* for wxWidgets are under the wxWidgets licence, see README for details.
+#ifndef CONST
#define CONST const
/* ASCII character-name table */
chr *name;
char code;
} cnames[] = {
- {_T("NUL"), '\0'},
- {_T("SOH"), '\001'},
- {_T("STX"), '\002'},
- {_T("ETX"), '\003'},
- {_T("EOT"), '\004'},
- {_T("ENQ"), '\005'},
- {_T("ACK"), '\006'},
- {_T("BEL"), '\007'},
- {_T("alert"), '\007'},
- {_T("BS"), '\010'},
- {_T("backspace"), '\b'},
- {_T("HT"), '\011'},
- {_T("tab"), '\t'},
- {_T("LF"), '\012'},
- {_T("newline"), '\n'},
- {_T("VT"), '\013'},
- {_T("vertical-tab"), '\v'},
- {_T("FF"), '\014'},
- {_T("form-feed"), '\f'},
- {_T("CR"), '\015'},
- {_T("carriage-return"), '\r'},
- {_T("SO"), '\016'},
- {_T("SI"), '\017'},
- {_T("DLE"), '\020'},
- {_T("DC1"), '\021'},
- {_T("DC2"), '\022'},
- {_T("DC3"), '\023'},
- {_T("DC4"), '\024'},
- {_T("NAK"), '\025'},
- {_T("SYN"), '\026'},
- {_T("ETB"), '\027'},
- {_T("CAN"), '\030'},
- {_T("EM"), '\031'},
- {_T("SUB"), '\032'},
- {_T("ESC"), '\033'},
- {_T("IS4"), '\034'},
- {_T("FS"), '\034'},
- {_T("IS3"), '\035'},
- {_T("GS"), '\035'},
- {_T("IS2"), '\036'},
- {_T("RS"), '\036'},
- {_T("IS1"), '\037'},
- {_T("US"), '\037'},
- {_T("space"), ' '},
- {_T("exclamation-mark"), '!'},
- {_T("quotation-mark"), '"'},
- {_T("number-sign"), '#'},
- {_T("dollar-sign"), '$'},
- {_T("percent-sign"), '%'},
- {_T("ampersand"), '&'},
- {_T("apostrophe"), '\''},
- {_T("left-parenthesis"), '('},
- {_T("right-parenthesis"), ')'},
- {_T("asterisk"), '*'},
- {_T("plus-sign"), '+'},
- {_T("comma"), ','},
- {_T("hyphen"), '-'},
- {_T("hyphen-minus"), '-'},
- {_T("period"), '.'},
- {_T("full-stop"), '.'},
- {_T("slash"), '/'},
- {_T("solidus"), '/'},
- {_T("zero"), '0'},
- {_T("one"), '1'},
- {_T("two"), '2'},
- {_T("three"), '3'},
- {_T("four"), '4'},
- {_T("five"), '5'},
- {_T("six"), '6'},
- {_T("seven"), '7'},
- {_T("eight"), '8'},
- {_T("nine"), '9'},
- {_T("colon"), ':'},
- {_T("semicolon"), ';'},
- {_T("less-than-sign"), '<'},
- {_T("equals-sign"), '='},
- {_T("greater-than-sign"), '>'},
- {_T("question-mark"), '?'},
- {_T("commercial-at"), '@'},
- {_T("left-square-bracket"), '['},
- {_T("backslash"), '\\'},
- {_T("reverse-solidus"), '\\'},
- {_T("right-square-bracket"), ']'},
- {_T("circumflex"), '^'},
- {_T("circumflex-accent"), '^'},
- {_T("underscore"), '_'},
- {_T("low-line"), '_'},
- {_T("grave-accent"), '`'},
- {_T("left-brace"), '{'},
- {_T("left-curly-bracket"), '{'},
- {_T("vertical-line"), '|'},
- {_T("right-brace"), '}'},
- {_T("right-curly-bracket"), '}'},
- {_T("tilde"), '~'},
- {_T("DEL"), '\177'},
+ {wxT("NUL"), '\0'},
+ {wxT("SOH"), '\001'},
+ {wxT("STX"), '\002'},
+ {wxT("ETX"), '\003'},
+ {wxT("EOT"), '\004'},
+ {wxT("ENQ"), '\005'},
+ {wxT("ACK"), '\006'},
+ {wxT("BEL"), '\007'},
+ {wxT("alert"), '\007'},
+ {wxT("BS"), '\010'},
+ {wxT("backspace"), '\b'},
+ {wxT("HT"), '\011'},
+ {wxT("tab"), '\t'},
+ {wxT("LF"), '\012'},
+ {wxT("newline"), '\n'},
+ {wxT("VT"), '\013'},
+ {wxT("vertical-tab"), '\v'},
+ {wxT("FF"), '\014'},
+ {wxT("form-feed"), '\f'},
+ {wxT("CR"), '\015'},
+ {wxT("carriage-return"), '\r'},
+ {wxT("SO"), '\016'},
+ {wxT("SI"), '\017'},
+ {wxT("DLE"), '\020'},
+ {wxT("DC1"), '\021'},
