-// Name: socket.h
+// Name: wx/socket.h
// Purpose: Socket handling classes
// Authors: Guilhem Lavaux, Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
// Modified by:
typedef int wxSocketFlags;
+// event
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_NET wxSocketEvent;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxSocketBase
class WXDLLIMPEXP_NET wxSocketBase : public wxObject
- DECLARE_CLASS(wxSocketBase)
- // Public interface
- // ----------------
- // ctors and dtors
- wxSocketBase();
- wxSocketBase(wxSocketFlags flags, wxSocketType type);
- virtual ~wxSocketBase();
- void Init();
- bool Destroy();
- // state
- bool Ok() const { return IsOk(); }
- bool IsOk() const { return m_impl != NULL; }
- bool Error() const { return m_error; }
- bool IsClosed() const { return m_closed; }
- bool IsConnected() const { return m_connected; }
- bool IsData() { return WaitForRead(0, 0); }
- bool IsDisconnected() const { return !IsConnected(); }
- wxUint32 LastCount() const { return m_lcount; }
- wxSocketError LastError() const;
- void SaveState();
- void RestoreState();
- // addresses
- virtual bool GetLocal(wxSockAddress& addr_man) const;
- virtual bool GetPeer(wxSockAddress& addr_man) const;
- virtual bool SetLocal(const wxIPV4address& local);
- // base IO
- virtual bool Close();
- wxSocketBase& Discard();
- wxSocketBase& Peek(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- wxSocketBase& Read(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- wxSocketBase& ReadMsg(void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- wxSocketBase& Unread(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- wxSocketBase& Write(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- wxSocketBase& WriteMsg(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- // all Wait() functions wait until their condition is satisfied or the
- // timeout expires; if seconds == -1 (default) then m_timeout value is used
- //
- // it is also possible to call InterruptWait() to cancel any current Wait()
- // wait for anything at all to happen with this socket
- bool Wait(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
- // wait until we can read from or write to the socket without blocking
- // (notice that this does not mean that the operation will succeed but only
- // that it will return immediately)
- bool WaitForRead(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
- bool WaitForWrite(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
- // wait until the connection is terminated
- bool WaitForLost(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
- void InterruptWait() { m_interrupt = true; }
- wxSocketFlags GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
- void SetFlags(wxSocketFlags flags);
- void SetTimeout(long seconds);
- long GetTimeout() const { return m_timeout; }
- bool GetOption(int level, int optname, void *optval, int *optlen);
- bool SetOption(int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen);
- wxUint32 GetLastIOSize() const { return m_lcount; }
- // event handling
- void *GetClientData() const { return m_clientData; }
- void SetClientData(void *data) { m_clientData = data; }
- void SetEventHandler(wxEvtHandler& handler, int id = wxID_ANY);
- void SetNotify(wxSocketEventFlags flags);
- void Notify(bool notify);
- // initialize/shutdown the sockets (usually called automatically)
- static bool IsInitialized();
- static bool Initialize();
- static void Shutdown();
- // Implementation from now on
- // --------------------------
- // do not use, should be private (called from wxSocketImpl only)
- void OnRequest(wxSocketNotify notify);
- // do not use, not documented nor supported
- bool IsNoWait() const { return ((m_flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT) != 0); }
- wxSocketType GetType() const { return m_type; }
+ // Public interface
+ // ----------------
+ // ctors and dtors
+ wxSocketBase();
+ wxSocketBase(wxSocketFlags flags, wxSocketType type);
+ virtual ~wxSocketBase();
+ void Init();
+ bool Destroy();
+ // state
+ bool Ok() const { return IsOk(); }
+ bool IsOk() const { return m_impl != NULL; }
+ bool Error() const { return LastError() != wxSOCKET_NOERROR; }
+ bool IsClosed() const { return m_closed; }
+ bool IsConnected() const { return m_connected; }
+ bool IsData() { return WaitForRead(0, 0); }
+ bool IsDisconnected() const { return !IsConnected(); }
+ wxUint32 LastCount() const { return m_lcount; }
+ wxUint32 LastReadCount() const { return m_lcount_read; }
+ wxUint32 LastWriteCount() const { return m_lcount_write; }
+ wxSocketError LastError() const;
+ void SaveState();
+ void RestoreState();
+ // addresses
+ virtual bool GetLocal(wxSockAddress& addr_man) const;
+ virtual bool GetPeer(wxSockAddress& addr_man) const;
+ virtual bool SetLocal(const wxIPV4address& local);
+ // base IO
+ virtual bool Close();
+ void ShutdownOutput();
+ wxSocketBase& Discard();
+ wxSocketBase& Peek(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ wxSocketBase& Read(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ wxSocketBase& ReadMsg(void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ wxSocketBase& Unread(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ wxSocketBase& Write(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ wxSocketBase& WriteMsg(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ // all Wait() functions wait until their condition is satisfied or the
