+ switch ( key )
+ {
+ case WXK_RETURN:
+ if (m_windowStyle & wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ {
+ wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER, m_windowId);
+ event.SetEventObject( this );
+ event.SetString( GetValue() );
+ if ( GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) )
+ {
+ wxTopLevelWindow *tlw = wxDynamicCast(wxGetTopLevelParent(this), wxTopLevelWindow);
+ if ( tlw && tlw->GetDefaultItem() )
+ {
+ wxButton *def = wxDynamicCast(tlw->GetDefaultItem(), wxButton);
+ if ( def && def->IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, def->GetId() );
+ event.SetEventObject(def);
+ def->Command(event);
+ return ;
+ }
+ }
+ // this will make wxWidgets eat the ENTER key so that
+ // we actually prevent line wrapping in a single line text control
+ eat_key = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WXK_TAB:
+ if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_PROCESS_TAB))
+ {
+ int flags = 0;
+ if (!event.ShiftDown())
+ flags |= wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward ;
+ if (event.ControlDown())
+ flags |= wxNavigationKeyEvent::WinChange ;
+ Navigate(flags);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is necessary (don't know why);
+ // otherwise the tab will not be inserted.
+ WriteText(wxT("\t"));
+ eat_key = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!eat_key)
+ {
+ // perform keystroke handling
+ event.Skip(true) ;
+ }
+ if ( ( key >= 0x20 && key < WXK_START ) ||
+ ( key >= WXK_NUMPAD0 && key <= WXK_DIVIDE ) ||
+ key == WXK_RETURN ||
+ key == WXK_DELETE ||
+ key == WXK_BACK)
+ {
+ wxCommandEvent event1(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, m_windowId);
+ event1.SetEventObject( this );
+ wxPostEvent( GetEventHandler(), event1 );
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// standard handlers for standard edit menu events
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxTextCtrl::OnCut(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ Cut();
+void wxTextCtrl::OnCopy(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ Copy();
+void wxTextCtrl::OnPaste(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ Paste();
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUndo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ Undo();
+void wxTextCtrl::OnRedo(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ Redo();
+void wxTextCtrl::OnDelete(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ long from, to;
+ GetSelection( &from, &to );
+ if (from != -1 && to != -1)
+ Remove( from, to );
+void wxTextCtrl::OnSelectAll(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ SetSelection(-1, -1);
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCut(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ event.Enable( CanCut() );
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCopy(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ event.Enable( CanCopy() );
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdatePaste(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ event.Enable( CanPaste() );
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateUndo(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ event.Enable( CanUndo() );
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateRedo(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ event.Enable( CanRedo() );
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateDelete(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ long from, to;
+ GetSelection( &from, &to );
+ event.Enable( from != -1 && to != -1 && from != to && IsEditable() ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateSelectAll(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ event.Enable(GetLastPosition() > 0);
+// CS: Context Menus only work with MLTE implementations or non-multiline HIViews at the moment
+void wxTextCtrl::OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent& event)
+ if ( GetPeer()->HasOwnContextMenu() )
+ {
+ event.Skip() ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (m_privateContextMenu == NULL)
+ {
+ m_privateContextMenu = new wxMenu;
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_UNDO, _("&Undo"));
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_REDO, _("&Redo"));
+ m_privateContextMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_CUT, _("Cu&t"));
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_COPY, _("&Copy"));
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_PASTE, _("&Paste"));
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_CLEAR, _("&Delete"));
+ m_privateContextMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ m_privateContextMenu->Append(wxID_SELECTALL, _("Select &All"));
+ }
+ if (m_privateContextMenu != NULL)
+ PopupMenu(m_privateContextMenu);
+bool wxTextCtrl::MacSetupCursor( const wxPoint& pt )
+ if ( !GetPeer()->SetupCursor( pt ) )
+ return wxWindow::MacSetupCursor( pt ) ;
+ else
+ return true ;
+// user pane implementation
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneDrawProc(wxInt16 part)
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneDrawProc( part ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc( x , y ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y, void* actionProc)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc( x , y , actionProc ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneIdleProc()
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneIdleProc( ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc(wxInt16 keyCode, wxInt16 charCode, wxInt16 modifiers)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc( keyCode , charCode , modifiers ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneActivateProc(bool activating)
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneActivateProc( activating ) ;
+wxInt16 wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneFocusProc(wxInt16 action)
+ return GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneFocusProc( action ) ;
+void wxTextCtrl::MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc(void* info)
+ GetPeer()->MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc( info ) ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// implementation base class
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMacTextControl::wxMacTextControl(wxTextCtrl* peer) :
+ wxMacControl( peer )
+void wxMacTextControl::SetStyle(long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style)
+void wxMacTextControl::Copy()
+void wxMacTextControl::Cut()
+void wxMacTextControl::Paste()
+bool wxMacTextControl::CanPaste() const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::SetEditable(bool editable)
+wxTextPos wxMacTextControl::GetLastPosition() const