+ {wxT("DC2"), '\022'},
+ {wxT("DC3"), '\023'},
+ {wxT("DC4"), '\024'},
+ {wxT("NAK"), '\025'},
+ {wxT("SYN"), '\026'},
+ {wxT("ETB"), '\027'},
+ {wxT("CAN"), '\030'},
+ {wxT("EM"), '\031'},
+ {wxT("SUB"), '\032'},
+ {wxT("ESC"), '\033'},
+ {wxT("IS4"), '\034'},
+ {wxT("FS"), '\034'},
+ {wxT("IS3"), '\035'},
+ {wxT("GS"), '\035'},
+ {wxT("IS2"), '\036'},
+ {wxT("RS"), '\036'},
+ {wxT("IS1"), '\037'},
+ {wxT("US"), '\037'},
+ {wxT("space"), ' '},
+ {wxT("exclamation-mark"), '!'},
+ {wxT("quotation-mark"), '"'},
+ {wxT("number-sign"), '#'},
+ {wxT("dollar-sign"), '$'},
+ {wxT("percent-sign"), '%'},
+ {wxT("ampersand"), '&'},
+ {wxT("apostrophe"), '\''},
+ {wxT("left-parenthesis"), '('},
+ {wxT("right-parenthesis"), ')'},
+ {wxT("asterisk"), '*'},
+ {wxT("plus-sign"), '+'},
+ {wxT("comma"), ','},
+ {wxT("hyphen"), '-'},
+ {wxT("hyphen-minus"), '-'},
+ {wxT("period"), '.'},
+ {wxT("full-stop"), '.'},
+ {wxT("slash"), '/'},
+ {wxT("solidus"), '/'},
+ {wxT("zero"), '0'},
+ {wxT("one"), '1'},
+ {wxT("two"), '2'},
+ {wxT("three"), '3'},
+ {wxT("four"), '4'},
+ {wxT("five"), '5'},
+ {wxT("six"), '6'},
+ {wxT("seven"), '7'},
+ {wxT("eight"), '8'},
+ {wxT("nine"), '9'},
+ {wxT("colon"), ':'},
+ {wxT("semicolon"), ';'},
+ {wxT("less-than-sign"), '<'},
+ {wxT("equals-sign"), '='},
+ {wxT("greater-than-sign"), '>'},
+ {wxT("question-mark"), '?'},
+ {wxT("commercial-at"), '@'},
+ {wxT("left-square-bracket"), '['},
+ {wxT("backslash"), '\\'},
+ {wxT("reverse-solidus"), '\\'},
+ {wxT("right-square-bracket"), ']'},
+ {wxT("circumflex"), '^'},
+ {wxT("circumflex-accent"), '^'},
+ {wxT("underscore"), '_'},
+ {wxT("low-line"), '_'},
+ {wxT("grave-accent"), '`'},
+ {wxT("left-brace"), '{'},
+ {wxT("left-curly-bracket"), '{'},
+ {wxT("vertical-line"), '|'},
+ {wxT("right-brace"), '}'},
+ {wxT("right-curly-bracket"), '}'},
+ {wxT("tilde"), '~'},
+ {wxT("DEL"), '\177'},
{NULL, 0}
static chr *classNames[] = {
- _T("alnum"), _T("alpha"), _T("ascii"), _T("blank"), _T("cntrl"), _T("digit"), _T("graph"),
- _T("lower"), _T("print"), _T("punct"), _T("space"), _T("upper"), _T("xdigit"), NULL
+ wxT("alnum"), wxT("alpha"), wxT("ascii"), wxT("blank"), wxT("cntrl"), wxT("digit"), wxT("graph"),
+ wxT("lower"), wxT("print"), wxT("punct"), wxT("space"), wxT("upper"), wxT("xdigit"), NULL
enum classes {
* Remap lower and upper to alpha if the match is case insensitive.
- if (cases && len == 5 && (wxCRT_StrncmpNative(_T("lower"), np, 5) == 0
- || wxCRT_StrncmpNative(_T("upper"), np, 5) == 0)) {
- np = _T("alpha");
+ if (cases && len == 5 && (wxCRT_StrncmpNative(wxT("lower"), np, 5) == 0
+ || wxCRT_StrncmpNative(wxT("upper"), np, 5) == 0)) {
+ np = wxT("alpha");
/* find the name */
len = endp - startp;
np = startp;
- if (cases && len == 5 && (wxCRT_StrncmpNative(_T("lower"), np, 5) == 0 ||
- wxCRT_StrncmpNative(_T("upper"), np, 5) == 0))
- np = _T("alpha");
+ if (cases && len == 5 && (wxCRT_StrncmpNative(wxT("lower"), np, 5) == 0 ||
+ wxCRT_StrncmpNative(wxT("upper"), np, 5) == 0))
+ np = wxT("alpha");
for (cc = cclasses; cc->name != NULL; cc++)
if (wxCRT_StrlenNative(cc->name) == len && wxCRT_StrncmpNative(cc->name, np, len) == 0)
break; /* NOTE BREAK OUT */