+ // timeout expires; if seconds == -1 (default) then m_timeout value is used
+ //
+ // it is also possible to call InterruptWait() to cancel any current Wait()
+ // wait for anything at all to happen with this socket
+ bool Wait(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ // wait until we can read from or write to the socket without blocking
+ // (notice that this does not mean that the operation will succeed but only
+ // that it will return immediately)
+ bool WaitForRead(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ bool WaitForWrite(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ // wait until the connection is terminated
+ bool WaitForLost(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ void InterruptWait() { m_interrupt = true; }
+ wxSocketFlags GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
+ void SetFlags(wxSocketFlags flags);
+ virtual void SetTimeout(long seconds);
+ long GetTimeout() const { return m_timeout; }
+ bool GetOption(int level, int optname, void *optval, int *optlen);
+ bool SetOption(int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen);
+ wxUint32 GetLastIOSize() const { return m_lcount; }
+ wxUint32 GetLastIOReadSize() const { return m_lcount_read; }
+ wxUint32 GetLastIOWriteSize() const { return m_lcount_write; }
+ // event handling
+ void *GetClientData() const { return m_clientData; }
+ void SetClientData(void *data) { m_clientData = data; }
+ void SetEventHandler(wxEvtHandler& handler, int id = wxID_ANY);
+ void SetNotify(wxSocketEventFlags flags);
+ void Notify(bool notify);
+ // initialize/shutdown the sockets (done automatically so there is no need
+ // to call these functions usually)
+ //
+ // should always be called from the main thread only so one of the cases
+ // where they should indeed be called explicitly is when the first wxSocket
+ // object in the application is created in a different thread
+ static bool Initialize();
+ static void Shutdown();
+ // check if wxSocket had been already initialized
+ //
+ // notice that this function should be only called from the main thread as
+ // otherwise it is inherently unsafe because Initialize/Shutdown() may be
+ // called concurrently with it in the main thread
+ static bool IsInitialized();
+ // Implementation from now on
+ // --------------------------
+ // do not use, should be private (called from wxSocketImpl only)
+ void OnRequest(wxSocketNotify notify);
+ // do not use, not documented nor supported
+ bool IsNoWait() const { return ((m_flags & wxSOCKET_NOWAIT) != 0); }
+ wxSocketType GetType() const { return m_type; }
- friend class wxSocketClient;
- friend class wxSocketServer;
- friend class wxDatagramSocket;
- // low level IO
- wxUint32 DoRead(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- wxUint32 DoWrite(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
- // wait until the given flags are set for this socket or the given timeout
- // (or m_timeout) expires
- //
- // notice that wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG is always taken into account but the return
- // value depends on whether it is included in flags or not: if it is, and the
- // connection is indeed lost, true is returned, but if it isn't then the
- // function returns false in this case
- //
- // false is always returned if we returned because of the timeout expiration
- bool DoWait(long seconds, long milliseconds, wxSocketEventFlags flags);
- // pushback buffer
- void Pushback(const void *buffer, wxUint32 size);
- wxUint32 GetPushback(void *buffer, wxUint32 size, bool peek);
+ friend class wxSocketClient;
+ friend class wxSocketServer;
+ friend class wxDatagramSocket;
+ // low level IO
+ wxUint32 DoRead(void* buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ wxUint32 DoWrite(const void *buffer, wxUint32 nbytes);
+ // wait until the given flags are set for this socket or the given timeout
+ // (or m_timeout) expires
+ //
+ // notice that wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG is always taken into account and the
+ // function returns -1 if the connection was lost; otherwise it returns
+ // true if any of the events specified by flags argument happened or false
+ // if the timeout expired
+ int DoWait(long timeout, wxSocketEventFlags flags);
+ // a helper calling DoWait() using the same convention as the public
+ // WaitForXXX() functions use, i.e. use our timeout if seconds == -1 or the
+ // specified timeout otherwise
+ int DoWait(long seconds, long milliseconds, wxSocketEventFlags flags);
+ // another helper calling DoWait() using our m_timeout
+ int DoWaitWithTimeout(wxSocketEventFlags flags)
+ {
+ return DoWait(m_timeout*1000, flags);
+ }
+ // pushback buffer
+ void Pushback(const void *buffer, wxUint32 size);
+ wxUint32 GetPushback(void *buffer, wxUint32 size, bool peek);
+ // store the given error as the LastError()
+ void SetError(wxSocketError error);
- // socket
- wxSocketImpl *m_impl; // port-specific implementation
- wxSocketType m_type; // wxSocket type
- // state
- wxSocketFlags m_flags; // wxSocket flags
- bool m_connected; // connected?
