#ifndef _WX_CAIRO_H_BASE_
#define _WX_CAIRO_H_BASE_
- // for now GTK+ only
-#ifdef __WXGTK210__
- #define wxUSE_CAIRO 1
+// for now GTK+ only
+#ifndef wxUSE_CAIRO
+ #ifdef __WXGTK210__
+ #define wxUSE_CAIRO 1
+ #else
+ #define wxUSE_CAIRO 0
+ #endif
class wxCairoLibrary
- wxCairoLibrary();
- ~wxCairoLibrary();
+ // return the pointer to the global instance of this class or NULL if we
+ // failed to load/initialize it
+ static wxCairoLibrary *Get();
- static wxCairoLibrary* Get();
+ // for internal use only
static void CleanUp();
+ // the single wxCairoLibrary instance or NULL
+ static wxCairoLibrary *ms_lib;
+ wxCairoLibrary();
+ ~wxCairoLibrary();
bool IsOk();
- void InitializeMethods();
+ bool InitializeMethods();
- bool m_ok;
- wxDynamicLibrary *m_cairo_lib;
+ wxDynamicLibrary m_libCairo;
+ wxDynamicLibrary m_libPangoCairo;
- static wxCairoLibrary *s_lib;
+ // true if we successfully loaded the libraries and can use them
+ //
+ // note that this field must have this name as it's used by wxDL_XXX macros
+ bool m_ok;
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_arc,
- (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_arc_negative,
- (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_clip,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_close_path,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_arc,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_arc_negative,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2), (cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_clip,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_close_path,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_t*, cairo_create,
(cairo_surface_t *target), (target), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_curve_to,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3), (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_destroy,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_fill,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_fill_preserve,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_curve_to,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3), (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_destroy,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_fill,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_fill_preserve,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_get_target,
(cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL)
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_image_surface_create_for_data,
(unsigned char *data, cairo_format_t format, int width, int height, int stride), (data, format, width, height, stride), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_line_to,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_move_to,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_new_path,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_paint,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, double offset, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (pattern, offset, red, green, blue, alpha), /**/)
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_line_to,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_move_to,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y), (cr, x, y) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_new_path,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_paint,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba,
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, double offset, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (pattern, offset, red, green, blue, alpha) )
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_for_surface,
(cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface), NULL)
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_linear,
(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1), (x0, y0, x1, y1), NULL)
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_t*, cairo_pattern_create_radial,
(double cx0, double cy0, double radius0, double cx1, double cy1, double radius1), (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_pattern_destroy,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern), (pattern), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_pattern_set_extend,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_extend_t extend), (pattern, extend), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_pattern_set_filter,
- (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_filter_t filter), (pattern, filter), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_rectangle,
- (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double width, double height), (cr, x, y, width, height), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_reset_clip,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_restore,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_rotate,
- (cairo_t *cr, double angle), (cr, angle), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_save,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_scale,
- (cairo_t *cr, double sx, double sy), (cr, sx, sy), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_dash,
- (cairo_t *cr, const double *dashes, int num_dashes, double offset), (cr, dashes, num_dashes, offset), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_fill_rule,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule), (cr, fill_rule), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_line_cap,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_cap_t line_cap), (cr, line_cap), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_line_join,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_join_t line_join), (cr, line_join), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_line_width,
- (cairo_t *cr, double width), (cr, width), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_operator,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_operator_t op), (cr, op), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_source,
- (cairo_t *cr, cairo_pattern_t *source), (cr, source), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_set_source_rgba,
- (cairo_t *cr, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (cr, red, green, blue, alpha), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_stroke,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_stroke_preserve,
- (cairo_t *cr), (cr), /**/)
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_destroy,
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern), (pattern) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_set_extend,
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_extend_t extend), (pattern, extend) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_pattern_set_filter,
+ (cairo_pattern_t *pattern, cairo_filter_t filter), (pattern, filter) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_rectangle,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double width, double height), (cr, x, y, width, height) )
+ wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_t*, cairo_reference,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr), NULL )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_reset_clip,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_restore,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_rotate,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double angle), (cr, angle) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_save,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_scale,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double sx, double sy), (cr, sx, sy) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_dash,
+ (cairo_t *cr, const double *dashes, int num_dashes, double offset), (cr, dashes, num_dashes, offset) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_fill_rule,
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule), (cr, fill_rule) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_line_cap,
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_cap_t line_cap), (cr, line_cap) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_line_join,
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_line_join_t line_join), (cr, line_join) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_line_width,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double width), (cr, width) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_operator,
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_operator_t op), (cr, op) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_source,
+ (cairo_t *cr, cairo_pattern_t *source), (cr, source) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_set_source_rgba,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double red, double green, double blue, double alpha), (cr, red, green, blue, alpha) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_stroke,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_stroke_preserve,
+ (cairo_t *cr), (cr) )
wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_t*, cairo_surface_create_similar,
(cairo_surface_t *other, cairo_content_t content, int width, int height), (other, content, width, height), NULL)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_surface_destroy,
- (cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface), /**/)
- wxDL_METHOD_DEFINE( void, cairo_translate,
- (cairo_t *cr, double tx, double ty), (cr, tx, ty), /**/)
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_surface_destroy,
+ (cairo_surface_t *surface), (surface) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( cairo_translate,
+ (cairo_t *cr, double tx, double ty), (cr, tx, ty) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( pango_cairo_update_layout,
+ (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout), (cr, layout) )
+ wxDL_VOIDMETHOD_DEFINE( pango_cairo_show_layout,
+ (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout), (cr, layout) )
+ wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxCairoLibrary);
- // wxUSE_CAIRO
+#endif // wxUSE_CAIRO
+#endif // _WX_CAIRO_H_BASE_