+void wxStaticText::OnDraw( wxDC &dc )
+ if (m_width <= 0 || m_height <= 0)
+ return;
+ wxString paragraph;
+ int i = 0 ;
+ wxString text = m_label;
+ PrepareDC(dc);
+ bool doClear = true ;
+ WindowRef window = GetMacRootWindow() ;
+ if ( window )
+ {
+ wxWindow* win = wxFindWinFromMacWindow( window ) ;
+ if ( win )
+ {
+ wxWindow* parent = GetParent() ;
+ while ( parent )
+ {
+ if( parent->MacGetWindowData() )
+ {
+ break ;
+ }
+ parent = parent->GetParent() ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (i < text.Length())
+ {
+ paragraph += text[i];
+ if (text[i] == 13 || text[i] == 10)
+ DrawParagraph(dc, paragraph);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (paragraph.Length() > 0)
+ DrawParagraph(dc, paragraph);
+void wxStaticText::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event )
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ OnDraw( dc ) ;
+wxSize wxStaticText::DoGetBestSize() const
+ int x,y ;
+ int widthTextMax = 0, widthLine,
+ heightTextTotal = 0, heightLineDefault = 0, heightLine = 0;
+ wxString curLine;
+ for ( const wxChar *pc = m_label; ; pc++ )
+ {
+ if ( *pc == wxT('\n') || *pc == wxT('\0') )
+ {
+ if ( !curLine )
+ {
+ // we can't use GetTextExtent - it will return 0 for both width
+ // and height and an empty line should count in height
+ // calculation
+ if ( !heightLineDefault )
+ heightLineDefault = heightLine;
+ if ( !heightLineDefault )
+ GetTextExtent(_T("W"), NULL, &heightLineDefault);
+ heightTextTotal += heightLineDefault;
+ heightTextTotal++; // FIXME: why is this necessary?
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetTextExtent(curLine, &widthLine, &heightLine);
+ if ( widthLine > widthTextMax )
+ widthTextMax = widthLine;
+ heightTextTotal += heightLine;
+ heightTextTotal++; // FIXME: why is this necessary?
+ }
+ if ( *pc == wxT('\n') ) {
+ curLine.Empty();
+ }
+ else {
+ // the end of string
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ curLine += *pc;
+ }
+ }
+ return wxSize(widthTextMax, heightTextTotal);
+void wxStaticText::SetLabel(const wxString& st )
+ SetTitle( st ) ;
+ m_label = st ;
+ if ( !(GetWindowStyle() & wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE) )
+ SetSize( GetBestSize() ) ;
+ Refresh() ;
+ MacUpdateImmediately() ;
+// wxClientDC dc(this);
+// OnDraw( dc ) ;