+ /**
+ Enables or disables in-place editing of grid cell data.
+ The grid will issue either a @c wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN or
+ */
+ void EnableCellEditControl(bool enable = true);
+ /**
+ Makes the grid globally editable or read-only.
+ If the edit argument is @false this function sets the whole grid as
+ read-only. If the argument is @true the grid is set to the default
+ state where cells may be editable. In the default state you can set
+ single grid cells and whole rows and columns to be editable or
+ read-only via wxGridCellAttr::SetReadOnly(). For single cells you
+ can also use the shortcut function SetReadOnly().
+ For more information about controlling grid cell attributes see the
+ wxGridCellAttr class and the @ref overview_grid.
+ */
+ void EnableEditing(bool edit);
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to the editor for the cell at the specified location.
+ See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ wxGridCellEditor* GetCellEditor(int row, int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to the renderer for the grid cell at the specified
+ location.
+ See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ wxGridCellRenderer* GetCellRenderer(int row, int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the string contained in the cell at the specified location.
+ For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
+ default grid table of string values you use this function together with
+ SetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
+ where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
+ data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
+ you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
+ See wxGridTableBase::CanGetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
+ more information.
+ */
+ wxString GetCellValue(int row, int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the string contained in the cell at the specified location.
+ For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
+ default grid table of string values you use this function together with
+ SetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
+ where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
+ data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
+ you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
+ See wxGridTableBase::CanGetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
+ more information.
+ */
+ const wxString& GetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords& coords) const;
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to the current default grid cell editor.
+ See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ */
+ wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditor() const;
+ /**
+ Returns the default editor for the specified cell.
+ The base class version returns the editor appropriate for the current
+ cell type but this method may be overridden in the derived classes to
+ use custom editors for some cells by default.
+ Notice that the same may be achieved in a usually simpler way by
+ associating a custom editor with the given cell or cells.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditorForCell(int row, int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the default editor for the specified cell.
+ The base class version returns the editor appropriate for the current
+ cell type but this method may be overridden in the derived classes to
+ use custom editors for some cells by default.
+ Notice that the same may be achieved in a usually simpler way by
+ associating a custom editor with the given cell or cells.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditorForCell(const wxGridCellCoords& c) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the default editor for the cells containing values of the given
+ type.
+ The base class version returns the editor which was associated with the
+ specified @a typeName when it was registered RegisterDataType() but
+ this function may be overridden to return something different. This
+ allows to override an editor used for one of the standard types.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor* GetDefaultEditorForType(const wxString& typeName) const;
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to the current default grid cell renderer.
+ See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ wxGridCellRenderer* GetDefaultRenderer() const;
+ /**
+ Returns the default renderer for the given cell.
+ The base class version returns the renderer appropriate for the current
+ cell type but this method may be overridden in the derived classes to
+ use custom renderers for some cells by default.
+ The caller must call DecRef() on the returned pointer.
+ */
+ virtual wxGridCellRenderer* GetDefaultRendererForCell(int row, int col) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the default renderer for the cell containing values of the
+ given type.
+ @see GetDefaultEditorForType()
+ */
+ virtual wxGridCellRenderer* GetDefaultRendererForType(const wxString& typeName) const;
+ /**
+ Hides the in-place cell edit control.
+ */
+ void HideCellEditControl();
+ /**
+ Returns @true if the in-place edit control is currently enabled.
+ */
+ bool IsCellEditControlEnabled() const;
+ /**
+ Returns @true if the current cell is read-only.
+ @see SetReadOnly(), IsReadOnly()
+ */
+ bool IsCurrentCellReadOnly() const;
+ /**
+ Returns @false if the whole grid has been set as read-only or @true
+ otherwise.
+ See EnableEditing() for more information about controlling the editing
+ status of grid cells.
+ */
+ bool IsEditable() const;
+ /**
+ Returns @true if the cell at the specified location can't be edited.
+ @see SetReadOnly(), IsCurrentCellReadOnly()
+ */
+ bool IsReadOnly(int row, int col) const;
+ /**
+ Register a new data type.
+ The data types allow to naturally associate specific renderers and
+ editors to the cells containing values of the given type. For example,
+ the grid automatically registers a data type with the name
+ @c wxGRID_VALUE_STRING which uses wxGridCellStringRenderer and
+ wxGridCellTextEditor as its renderer and editor respectively -- this is
+ the data type used by all the cells of the default wxGridStringTable,
+ so this renderer and editor are used by default for all grid cells.