+ return GetStringValue().length() ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Replace( long from , long to , const wxString &val )
+ SetSelection( from , to ) ;
+ WriteText( val ) ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Remove( long from , long to )
+ SetSelection( from , to ) ;
+ WriteText( wxEmptyString) ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Clear()
+ SetStringValue( wxEmptyString ) ;
+bool wxMacTextControl::CanUndo() const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Undo()
+bool wxMacTextControl::CanRedo() const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::Redo()
+long wxMacTextControl::XYToPosition(long x, long y) const
+ return 0 ;
+bool wxMacTextControl::PositionToXY(long pos, long *x, long *y) const
+ return false ;
+void wxMacTextControl::ShowPosition( long WXUNUSED(pos) )
+int wxMacTextControl::GetNumberOfLines() const
+ ItemCount lines = 0 ;
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ lines = 1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < content.length() ; i++)
+ {
+ if (content[i] == '\r')
+ lines++;
+ }
+ return lines ;
+wxString wxMacTextControl::GetLineText(long lineNo) const
+ // TODO: change this if possible to reflect real lines
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ // Find line first
+ int count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < content.length() ; i++)
+ {
+ if (count == lineNo)
+ {
+ // Add chars in line then
+ wxString tmp;
+ for (size_t j = i; j < content.length(); j++)
+ {
+ if (content[j] == '\n')
+ return tmp;
+ tmp += content[j];
+ }
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ if (content[i] == '\n')
+ count++;
+ }
+ return wxEmptyString ;
+int wxMacTextControl::GetLineLength(long lineNo) const
+ // TODO: change this if possible to reflect real lines
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ // Find line first
+ int count = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < content.length() ; i++)
+ {
+ if (count == lineNo)
+ {
+ // Count chars in line then
+ count = 0;
+ for (size_t j = i; j < content.length(); j++)
+ {
+ count++;
+ if (content[j] == '\n')
+ return count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ if (content[i] == '\n')
+ count++;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// standard unicode control implementation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// the current unicode textcontrol implementation has a bug : only if the control
+// is currently having the focus, the selection can be retrieved by the corresponding
+// data tag. So we have a mirroring using a member variable
+// TODO : build event table using virtual member functions for wxMacControl
+static const EventTypeSpec unicodeTextControlEventList[] =
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart } ,
+} ;
+static pascal OSStatus wxMacUnicodeTextControlControlEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ wxMacUnicodeTextControl* focus = (wxMacUnicodeTextControl*) data ;
+ wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( event ) ;
+ switch ( GetEventKind( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventControlSetFocusPart :
+ {
+ ControlPartCode controlPart = cEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>(kEventParamControlPart , typeControlPartCode );
+ if ( controlPart == kControlFocusNoPart )
+ {
+ // about to loose focus -> store selection to field
+ focus->GetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &focus->m_selection );
+ }
+ result = CallNextEventHandler(handler,event) ;
+ if ( controlPart != kControlFocusNoPart )
+ {
+ // about to gain focus -> set selection from field
+ focus->SetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &focus->m_selection );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break ;
+ }
+ return result ;
+static pascal OSStatus wxMacUnicodeTextControlEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ switch ( GetEventClass( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventClassControl :
+ result = wxMacUnicodeTextControlControlEventHandler( handler , event , data ) ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ return result ;
+DEFINE_ONE_SHOT_HANDLER_GETTER( wxMacUnicodeTextControlEventHandler )
+wxMacUnicodeTextControl::wxMacUnicodeTextControl( wxTextCtrl *wxPeer,
+ const wxString& str,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size, long style )
+ : wxMacTextControl( wxPeer )
+ m_font = wxPeer->GetFont() ;
+ m_windowStyle = style ;
+ Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxPeer , pos , size ) ;
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;
+ CFStringRef cfr = cf ;
+ Boolean isPassword = ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_PASSWORD ) != 0 ;
+ m_valueTag = isPassword ? kControlEditTextPasswordCFStringTag : kControlEditTextCFStringTag ;
+ OSStatus err = CreateEditUnicodeTextControl(
+ MAC_WXHWND(wxPeer->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds , cfr ,
+ isPassword , NULL , &m_controlRef ) ;
+ verify_noerr( err );
+ if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) )
+ SetData<Boolean>( kControlEditTextPart , kControlEditTextSingleLineTag , true ) ;
+ InstallControlEventHandler( m_controlRef , GetwxMacUnicodeTextControlEventHandlerUPP(),
+ GetEventTypeCount(unicodeTextControlEventList), unicodeTextControlEventList, this,
+ &m_focusHandlerRef);
+ ::RemoveEventHandler( m_focusHandlerRef );
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::VisibilityChanged(bool shown)
+ if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) && shown )
+ {
+ // work around a refresh issue insofar as not always the entire content is shown,
+ // even if this would be possible
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ CFStringRef value = NULL ;
+ verify_noerr( GetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) );
+ verify_noerr( GetData<CFStringRef>( 0, m_valueTag, &value ) );
+ verify_noerr( SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, m_valueTag, &value ) );
+ verify_noerr( SetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) );
+ CFRelease( value ) ;
+ }
+wxString wxMacUnicodeTextControl::GetStringValue() const
+ wxString result ;
+ CFStringRef value = GetData<CFStringRef>(0, m_valueTag) ;
+ if ( value )
+ {
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(value) ;
+ result = cf.AsString() ;
+ }
+#if '\n' == 10
+ wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &result ) ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &result ) ;
+ return result ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::SetStringValue( const wxString &str )
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf( st , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ verify_noerr( SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, m_valueTag , cf ) ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Copy()
