eech.Add(wxT("Choice 1"));
eech.Add(wxT("Choice 2"));
eech.Add(wxT("Choice 3"));
- pg->Append( new wxEditEnumProperty(wxT("EditEnumProperty"), wxPG_LABEL, eech) ); // , wxT("Choice 2")
+ pg->Append( new wxEditEnumProperty("EditEnumProperty",
+ eech,
+ "Choice not in the list") );
//wxString v_;
//wxTextValidator validator1(wxFILTER_NUMERIC,&v_);
wxPGProperty* pid;
+ wxFont italicFont = pgman->GetGrid()->GetCaptionFont();
+ italicFont.SetStyle(wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC);
+ wxString italicFontHelp = "Font of this property's wxPGCell has "
+ "been modified. Obtain property's cell "
+ "with wxPGProperty::"
+ "GetOrCreateCell(column).";
cat = pg->AppendIn( pid, new wxPropertyCategory(A) ); \
- pg->SetPropertyCell( cat, 0, wxPG_LABEL, bmp );
+ pg->SetPropertyCell( cat, 0, wxPG_LABEL, bmp ); \
+ cat->GetCell(0).SetFont(italicFont); \
+ cat->SetHelpString(italicFontHelp);
#define ADD_WX_LIB_CONF(A) pg->Append( new wxBoolProperty(wxT(#A),wxPG_LABEL,(bool)((A>0)?true:false)));
#define ADD_WX_LIB_CONF_NODEF(A) pg->Append( new wxBoolProperty(wxT(#A),wxPG_LABEL,(bool)false) ); \