+// wxGridSizer
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridSizer: public wxSizer
+ wxGridSizer( int rows, int cols, int vgap, int hgap );
+ wxGridSizer( int cols, int vgap = 0, int hgap = 0 );
+ virtual void RecalcSizes();
+ virtual wxSize CalcMin();
+ void SetCols( int cols ) { m_cols = cols; }
+ void SetRows( int rows ) { m_rows = rows; }
+ void SetVGap( int gap ) { m_vgap = gap; }
+ void SetHGap( int gap ) { m_hgap = gap; }
+ int GetCols() const { return m_cols; }
+ int GetRows() const { return m_rows; }
+ int GetVGap() const { return m_vgap; }
+ int GetHGap() const { return m_hgap; }
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ int m_vgap;
+ int m_hgap;
+ // return the number of total items and the number of columns and rows
+ int CalcRowsCols(int& rows, int& cols) const;
+ void SetItemBounds( wxSizerItem *item, int x, int y, int w, int h );
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxGridSizer)
+// wxFlexGridSizer
+// the bevaiour for resizing wxFlexGridSizer cells in the "non-flexible"
+// direction
+enum wxFlexSizerGrowMode
+ // don't resize the cells in non-flexible direction at all
+ // uniformly resize only the specified ones (default)
+ // uniformly resize all cells
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxFlexGridSizer: public wxGridSizer
+ // ctors/dtor
+ wxFlexGridSizer( int rows, int cols, int vgap, int hgap );
+ wxFlexGridSizer( int cols, int vgap = 0, int hgap = 0 );
+ virtual ~wxFlexGridSizer();
+ // set the rows/columns which will grow (the others will remain of the
+ // constant initial size)
+ void AddGrowableRow( size_t idx, int proportion = 0 );
+ void RemoveGrowableRow( size_t idx );
+ void AddGrowableCol( size_t idx, int proportion = 0 );
+ void RemoveGrowableCol( size_t idx );
+ // the sizer cells may grow in both directions, not grow at all or only
+ // grow in one direction but not the other
+ // the direction may be wxVERTICAL, wxHORIZONTAL or wxBOTH (default)
+ void SetFlexibleDirection(int direction) { m_flexDirection = direction; }
+ int GetFlexibleDirection() const { return m_flexDirection; }
+ // note that the grow mode only applies to the direction which is not
+ // flexible
+ void SetNonFlexibleGrowMode(wxFlexSizerGrowMode mode) { m_growMode = mode; }
+ wxFlexSizerGrowMode GetNonFlexibleGrowMode() const { return m_growMode; }
+ // Read-only access to the row heights and col widths arrays
+ const wxArrayInt& GetRowHeights() const { return m_rowHeights; }
+ const wxArrayInt& GetColWidths() const { return m_colWidths; }
+ // implementation
+ virtual void RecalcSizes();
+ virtual wxSize CalcMin();
+ void AdjustForFlexDirection();
+ void AdjustForGrowables(const wxSize& sz, const wxSize& minsz,
+ int nrows, int ncols);
+ // the heights/widths of all rows/columns
+ wxArrayInt m_rowHeights,
+ m_colWidths;
+ // indices of the growable columns and rows
+ wxArrayInt m_growableRows,
+ m_growableCols;
+ // proportion values of the corresponding growable rows and columns
+ wxArrayInt m_growableRowsProportions,
+ m_growableColsProportions;
+ // parameters describing whether the growable cells should be resized in
+ // both directions or only one
+ int m_flexDirection;
+ wxFlexSizerGrowMode m_growMode;
+ // saves CalcMin result to optimize RecalcSizes
+ wxSize m_calculatedMinSize;
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxFlexGridSizer)
+// wxBoxSizer
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxBoxSizer: public wxSizer
+ wxBoxSizer( int orient );
+ void RecalcSizes();
+ wxSize CalcMin();
+ int GetOrientation() const
+ { return m_orient; }
+ void SetOrientation(int orient)
+ { m_orient = orient; }
+ int m_orient;
+ int m_stretchable;
+ int m_minWidth;
+ int m_minHeight;
+ int m_fixedWidth;
+ int m_fixedHeight;
+// wxStaticBoxSizer
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxStaticBox;
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxStaticBoxSizer: public wxBoxSizer
+ wxStaticBoxSizer( wxStaticBox *box, int orient );
+ void RecalcSizes();
+ wxSize CalcMin();
+ wxStaticBox *GetStaticBox() const
+ { return m_staticBox; }
+ // override to hide/show the static box as well
+ virtual void ShowItems (bool show);
+ wxStaticBox *m_staticBox;
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxStaticBoxSizer)
+#endif // wxUSE_STATBOX
+// NB: wxBookCtrlSizer and wxNotebookSizer are deprecated, they
+// don't do anything. wxBookCtrl::DoGetBestSize does the job now.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxBookCtrlSizer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// this sizer works with wxNotebook/wxListbook/... and sizes the control to
+// fit its pages
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxBookCtrl;
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxBookCtrlSizer : public wxSizer
+ wxDEPRECATED( wxBookCtrlSizer(wxBookCtrl *bookctrl) );
+ wxBookCtrl *GetControl() const { return m_bookctrl; }
+ virtual void RecalcSizes();
+ virtual wxSize CalcMin();
+ // this protected ctor lets us mark the real one above as deprecated
+ // and still has warning-free build of the library itself:
+ wxBookCtrlSizer() {}
+ wxBookCtrl *m_bookctrl;
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxBookCtrlSizer)
+// before wxBookCtrl we only had wxNotebookSizer, keep it for backwards
+// compatibility
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxNotebook;
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxNotebookSizer : public wxBookCtrlSizer
+ wxDEPRECATED( wxNotebookSizer(wxNotebook *nb) );
+ wxNotebook *GetNotebook() const { return (wxNotebook *)m_bookctrl; }
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxNotebookSizer)
+ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxNotebookSizer)
+#endif // wxUSE_NOTEBOOK
+#endif // wxUSE_BOOKCTRL
+#endif // __WXSIZER_H__