+ SendHICommand( kHICommandCopy ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Cut()
+ SendHICommand( kHICommandCut ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::Paste()
+ SendHICommand( kHICommandPaste ) ;
+bool wxMacUnicodeTextControl::CanPaste() const
+ return true ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::SetEditable(bool editable)
+#if 0 // leads to problem because text cannot be selected anymore
+ SetData<Boolean>( kControlEditTextPart , kControlEditTextLockedTag , (Boolean) !editable ) ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::GetSelection( long* from, long* to ) const
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ if (HasFocus())
+ verify_noerr( GetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) ) ;
+ else
+ sel = m_selection ;
+ if ( from )
+ *from = sel.selStart ;
+ if ( to )
+ *to = sel.selEnd ;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::SetSelection( long from , long to )
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ wxString result ;
+ int textLength = 0 ;
+ CFStringRef value = GetData<CFStringRef>(0, m_valueTag) ;
+ if ( value )
+ {
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(value) ;
+ textLength = cf.AsString().length() ;
+ }
+ if ((from == -1) && (to == -1))
+ {
+ from = 0 ;
+ to = textLength ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ from = wxMin(textLength,wxMax(from,0)) ;
+ to = wxMax(0,wxMin(textLength,to)) ;
+ }
+ sel.selStart = from ;
+ sel.selEnd = to ;
+ if ( HasFocus() )
+ SetData<ControlEditTextSelectionRec>( 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, &sel ) ;
+ else
+ m_selection = sel;
+void wxMacUnicodeTextControl::WriteText( const wxString& str )
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ if ( HasFocus() )
+ {
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ CFStringRef value = cf ;
+ SetData<CFStringRef>( 0, kControlEditTextInsertCFStringRefTag, &value );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString val = GetStringValue() ;
+ long start , end ;
+ GetSelection( &start , &end ) ;
+ val.Remove( start , end - start ) ;
+ val.insert( start , str ) ;
+ SetStringValue( val ) ;
+ SetSelection( start + str.length() , start + str.length() ) ;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MLTE control implementation (common part)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// if MTLE is read only, no changes at all are allowed, not even from
+// procedural API, in order to allow changes via API all the same we must undo
+// the readonly status while we are executing, this class helps to do so
+class wxMacEditHelper
+public :
+ wxMacEditHelper( TXNObject txn )
+ {
+ TXNControlTag tag[] = { kTXNIOPrivilegesTag } ;
+ m_txn = txn ;
+ TXNGetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , 1 , tag , m_data ) ;
+ if ( m_data[0].uValue == kTXNReadOnly )
+ {
+ TXNControlData data[] = { { kTXNReadWrite } } ;
+ TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , false , 1 , tag , data ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ ~wxMacEditHelper()
+ {
+ TXNControlTag tag[] = { kTXNIOPrivilegesTag } ;
+ if ( m_data[0].uValue == kTXNReadOnly )
+ TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , false , 1 , tag , m_data ) ;
+ }
+protected :
+ TXNObject m_txn ;
+ TXNControlData m_data[1] ;
+} ;
+wxMacMLTEControl::wxMacMLTEControl( wxTextCtrl *peer )
+ : wxMacTextControl( peer )
+ SetNeedsFocusRect( true ) ;
+wxString wxMacMLTEControl::GetStringValue() const
+ wxString result ;
+ OSStatus err ;
+ Size actualSize = 0;
+ {
+ Handle theText ;
+ err = TXNGetDataEncoded( m_txn, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &theText, kTXNUnicodeTextData );
+ // all done
+ if ( err != noErr )
+ {
+ actualSize = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actualSize = GetHandleSize( theText ) / sizeof(UniChar) ;
+ if ( actualSize > 0 )
+ {
+ wxChar *ptr = NULL ;
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
+ ptr = new wxChar[actualSize + 1] ;
+ wxStrncpy( ptr , (wxChar*)(*theText) , actualSize ) ;
+ SetHandleSize( theText, (actualSize + 1) * sizeof(UniChar) ) ;
+ HLock( theText ) ;
+ (((UniChar*)*theText)[actualSize]) = 0 ;
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ size_t noChars = converter.MB2WC( NULL , (const char*)*theText , 0 ) ;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( noChars != wxCONV_FAILED, _T("Unable to count the number of characters in this string!") );
+ ptr = new wxChar[noChars + 1] ;
+ noChars = converter.MB2WC( ptr , (const char*)*theText , noChars + 1 ) ;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( noChars != wxCONV_FAILED, _T("Conversion of string failed!") );
+ ptr[noChars] = 0 ;
+ HUnlock( theText ) ;
+ ptr[actualSize] = 0 ;
+ result = wxString( ptr ) ;
+ delete [] ptr ;
+ }
+ DisposeHandle( theText ) ;
+ }
+ Handle theText ;
+ err = TXNGetDataEncoded( m_txn , kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &theText, kTXNTextData );
+ // all done
+ if ( err != noErr )
+ {
+ actualSize = 0 ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actualSize = GetHandleSize( theText ) ;
+ if ( actualSize > 0 )
+ {
+ HLock( theText ) ;
+ result = wxString( *theText , wxConvLocal , actualSize ) ;
+ HUnlock( theText ) ;
+ }
+ DisposeHandle( theText ) ;
+ }
+ }
+#if '\n' == 10
+ wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &result ) ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &result ) ;
+ return result ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetStringValue( const wxString &str )
+ wxString st = str;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st );
+ {
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ wxMacWindowClipper c( m_peer ) ;
+ {
+ wxMacEditHelper help( m_txn );
+ SetTXNData( st, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset );
+ }
+ TXNSetSelection( m_txn, 0, 0 );
+ TXNShowSelection( m_txn, kTXNShowStart );
+ }
+TXNFrameOptions wxMacMLTEControl::FrameOptionsFromWXStyle( long wxStyle )
+ TXNFrameOptions frameOptions = kTXNDontDrawCaretWhenInactiveMask;
+ frameOptions |= kTXNDoFontSubstitutionMask;
+ if ( ! (wxStyle & wxTE_NOHIDESEL) )
+ frameOptions |= kTXNDontDrawSelectionWhenInactiveMask ;
+ if ( wxStyle & (wxHSCROLL | wxTE_DONTWRAP) )
+ frameOptions |= kTXNWantHScrollBarMask ;
+ if ( wxStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
+ {
+ frameOptions |= kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask ;
+ if ( !(wxStyle & wxTE_NO_VSCROLL) )
+ {
+ frameOptions |= kTXNWantVScrollBarMask ;
+ // The following code causes drawing problems on 10.4. Perhaps it can be restored for
+ // older versions of the OS, but I'm not sure it's appropriate to put a grow icon here
+ // anyways, as AFAIK users can't actually use it to resize the text ctrl.
