosition( m_width/2 );
- if ( enableAutoCentering && HasFlag(wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER) )
+ if ( enableAutoResizing && HasFlag(wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER) )
m_pState->m_dontCenterSplitter = false;
// Runs wxValidator for the selected property
bool wxPropertyGrid::DoEditorValidate()
+ wxRecursionGuard guard(m_validatingEditor);
+ if ( guard.IsInside() )
+ return false;
+ wxPGProperty* selected = GetSelection();
+ if ( selected )
+ {
+ wxWindow* wnd = GetEditorControl();
+ wxValidator* validator = selected->GetValidator();
+ if ( validator && wnd )
+ {
+ validator->SetWindow(wnd);
+ if ( !validator->Validate(this) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
return true;
if ( !m_pState )
+ // Don't care about the event if it originated from the
+ // 'label editor'. In this function we only care about the
+ // property value editor.
+ if ( m_labelEditor && event.GetId() == m_labelEditor->GetId() )
+ {
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
wxPGProperty* selected = GetSelection();
// Somehow, event is handled after property has been deselected.
m_chgInfo_changedProperty = NULL;
// Filter out excess wxTextCtrl modified events
GetViewStart(&vx, &vy);
- // TODO: If custom image detection changes from current, change this.
- if ( m_iFlags & wxPG_FL_CUR_USES_CUSTOM_IMAGE )
+ if ( column == 1 )
+ {
+ // TODO: If custom image detection changes from current, change this.
+ if ( m_iFlags & wxPG_FL_CUR_USES_CUSTOM_IMAGE )
+ {
+ //m_iFlags |= wxPG_FL_CUR_USES_CUSTOM_IMAGE;
+ int iw = p->OnMeasureImage().x;
+ if ( iw < 1 )
+ imageOffset = p->GetImageOffset(iw);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( column == 0 )
- //m_iFlags |= wxPG_FL_CUR_USES_CUSTOM_IMAGE;
- int iw = p->OnMeasureImage().x;
- if ( iw < 1 )
- imageOffset = p->GetImageOffset(iw);
+ splitterX += (p->m_depth - 1) * m_subgroup_extramargin;
return wxRect
+ //
+ // NB: On wxMSW, a wxTextCtrl with wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER
+ // may beep annoyingly if that event is skipped
+ // and passed to parent event handler.
+ if ( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER )
+ return true;
return wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(event);
int splitterX = GetSplitterPosition();
m_editorFocused = 0;
- if ( p != prevFirstSel )
- m_iFlags &= ~(wxPG_FL_VALIDATION_FAILED);
wxASSERT( m_wndEditor == NULL );
+ wxPropertyGridEvent* prevProcessedEvent = m_processedEvent;
m_processedEvent = &evt;
- m_processedEvent = NULL;
+ m_processedEvent = prevProcessedEvent;
return evt.WasVetoed();
// Double-clicking the splitter causes auto-centering
if ( m_pState->GetColumnCount() <= 2 )
- CenterSplitter( true );
+ ResetColumnSizes( true );
int newSplitterX = x - m_dragOffset;
- int splitterX = x - splitterHitOffset;
// Splitter redraw required?
if ( newSplitterX != splitterX )
(unsigned int)m_draggedSplitter);
- // Disable splitter auto-centering
- state->m_dontCenterSplitter = true;
+ // Disable splitter auto-centering (but only if moved any -
+ // otherwise we end up disabling auto-center even after a
+ // recentering double-click).
+ int posDiff = abs(m_startingSplitterX -
+ GetSplitterPosition(m_draggedSplitter));
+ if ( posDiff > 1 )
+ state->m_dontCenterSplitter = true;
// This is necessary to return cursor
if ( m_iFlags & wxPG_FL_MOUSE_CAPTURED )
if ( tlp != m_tlp )
+ //
+ // Resolve pending property removals
+ if ( m_deletedProperties.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ wxArrayPGProperty& arr = m_deletedProperties;
+ for ( unsigned int i=0; i<arr.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ DeleteProperty(arr[i]);
+ }
+ arr.clear();
+ }
+ if ( m_removedProperties.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ wxArrayPGProperty& arr = m_removedProperties;
+ for ( unsigned int i=0; i<arr.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ RemoveProperty(arr[i]);
+ }
+ arr.clear();
+ }
bool wxPropertyGrid::IsEditorFocused() const
if ( p )
const wxPGEditor* editor = p->GetEditorClass();
+ ResetEditorAppearance();
editor->OnFocus(p, GetEditorControl());