+ However if a custom table returns @c wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL from its
+ wxGridTableBase::GetTypeName() method, then wxGridCellBoolRenderer and
+ wxGridCellBoolEditor are used for it because the grid also registers a
+ boolean data type with this name.
+ And as this mechanism is completely generic, you may register your own
+ data types using your own custom renderers and editors. Just remember
+ that the table must identify a cell as being of the given type for them
+ to be used for this cell.
+ @param typeName
+ Name of the new type. May be any string, but if the type name is
+ the same as the name of an already registered type, including one
+ of the standard ones (which are @c wxGRID_VALUE_STRING, @c
+ and @c wxGRID_VALUE_CHOICE), then the new registration information
+ replaces the previously used renderer and editor.
+ @param renderer
+ The renderer to use for the cells of this type. Its ownership is
+ taken by the grid, i.e. it will call DecRef() on this pointer when
+ it doesn't need it any longer.
+ @param editor
+ The editor to use for the cells of this type. Its ownership is also
+ taken by the grid.
+ */
+ void RegisterDataType(const wxString& typeName,
+ wxGridCellRenderer* renderer,
+ wxGridCellEditor* editor);
+ /**
+ Sets the value of the current grid cell to the current in-place edit
+ control value.
+ This is called automatically when the grid cursor moves from the
+ current cell to a new cell. It is also a good idea to call this
+ function when closing a grid since any edits to the final cell location
+ will not be saved otherwise.
+ */
+ void SaveEditControlValue();
+ /**
+ Sets the editor for the grid cell at the specified location.
+ The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
+ See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ */
+ void SetCellEditor(int row, int col, wxGridCellEditor* editor);
+ /**
+ Sets the renderer for the grid cell at the specified location.
+ The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
+ See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ */
+ void SetCellRenderer(int row, int col, wxGridCellRenderer* renderer);
+ /**
+ Sets the string value for the cell at the specified location.
+ For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
+ default grid table of string values you use this function together with
+ GetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
+ where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
+ data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
+ you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
+ See wxGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
+ more information.
+ */
+ void SetCellValue(int row, int col, const wxString& s);
+ /**
+ Sets the string value for the cell at the specified location.
+ For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
+ default grid table of string values you use this function together with
+ GetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
+ where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
+ data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
+ you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
+ See wxGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
+ more information.
+ */
+ void SetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords& coords, const wxString& s);
+ /**
+ @deprecated Please use SetCellValue(int,int,const wxString&) or
+ SetCellValue(const wxGridCellCoords&,const wxString&)
+ instead.
+ Sets the string value for the cell at the specified location.
+ For simple applications where a grid object automatically uses a
+ default grid table of string values you use this function together with
+ GetCellValue() to access cell values. For more complex applications
+ where you have derived your own grid table class that contains various
+ data types (e.g. numeric, boolean or user-defined custom types) then
+ you only use this function for those cells that contain string values.
+ See wxGridTableBase::CanSetValueAs() and the @ref overview_grid for
+ more information.
+ */
+ void SetCellValue(const wxString& val, int row, int col);
+ /**
+ Sets the specified column to display boolean values.
+ @see SetColFormatCustom()
+ */
+ void SetColFormatBool(int col);
+ /**
+ Sets the specified column to display data in a custom format.
+ This method provides an alternative to defining a custom grid table
+ which would return @a typeName from its GetTypeName() method for the
+ cells in this column: while it doesn't really change the type of the
+ cells in this column, it does associate the renderer and editor used
+ for the cells of the specified type with them.
+ See the @ref overview_grid for more information on working with custom
+ data types.
+ */
+ void SetColFormatCustom(int col, const wxString& typeName);
+ /**
+ Sets the specified column to display floating point values with the
+ given width and precision.
+ @see SetColFormatCustom()
+ */
+ void SetColFormatFloat(int col, int width = -1, int precision = -1);
+ /**
+ Sets the specified column to display integer values.
+ @see SetColFormatCustom()
+ */
+ void SetColFormatNumber(int col);
+ /**
+ Sets the default editor for grid cells.
+ The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
+ See wxGridCellEditor and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.
+ */
+ void SetDefaultEditor(wxGridCellEditor* editor);
+ /**
+ Sets the default renderer for grid cells.
+ The grid will take ownership of the pointer.
+ See wxGridCellRenderer and the @ref overview_grid for more information
+ about cell editors and renderers.