+// if ( frameOptions & kTXNWantHScrollBarMask )
+// frameOptions |= kTXNDrawGrowIconMask ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frameOptions |= kTXNSingleLineOnlyMask ;
+ }
+ return frameOptions ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::AdjustCreationAttributes( const wxColour &background, bool visible )
+ TXNControlTag iControlTags[] =
+ {
+ kTXNDoFontSubstitution,
+ kTXNWordWrapStateTag ,
+ };
+ TXNControlData iControlData[] =
+ {
+ { true },
+ { kTXNNoAutoWrap },
+ };
+ int toptag = WXSIZEOF( iControlTags ) ;
+ if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
+ {
+ iControlData[1].uValue =
+ (m_windowStyle & wxTE_DONTWRAP)
+ ? kTXNNoAutoWrap
+ : kTXNAutoWrap;
+ }
+ OSStatus err = TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn, false, toptag, iControlTags, iControlData ) ;
+ verify_noerr( err );
+ // setting the default font:
+ // under 10.2 this causes a visible caret, therefore we avoid it
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1030 )
+ {
+ Str255 fontName ;
+ SInt16 fontSize ;
+ Style fontStyle ;
+ GetThemeFont( kThemeSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
+ TXNTypeAttributes typeAttr[] =
+ {
+ { kTXNQDFontNameAttribute , kTXNQDFontNameAttributeSize , { (void*) fontName } } ,
+ { kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute , kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize , { (void*) (fontSize << 16) } } ,
+ { kTXNQDFontStyleAttribute , kTXNQDFontStyleAttributeSize , { (void*) normal } } ,
+ } ;
+ err = TXNSetTypeAttributes(
+ m_txn, sizeof(typeAttr) / sizeof(TXNTypeAttributes),
+ typeAttr, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset );
+ verify_noerr( err );
+ }
+ if ( m_windowStyle & wxTE_PASSWORD )
+ {
+ UniChar c = 0x00A5 ;
+ err = TXNEchoMode( m_txn , c , 0 , true );
+ verify_noerr( err );
+ }
+ TXNBackground tback;
+ tback.bgType = kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB;
+ tback.bg.color = MAC_WXCOLORREF( background.GetPixel() );
+ TXNSetBackground( m_txn , &tback );
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1040 )
+ {
+ TXNCommandEventSupportOptions options ;
+ if ( TXNGetCommandEventSupport( m_txn, &options ) == noErr )
+ {
+ options |=
+ kTXNSupportEditCommandProcessing
+ | kTXNSupportEditCommandUpdating
+ | kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandProcessing
+ | kTXNSupportSpellCheckCommandUpdating
+ | kTXNSupportFontCommandProcessing
+ | kTXNSupportFontCommandUpdating;
+ TXNSetCommandEventSupport( m_txn , options ) ;
+ }
+ }
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetBackground( const wxBrush &brush )
+ // currently only solid background are supported
+ TXNBackground tback;
+ tback.bgType = kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB;
+ tback.bg.color = MAC_WXCOLORREF( brush.GetColour().GetPixel() );
+ TXNSetBackground( m_txn , &tback );
+void wxMacMLTEControl::TXNSetAttribute( const wxTextAttr& style , long from , long to )
+ TXNTypeAttributes typeAttr[4] ;
+ RGBColor color ;
+ int attrCount = 0 ;
+ if ( style.HasFont() )
+ {
+ const wxFont &font = style.GetFont() ;
+#if 0 // old version
+ Str255 fontName = "\pMonaco" ;
+ SInt16 fontSize = 12 ;
+ Style fontStyle = normal ;
+ wxMacStringToPascal( font.GetFaceName() , fontName ) ;
+ fontSize = font.GetPointSize() ;
+ if ( font.GetUnderlined() )
+ fontStyle |= underline ;
+ if ( font.GetWeight() == wxBOLD )
+ fontStyle |= bold ;
+ if ( font.GetStyle() == wxITALIC )
+ fontStyle |= italic ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].tag = kTXNQDFontNameAttribute ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].size = kTXNQDFontNameAttributeSize ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].data.dataPtr = (void*)fontName ;
+ attrCount++ ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].tag = kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].size = kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].data.dataValue = (fontSize << 16) ;
+ attrCount++ ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].tag = kTXNQDFontStyleAttribute ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].size = kTXNQDFontStyleAttributeSize ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].data.dataValue = fontStyle ;
+ attrCount++ ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].tag = kTXNATSUIStyle ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].size = kTXNATSUIStyleSize ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].data.dataPtr = font.MacGetATSUStyle() ;
+ attrCount++ ;
+ }
+ if ( style.HasTextColour() )
+ {
+ color = MAC_WXCOLORREF(style.GetTextColour().GetPixel()) ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].tag = kTXNQDFontColorAttribute ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].size = kTXNQDFontColorAttributeSize ;
+ typeAttr[attrCount].data.dataPtr = (void*) &color ;
+ attrCount++ ;
+ }
+ if ( attrCount > 0 )
+ {
+ verify_noerr( TXNSetTypeAttributes( m_txn , attrCount , typeAttr, from , to ) );
+ // unfortunately the relayout is not automatic
+ TXNRecalcTextLayout( m_txn );
+ }
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetFont( const wxFont & font , const wxColour& foreground , long windowStyle )
+ wxMacEditHelper help( m_txn ) ;
+ TXNSetAttribute( wxTextAttr( foreground, wxNullColour, font ), kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetStyle( long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style )
+ wxMacEditHelper help( m_txn ) ;
+ TXNSetAttribute( style, start, end ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Copy()
