+/// special values for the 'state' parameter of wxTreeCtrl::SetItemState()
+static const int wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NONE = -1; // not state (no display state image)
+static const int wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_NEXT = -2; // cycle to the next state
+static const int wxTREE_ITEMSTATE_PREV = -3; // cycle to the previous state
+#define wxTR_NO_BUTTONS 0x0000 // for convenience
+#define wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS 0x0001 // draw collapsed/expanded btns
+#define wxTR_NO_LINES 0x0004 // don't draw lines at all
+#define wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT 0x0008 // connect top-level nodes
+#define wxTR_TWIST_BUTTONS 0x0010 // still used by wxTreeListCtrl
+#define wxTR_SINGLE 0x0000 // for convenience
+#define wxTR_MULTIPLE 0x0020 // can select multiple items
+#define wxTR_HAS_VARIABLE_ROW_HEIGHT 0x0080 // what it says
+#define wxTR_EDIT_LABELS 0x0200 // can edit item labels
+#define wxTR_ROW_LINES 0x0400 // put border around items
+#define wxTR_HIDE_ROOT 0x0800 // don't display root node
+#define wxTR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT 0x2000 // highlight full horz space
+// make the default control appearance look more native-like depending on the
+// platform
+// values for the `flags' parameter of wxTreeCtrl::HitTest() which determine
+// where exactly the specified point is situated:
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ABOVE = 0x0001;
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_BELOW = 0x0002;
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_NOWHERE = 0x0004;
+ // on the button associated with an item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMBUTTON = 0x0008;
+ // on the bitmap associated with an item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMICON = 0x0010;
+ // on the indent associated with an item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMINDENT = 0x0020;
+ // on the label (string) associated with an item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL = 0x0040;
+ // on the right of the label associated with an item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMRIGHT = 0x0080;
+ // on the label (string) associated with an item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMSTATEICON = 0x0100;
+ // on the left of the wxTreeCtrl.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_TOLEFT = 0x0200;
+ // on the right of the wxTreeCtrl.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_TORIGHT = 0x0400;
+ // on the upper part (first half) of the item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMUPPERPART = 0x0800;
+ // on the lower part (second half) of the item.
+static const int wxTREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLOWERPART = 0x1000;
+ // anywhere on the item