- bool m_establishing; // establishing connection?
- bool m_reading; // busy reading?
- bool m_writing; // busy writing?
- bool m_error; // did last IO call fail?
- bool m_closed; // was the other end closed?
- // (notice that m_error is also set then)
- wxUint32 m_lcount; // last IO transaction size
- unsigned long m_timeout; // IO timeout value in seconds
- wxList m_states; // stack of states
- bool m_interrupt; // interrupt ongoing wait operations?
- bool m_beingDeleted; // marked for delayed deletion?
- wxIPV4address m_localAddress; // bind to local address?
- // pushback buffer
- void *m_unread; // pushback buffer
- wxUint32 m_unrd_size; // pushback buffer size
- wxUint32 m_unrd_cur; // pushback pointer (index into buffer)
- // events
- int m_id; // socket id
- wxEvtHandler *m_handler; // event handler
- void *m_clientData; // client data for events
- bool m_notify; // notify events to users?
- wxSocketEventFlags m_eventmask; // which events to notify?
- // the initialization count, GSocket is initialized if > 0
- static size_t m_countInit;
+ // socket
+ wxSocketImpl *m_impl; // port-specific implementation
+ wxSocketType m_type; // wxSocket type
+ // state
+ wxSocketFlags m_flags; // wxSocket flags
+ bool m_connected; // connected?
+ bool m_establishing; // establishing connection?
+ bool m_reading; // busy reading?
+ bool m_writing; // busy writing?
+ bool m_closed; // was the other end closed?
+ wxUint32 m_lcount; // last IO transaction size
+ wxUint32 m_lcount_read; // last IO transaction size of Read() direction.
+ wxUint32 m_lcount_write; // last IO transaction size of Write() direction.
+ unsigned long m_timeout; // IO timeout value in seconds
+ // (TODO: remove, wxSocketImpl has it too)
+ wxList m_states; // stack of states (TODO: remove!)
+ bool m_interrupt; // interrupt ongoing wait operations?
+ bool m_beingDeleted; // marked for delayed deletion?
+ wxIPV4address m_localAddress; // bind to local address?
+ // pushback buffer
+ void *m_unread; // pushback buffer
+ wxUint32 m_unrd_size; // pushback buffer size
+ wxUint32 m_unrd_cur; // pushback pointer (index into buffer)
+ // events
+ int m_id; // socket id
+ wxEvtHandler *m_handler; // event handler
+ void *m_clientData; // client data for events
+ bool m_notify; // notify events to users?
+ wxSocketEventFlags m_eventmask; // which events to notify?