+ ClearCurrentScrap();
+ TXNCopy( m_txn );
+ TXNConvertToPublicScrap();
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Cut()
+ ClearCurrentScrap();
+ TXNCut( m_txn );
+ TXNConvertToPublicScrap();
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Paste()
+ TXNConvertFromPublicScrap();
+ TXNPaste( m_txn );
+bool wxMacMLTEControl::CanPaste() const
+ return TXNIsScrapPastable() ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetEditable(bool editable)
+ TXNControlTag tag[] = { kTXNIOPrivilegesTag } ;
+ TXNControlData data[] = { { editable ? kTXNReadWrite : kTXNReadOnly } } ;
+ TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn, false, WXSIZEOF(tag), tag, data ) ;
+wxTextPos wxMacMLTEControl::GetLastPosition() const
+ wxTextPos actualsize = 0 ;
+ Handle theText ;
+ OSErr err = TXNGetDataEncoded( m_txn, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &theText, kTXNTextData );
+ // all done
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ actualsize = GetHandleSize( theText ) ;
+ DisposeHandle( theText ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ actualsize = 0 ;
+ }
+ return actualsize ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Replace( long from , long to , const wxString &str )
+ wxString value = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &value ) ;
+ wxMacEditHelper help( m_txn ) ;
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ wxMacWindowClipper c( m_peer ) ;
+ TXNSetSelection( m_txn, from, to ) ;
+ TXNClear( m_txn ) ;
+ SetTXNData( value, kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Remove( long from , long to )
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ wxMacWindowClipper c( m_peer ) ;
+ wxMacEditHelper help( m_txn ) ;
+ TXNSetSelection( m_txn , from , to ) ;
+ TXNClear( m_txn ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::GetSelection( long* from, long* to) const
+ TXNGetSelection( m_txn , (TXNOffset*) from , (TXNOffset*) to ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetSelection( long from , long to )
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ wxMacWindowClipper c( m_peer ) ;
+ // change the selection
+ if ((from == -1) && (to == -1))
+ TXNSelectAll( m_txn );
+ else
+ TXNSetSelection( m_txn, from, to );
+ TXNShowSelection( m_txn, kTXNShowStart );
+void wxMacMLTEControl::WriteText( const wxString& str )
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ long start , end , dummy ;
+ GetSelection( &start , &dummy ) ;
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ wxMacWindowClipper c( m_peer ) ;
+ {
+ wxMacEditHelper helper( m_txn ) ;
+ SetTXNData( st, kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ) ;
+ }
+ GetSelection( &dummy, &end ) ;
+ // TODO: SetStyle( start , end , GetDefaultStyle() ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Clear()
+#ifndef __LP64__
+ wxMacWindowClipper c( m_peer ) ;
+ wxMacEditHelper st( m_txn ) ;
+ TXNSetSelection( m_txn , kTXNStartOffset , kTXNEndOffset ) ;
+ TXNClear( m_txn ) ;
+bool wxMacMLTEControl::CanUndo() const
+ return TXNCanUndo( m_txn , NULL ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Undo()
+ TXNUndo( m_txn ) ;
+bool wxMacMLTEControl::CanRedo() const
+ return TXNCanRedo( m_txn , NULL ) ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::Redo()
+ TXNRedo( m_txn ) ;
+int wxMacMLTEControl::GetNumberOfLines() const
+ ItemCount lines = 0 ;
+ TXNGetLineCount( m_txn, &lines ) ;
+ return lines ;
+long wxMacMLTEControl::XYToPosition(long x, long y) const
+ Point curpt ;
+ wxTextPos lastpos ;
+ // TODO: find a better implementation : while we can get the
+ // line metrics of a certain line, we don't get its starting
+ // position, so it would probably be rather a binary search
+ // for the start position
+ long xpos = 0, ypos = 0 ;
+ int lastHeight = 0 ;
+ ItemCount n ;
+ lastpos = GetLastPosition() ;
+ for ( n = 0 ; n <= (ItemCount) lastpos ; ++n )
+ {
+ if ( y == ypos && x == xpos )
+ return n ;
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( m_txn, n, &curpt ) ;
+ if ( curpt.v > lastHeight )
+ {
+ xpos = 0 ;
+ if ( n > 0 )
+ ++ypos ;
+ lastHeight = curpt.v ;
+ }
+ else
+ ++xpos ;
+ }
+ return 0 ;
+bool wxMacMLTEControl::PositionToXY( long pos, long *x, long *y ) const
+ Point curpt ;
+ wxTextPos lastpos ;
+ if ( y )
+ *y = 0 ;
+ if ( x )
+ *x = 0 ;
+ lastpos = GetLastPosition() ;
+ if ( pos <= lastpos )
+ {
+ // TODO: find a better implementation - while we can get the
+ // line metrics of a certain line, we don't get its starting
+ // position, so it would probably be rather a binary search
+ // for the start position
+ long xpos = 0, ypos = 0 ;
+ int lastHeight = 0 ;
+ ItemCount n ;
+ for ( n = 0 ; n <= (ItemCount) pos ; ++n )
+ {
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( m_txn, n, &curpt ) ;
+ if ( curpt.v > lastHeight )
+ {
+ xpos = 0 ;
+ if ( n > 0 )
+ ++ypos ;
+ lastHeight = curpt.v ;
+ }
+ else
+ ++xpos ;
+ }
+ if ( y )
+ *y = ypos ;
+ if ( x )
+ *x = xpos ;
+ }
+ return false ;
+void wxMacMLTEControl::ShowPosition( long pos )
+ Point current, desired ;
+ TXNOffset selstart, selend;
+ TXNGetSelection( m_txn, &selstart, &selend );
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( m_txn, selstart, ¤t );
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( m_txn, pos, &desired );
+ // TODO: use HIPoints for 10.3 and above
+ OSErr theErr = noErr;
+ long dv = desired.v - current.v;
+ long dh = desired.h - current.h;
+ TXNShowSelection( m_txn, kTXNShowStart ) ; // NB: should this be kTXNShowStart or kTXNShowEnd ??
+ theErr = TXNScroll( m_txn, kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels, kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels, &dv, &dh );
+ // there will be an error returned for classic MLTE implementation when the control is
+ // invisible, but HITextView works correctly, so we don't assert that one
+ // wxASSERT_MSG( theErr == noErr, _T("TXNScroll returned an error!") );
+void wxMacMLTEControl::SetTXNData( const wxString& st, TXNOffset start, TXNOffset end )
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
+ size_t len = st.length() ;
+ TXNSetData( m_txn, kTXNUnicodeTextData, (void*)st.wc_str(), len * 2, start, end );
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ ByteCount byteBufferLen = converter.WC2MB( NULL, st.wc_str(), 0 ) ;
+ UniChar *unibuf = (UniChar*)malloc( byteBufferLen ) ;
+ converter.WC2MB( (char*)unibuf, st.wc_str(), byteBufferLen ) ;
+ TXNSetData( m_txn, kTXNUnicodeTextData, (void*)unibuf, byteBufferLen, start, end ) ;
+ free( unibuf ) ;
+ wxCharBuffer text = st.mb_str( wxConvLocal ) ;
+ TXNSetData( m_txn, kTXNTextData, (void*)text.data(), strlen( text ), start, end ) ;
+wxString wxMacMLTEControl::GetLineText(long lineNo) const
+ wxString line ;
+ if ( lineNo < GetNumberOfLines() )
+ {
+ Point firstPoint;
+ Fixed lineWidth, lineHeight, currentHeight;
+ long ypos ;
+ // get the first possible position in the control
+ TXNOffsetToPoint(m_txn, 0, &firstPoint);
+ // Iterate through the lines until we reach the one we want,
+ // adding to our current y pixel point position
+ ypos = 0 ;
+ currentHeight = 0;
+ while (ypos < lineNo)
+ {
+ TXNGetLineMetrics(m_txn, ypos++, &lineWidth, &lineHeight);
+ currentHeight += lineHeight;
+ }
+ Point thePoint = { firstPoint.v + (currentHeight >> 16), firstPoint.h + (0) };
+ TXNOffset theOffset;
+ TXNPointToOffset(m_txn, thePoint, &theOffset);
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ Point currentPoint = thePoint;
+ while (thePoint.v == currentPoint.v && theOffset < content.length())
+ {
+ line += content[theOffset];
+ TXNOffsetToPoint(m_txn, ++theOffset, ¤tPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ return line ;
+int wxMacMLTEControl::GetLineLength(long lineNo) const
+ int theLength = 0;
+ if ( lineNo < GetNumberOfLines() )
+ {
+ Point firstPoint;
+ Fixed lineWidth, lineHeight, currentHeight;
+ long ypos;
+ // get the first possible position in the control
+ TXNOffsetToPoint(m_txn, 0, &firstPoint);
+ // Iterate through the lines until we reach the one we want,
+ // adding to our current y pixel point position
+ ypos = 0;
+ currentHeight = 0;
+ while (ypos < lineNo)
+ {
+ TXNGetLineMetrics(m_txn, ypos++, &lineWidth, &lineHeight);
+ currentHeight += lineHeight;
+ }
+ Point thePoint = { firstPoint.v + (currentHeight >> 16), firstPoint.h + (0) };
+ TXNOffset theOffset;
+ TXNPointToOffset(m_txn, thePoint, &theOffset);
+ wxString content = GetStringValue() ;
+ Point currentPoint = thePoint;
+ while (thePoint.v == currentPoint.v && theOffset < content.length())
+ {
+ ++theLength;
+ TXNOffsetToPoint(m_txn, ++theOffset, ¤tPoint);
+ }
+ }
+ return theLength ;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MLTE control implementation (classic part)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// OS X Notes : We still don't have a full replacement for MLTE, so this implementation
+// has to live on. We have different problems coming from outdated implementations on the
+// various OS X versions. Most deal with the scrollbars: they are not correctly embedded
+// while this can be solved on 10.3 by reassigning them the correct place, on 10.2 there is
+// no way out, therefore we are using our own implementation and our own scrollbars ....
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
+TXNScrollInfoUPP gTXNScrollInfoProc = NULL ;
+ControlActionUPP gTXNScrollActionProc = NULL ;
+pascal void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::TXNScrollInfoProc(
+ SInt32 iValue, SInt32 iMaximumValue,
+ TXNScrollBarOrientation iScrollBarOrientation, SInt32 iRefCon )
+ wxMacMLTEClassicControl* mlte = (wxMacMLTEClassicControl*) iRefCon ;
+ SInt32 value = wxMax( iValue , 0 ) ;
+ SInt32 maximum = wxMax( iMaximumValue , 0 ) ;
+ if ( iScrollBarOrientation == kTXNHorizontal )
+ {
+ if ( mlte->m_sbHorizontal )
+ {
+ SetControl32BitValue( mlte->m_sbHorizontal , value ) ;
+ SetControl32BitMaximum( mlte->m_sbHorizontal , maximum ) ;
+ mlte->m_lastHorizontalValue = value ;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( iScrollBarOrientation == kTXNVertical )
+ {
+ if ( mlte->m_sbVertical )
+ {
+ SetControl32BitValue( mlte->m_sbVertical , value ) ;
+ SetControl32BitMaximum( mlte->m_sbVertical , maximum ) ;
+ mlte->m_lastVerticalValue = value ;
+ }
+ }
+pascal void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::TXNScrollActionProc( ControlRef controlRef , ControlPartCode partCode )
+ wxMacMLTEClassicControl* mlte = (wxMacMLTEClassicControl*) GetControlReference( controlRef ) ;
+ if ( mlte == NULL )
+ return ;
+ if ( controlRef != mlte->m_sbVertical && controlRef != mlte->m_sbHorizontal )
+ return ;
+ OSStatus err ;
+ bool isHorizontal = ( controlRef == mlte->m_sbHorizontal ) ;
+ SInt32 minimum = 0 ;
+ SInt32 maximum = GetControl32BitMaximum( controlRef ) ;
+ SInt32 value = GetControl32BitValue( controlRef ) ;
+ SInt32 delta = 0;
+ switch ( partCode )
+ {
+ case kControlDownButtonPart :
+ delta = 10 ;
+ break ;
+ case kControlUpButtonPart :
+ delta = -10 ;
+ break ;
+ case kControlPageDownPart :
+ delta = GetControlViewSize( controlRef ) ;
+ break ;
+ case kControlPageUpPart :
+ delta = -GetControlViewSize( controlRef ) ;
+ break ;
+ case kControlIndicatorPart :