+ wxSocketEventFlags m_eventsgot; // collects events received in OnRequest()
+ friend class wxSocketReadGuard;
+ friend class wxSocketWriteGuard;
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxSocketBase);
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxSocketBase)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_NET wxSocketServer : public wxSocketBase
- DECLARE_CLASS(wxSocketServer)
- wxSocketServer(const wxSockAddress& addr, wxSocketFlags flags = wxSOCKET_NONE);
+ wxSocketServer(const wxSockAddress& addr,
+ wxSocketFlags flags = wxSOCKET_NONE);
- wxSocketBase* Accept(bool wait = true);
- bool AcceptWith(wxSocketBase& socket, bool wait = true);
+ wxSocketBase* Accept(bool wait = true);
+ bool AcceptWith(wxSocketBase& socket, bool wait = true);
- bool WaitForAccept(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ bool WaitForAccept(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxSocketServer);
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxSocketServer)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_NET wxSocketClient : public wxSocketBase
- DECLARE_CLASS(wxSocketClient)
- wxSocketClient(wxSocketFlags flags = wxSOCKET_NONE);
- virtual ~wxSocketClient();
+ wxSocketClient(wxSocketFlags flags = wxSOCKET_NONE);
- virtual bool Connect(const wxSockAddress& addr, bool wait = true);
- bool Connect(const wxSockAddress& addr, const wxSockAddress& local,
- bool wait = true);
+ virtual bool Connect(const wxSockAddress& addr, bool wait = true);
+ bool Connect(const wxSockAddress& addr,
+ const wxSockAddress& local,
+ bool wait = true);
- bool WaitOnConnect(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
+ bool WaitOnConnect(long seconds = -1, long milliseconds = 0);
- // Sets initial socket buffer sizes using the SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF options
- // before calling connect (either one can be -1 to leave it unchanged)
- void SetInitialSocketBuffers(int recv, int send)
- {
- m_initialRecvBufferSize = recv;
- m_initialSendBufferSize = send;
- }
+ // Sets initial socket buffer sizes using the SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF
+ // options before calling connect (either one can be -1 to leave it
+ // unchanged)
+ void SetInitialSocketBuffers(int recv, int send)
+ {
+ m_initialRecvBufferSize = recv;
+ m_initialSendBufferSize = send;
+ }
- virtual bool DoConnect(const wxSockAddress& addr,
- const wxSockAddress* local,
- bool wait = true);
+ virtual bool DoConnect(const wxSockAddress& addr,
+ const wxSockAddress* local,
+ bool wait = true);
- // buffer sizes, -1 if unset and defaults should be used
- int m_initialRecvBufferSize;
- int m_initialSendBufferSize;
+ // buffer sizes, -1 if unset and defaults should be used
+ int m_initialRecvBufferSize;
+ int m_initialSendBufferSize;
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxSocketClient);
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxSocketClient)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_NET wxDatagramSocket : public wxSocketBase
- DECLARE_CLASS(wxDatagramSocket)
- wxDatagramSocket(const wxSockAddress& addr, wxSocketFlags flags = wxSOCKET_NONE);
- wxDatagramSocket& RecvFrom( wxSockAddress& addr,
- void* buf,
- wxUint32 nBytes );
- wxDatagramSocket& SendTo( const wxSockAddress& addr,
- const void* buf,
- wxUint32 nBytes );
-/* TODO:
- bool Connect(wxSockAddress& addr);
- DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxDatagramSocket)
+ wxDatagramSocket(const wxSockAddress& addr,
+ wxSocketFlags flags = wxSOCKET_NONE);
+ wxDatagramSocket& RecvFrom(wxSockAddress& addr,
+ void *buf,
+ wxUint32 nBytes);
+ wxDatagramSocket& SendTo(const wxSockAddress& addr,
+ const void* buf,
+ wxUint32 nBytes);
+ /* TODO:
+ bool Connect(wxSockAddress& addr);
+ */
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxDatagramSocket);
+ DECLARE_CLASS(wxDatagramSocket)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_NET wxSocketEvent : public wxEvent
- wxSocketEvent(int id = 0)
- : wxEvent(id, wxEVT_SOCKET)
- {
- }
+ wxSocketEvent(int id = 0)
+ : wxEvent(id, wxEVT_SOCKET)
+ {
+ }
- wxSocketNotify GetSocketEvent() const { return m_event; }
- wxSocketBase *GetSocket() const { return (wxSocketBase *) GetEventObject(); }
- void *GetClientData() const { return m_clientData; }
+ wxSocketNotify GetSocketEvent() const { return m_event; }
+ wxSocketBase *GetSocket() const
+ { return (wxSocketBase *) GetEventObject(); }
+ void *GetClientData() const { return m_clientData; }
- virtual wxEvent *Clone() const { return new wxSocketEvent(*this); }
+ virtual wxEvent *Clone() const { return new wxSocketEvent(*this); }
+ virtual wxEventCategory GetEventCategory() const { return wxEVT_CATEGORY_SOCKET; }
- wxSocketNotify m_event;
- void *m_clientData;
+ wxSocketNotify m_event;
+ void *m_clientData;
typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxSocketEventFunction)(wxSocketEvent&);
#define wxSocketEventHandler(func) \
- (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)wxStaticCastEvent(wxSocketEventFunction, &func)
+ wxEVENT_HANDLER_CAST(wxSocketEventFunction, func)
#define EVT_SOCKET(id, func) \
wx__DECLARE_EVT1(wxEVT_SOCKET, id, wxSocketEventHandler(func))