+ delta = value - (isHorizontal ? mlte->m_lastHorizontalValue : mlte->m_lastVerticalValue) ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ if ( delta != 0 )
+ {
+ SInt32 newValue = value ;
+ if ( partCode != kControlIndicatorPart )
+ {
+ if ( value + delta < minimum )
+ delta = minimum - value ;
+ if ( value + delta > maximum )
+ delta = maximum - value ;
+ SetControl32BitValue( controlRef , value + delta ) ;
+ newValue = value + delta ;
+ }
+ SInt32 verticalDelta = isHorizontal ? 0 : delta ;
+ SInt32 horizontalDelta = isHorizontal ? delta : 0 ;
+ err = TXNScroll(
+ mlte->m_txn, kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels, kTXNScrollUnitsInPixels,
+ &verticalDelta, &horizontalDelta );
+ verify_noerr( err );
+ if ( isHorizontal )
+ mlte->m_lastHorizontalValue = newValue ;
+ else
+ mlte->m_lastVerticalValue = newValue ;
+ }
+// make correct activations
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacActivatePaneText(bool setActive)
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*) GetControlReference(m_controlRef);
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( textctrl ) ;
+ TXNActivate( m_txn, m_txnFrameID, setActive );
+ ControlRef controlFocus = 0 ;
+ GetKeyboardFocus( m_txnWindow , &controlFocus ) ;
+ if ( controlFocus == m_controlRef )
+ TXNFocus( m_txn, setActive );
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacFocusPaneText(bool setFocus)
+ TXNFocus( m_txn, setFocus );
+// guards against inappropriate redraw (hidden objects drawing onto window)
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacSetObjectVisibility(bool vis)
+ ControlRef controlFocus = 0 ;
+ GetKeyboardFocus( m_txnWindow , &controlFocus ) ;
+ if ( !vis && (controlFocus == m_controlRef ) )
+ SetKeyboardFocus( m_txnWindow , m_controlRef , kControlFocusNoPart ) ;
+ TXNControlTag iControlTags[1] = { kTXNVisibilityTag };
+ TXNControlData iControlData[1] = { { (UInt32)false } };
+ verify_noerr( TXNGetTXNObjectControls( m_txn , 1, iControlTags, iControlData ) ) ;
+ if ( iControlData[0].uValue != vis )
+ {
+ iControlData[0].uValue = vis ;
+ verify_noerr( TXNSetTXNObjectControls( m_txn, false , 1, iControlTags, iControlData ) ) ;
+ }
+ // currently, we always clip as partial visibility (overlapped) visibility is also a problem,
+ // if we run into further problems we might set the FrameBounds to an empty rect here
+// make sure that the TXNObject is at the right position
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacUpdatePosition()
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*)GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( textctrl == NULL )
+ return ;
+ Rect bounds ;
+ UMAGetControlBoundsInWindowCoords( m_controlRef, &bounds );
+ wxRect visRect = textctrl->MacGetClippedClientRect() ;
+ Rect visBounds = { visRect.y , visRect.x , visRect.y + visRect.height , visRect.x + visRect.width } ;
+ int x , y ;
+ x = y = 0 ;
+ textctrl->MacWindowToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
+ OffsetRect( &visBounds , x , y ) ;
+ if ( !EqualRect( &bounds, &m_txnControlBounds ) || !EqualRect( &visBounds, &m_txnVisBounds ) )
+ {
+ m_txnControlBounds = bounds ;
+ m_txnVisBounds = visBounds ;
+ wxMacWindowClipper cl( textctrl ) ;
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
+ if ( m_sbHorizontal || m_sbVertical )
+ {
+ int w = bounds.right - bounds.left ;
+ int h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top ;
+ if ( m_sbHorizontal )
+ {
+ Rect sbBounds ;
+ sbBounds.left = -1 ;
+ sbBounds.top = h - 14 ;
+ sbBounds.right = w + 1 ;
+ sbBounds.bottom = h + 1 ;
+ SetControlBounds( m_sbHorizontal , &sbBounds ) ;
+ SetControlViewSize( m_sbHorizontal , w ) ;
+ }
+ if ( m_sbVertical )
+ {
+ Rect sbBounds ;
+ sbBounds.left = w - 14 ;
+ sbBounds.top = -1 ;
+ sbBounds.right = w + 1 ;
+ sbBounds.bottom = m_sbHorizontal ? h - 14 : h + 1 ;
+ SetControlBounds( m_sbVertical , &sbBounds ) ;
+ SetControlViewSize( m_sbVertical , h ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ Rect oldviewRect ;
+ TXNLongRect olddestRect ;
+ TXNGetRectBounds( m_txn , &oldviewRect , &olddestRect , NULL ) ;
+ Rect viewRect = { m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ m_txnControlBounds.bottom - ( m_sbHorizontal ? 14 : 0 ) ,
+ m_txnControlBounds.right - ( m_sbVertical ? 14 : 0 ) } ;
+ TXNLongRect destRect = { m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ m_txnControlBounds.bottom - ( m_sbHorizontal ? 14 : 0 ) ,
+ m_txnControlBounds.right - ( m_sbVertical ? 14 : 0 ) } ;
+ if ( olddestRect.right >= 10000 )
+ destRect.right = destRect.left + 32000 ;
+ if ( olddestRect.bottom >= 0x20000000 )
+ destRect.bottom = destRect.top + 0x40000000 ;
+ SectRect( &viewRect , &visBounds , &viewRect ) ;
+ TXNSetRectBounds( m_txn , &viewRect , &destRect , true ) ;
+#if 0
+ TXNSetFrameBounds(
+ m_txn,
+ m_txnControlBounds.top,
+ m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ m_txnControlBounds.bottom - (m_sbHorizontal ? 14 : 0),
+ m_txnControlBounds.right - (m_sbVertical ? 14 : 0),
+ m_txnFrameID );
+ TXNSetFrameBounds(
+ m_txn, m_txnControlBounds.top, m_txnControlBounds.left,
+ wxMax( m_txnControlBounds.bottom, m_txnControlBounds.top ),
+ wxMax( m_txnControlBounds.right, m_txnControlBounds.left ), m_txnFrameID );
+ // the SetFrameBounds method under Classic sometimes does not correctly scroll a selection into sight after a
+ // movement, therefore we have to force it
+ // this problem has been reported in OSX as well, so we use this here once again
+ TXNLongRect textRect ;
+ TXNGetRectBounds( m_txn , NULL , NULL , &textRect ) ;
+ if ( textRect.left < m_txnControlBounds.left )
+ TXNShowSelection( m_txn , kTXNShowStart ) ;
+ }
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::SetRect( Rect *r )
+ wxMacControl::SetRect( r ) ;
+ MacUpdatePosition() ;
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneDrawProc(wxInt16 thePart)
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*)GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( textctrl == NULL )
+ return ;
+ if ( textctrl->MacIsReallyShown() )
+ {
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( textctrl ) ;
+ TXNDraw( m_txn , NULL ) ;
+ }
+wxInt16 wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y)
+ Point where = { y , x } ;
+ ControlPartCode result = kControlNoPart;
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*) GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( (textctrl != NULL) && textctrl->MacIsReallyShown() )
+ {
+ if (PtInRect( where, &m_txnControlBounds ))
+ {
+ result = kControlEditTextPart ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // sometimes we get the coords also in control local coordinates, therefore test again
+ int x = 0 , y = 0 ;
+ textctrl->MacClientToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
+ where.h += x ;
+ where.v += y ;
+ if (PtInRect( where, &m_txnControlBounds ))
+ result = kControlEditTextPart ;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+wxInt16 wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc( wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y, void* actionProc )
+ ControlPartCode result = kControlNoPart;
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*) GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( (textctrl != NULL) && textctrl->MacIsReallyShown() )
+ {
+ Point startPt = { y , x } ;
+ // for compositing, we must convert these into toplevel window coordinates, because hittesting expects them
+ int x = 0 , y = 0 ;
+ textctrl->MacClientToRootWindow( &x , &y ) ;
+ startPt.h += x ;
+ startPt.v += y ;
+ switch (MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc( startPt.h , startPt.v ))
+ {
+ case kControlEditTextPart :
+ {
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( textctrl ) ;
+ EventRecord rec ;
+ ConvertEventRefToEventRecord( (EventRef) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() , &rec ) ;
+ TXNClick( m_txn, &rec );
+ }
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneIdleProc()
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*)GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( textctrl == NULL )
+ return ;
+ if (textctrl->MacIsReallyShown())
+ {
+ if (IsControlActive(m_controlRef))
+ {
+ Point mousep;
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( textctrl ) ;
+ GetMouse(&mousep);
+ TXNIdle(m_txn);
+ if (PtInRect(mousep, &m_txnControlBounds))
+ {
+ RgnHandle theRgn = NewRgn();
+ RectRgn(theRgn, &m_txnControlBounds);
+ TXNAdjustCursor(m_txn, theRgn);
+ DisposeRgn(theRgn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+wxInt16 wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc (wxInt16 keyCode, wxInt16 charCode, wxInt16 modifiers)
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*)GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( textctrl == NULL )
+ return kControlNoPart;
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( textctrl ) ;
+ EventRecord ev ;
+ memset( &ev , 0 , sizeof( ev ) ) ;
+ ev.what = keyDown ;
+ ev.modifiers = modifiers ;
+ ev.message = ((keyCode << 8) & keyCodeMask) | (charCode & charCodeMask);
+ TXNKeyDown( m_txn , &ev );
+ return kControlEntireControl;
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneActivateProc(bool activating)
+ MacActivatePaneText( activating );
+wxInt16 wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneFocusProc(wxInt16 action)
+ ControlPartCode focusResult = kControlFocusNoPart;
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*)GetControlReference( m_controlRef );
+ if ( textctrl == NULL )
+ return focusResult;
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( textctrl ) ;
+ ControlRef controlFocus = NULL ;
+ GetKeyboardFocus( m_txnWindow , &controlFocus ) ;
+ bool wasFocused = ( controlFocus == m_controlRef ) ;
+ switch (action)
+ {
+ case kControlFocusPrevPart:
+ case kControlFocusNextPart:
+ MacFocusPaneText( !wasFocused );
+ focusResult = (!wasFocused ? (ControlPartCode) kControlEditTextPart : (ControlPartCode) kControlFocusNoPart);
+ break;
+ case kControlFocusNoPart:
+ default:
+ MacFocusPaneText( false );
+ focusResult = kControlFocusNoPart;
+ break;
+ }
+ return focusResult;
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc( void *info )
+wxMacMLTEClassicControl::wxMacMLTEClassicControl( wxTextCtrl *wxPeer,
+ const wxString& str,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size, long style )
+ : wxMacMLTEControl( wxPeer )
+ m_font = wxPeer->GetFont() ;
+ m_windowStyle = style ;
+ Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxPeer , pos , size ) ;
+ short featureSet =
+ kControlSupportsEmbedding | kControlSupportsFocus | kControlWantsIdle
+ | kControlWantsActivate | kControlHandlesTracking
+// | kControlHasSpecialBackground
+ | kControlGetsFocusOnClick | kControlSupportsLiveFeedback;
+ OSStatus err = ::CreateUserPaneControl(
+ MAC_WXHWND(wxPeer->GetParent()->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()),
+ &bounds, featureSet, &m_controlRef );
+ verify_noerr( err );
+ DoCreate();
+ AdjustCreationAttributes( *wxWHITE , true ) ;
+ MacSetObjectVisibility( wxPeer->MacIsReallyShown() ) ;
+ {
+ wxString st = str ;
+ wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &st ) ;
+ wxMacWindowClipper clipper( m_peer ) ;
+ SetTXNData( st , kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset ) ;
+ TXNSetSelection( m_txn, 0, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ TXNDeleteObject( m_txn );
+ m_txn = NULL ;
+void wxMacMLTEClassicControl::VisibilityChanged(bool shown)
+ MacSetObjectVisibility( shown ) ;
+ wxMacControl::VisibilityChanged( shown ) ;