-int wxXmlReader::ReadComponent(wxXmlNode *node, wxDepersister *callbacks)
- wxASSERT_MSG( callbacks , wxT("Does not support reading without a Depersistor") ) ;
- wxString className;
- wxClassInfo *classInfo;
- wxxVariant *createParams ;
- int *createParamOids ;
- const wxClassInfo** createClassInfos ;
- wxXmlNode *children;
- int objectID;
- wxString ObjectIdString ;
- children = node->GetChildren();
- if (!children)
- {
- // check for a null object or href
- if (node->GetPropVal("href" , &ObjectIdString ) )
- {
- objectID = atoi( ObjectIdString.c_str() ) ;
- wxASSERT_MSG( HasObjectClassInfo( objectID ) , wxT("Forward hrefs are not supported") ) ;
- return objectID ;
- }
- if ( !node->GetPropVal("id" , &ObjectIdString ) )
- {
- return wxNullObjectID;
- }
- }
- if (!node->GetPropVal("class", &className))
- {
- // No class name. Eek. FIXME: error handling
- return wxInvalidObjectID;
- }
- classInfo = wxClassInfo::FindClass(className);
- wxASSERT_MSG( classInfo , wxString::Format(wxT("unknown class %s"),className ) ) ;
- wxASSERT_MSG( !children || children->GetType() != wxXML_TEXT_NODE , wxT("objects cannot have XML Text Nodes") ) ;
- if (!node->GetPropVal("id", &ObjectIdString))
- {
- wxASSERT_MSG(0,wxT("Objects must have an id attribute") ) ;
- // No object id. Eek. FIXME: error handling
- return wxInvalidObjectID;
- }
- objectID = atoi( ObjectIdString.c_str() ) ;
- // is this object already has been streamed in, return it here
- wxASSERT_MSG( !HasObjectClassInfo( objectID ) , wxString::Format(wxT("Doubly used id : %d"), objectID ) ) ;
- // new object, start with allocation
- // first make the object know to our internal registry
- SetObjectClassInfo( objectID , classInfo ) ;
- wxxVariantArray metadata ;
- wxXmlProperty *xp = node->GetProperties() ;
- while ( xp )
- {
- if ( xp->GetName() != wxString("class") && xp->GetName() != wxString("id") )
- {
- metadata.Add( new wxxVariant( xp->GetValue() , xp->GetName() ) ) ;
- }
- xp = xp->GetNext() ;
- }
- callbacks->AllocateObject(objectID, classInfo, metadata);
- //
- // stream back the Create parameters first
- createParams = new wxxVariant[ classInfo->GetCreateParamCount() ] ;
- createParamOids = new int[classInfo->GetCreateParamCount() ] ;
- createClassInfos = new const wxClassInfo*[classInfo->GetCreateParamCount() ] ;
- typedef map<string, wxXmlNode *> PropertyNodes ;
- typedef vector<string> PropertyNames ;
- PropertyNodes propertyNodes ;
- PropertyNames propertyNames ;
- while( children )
- {
- wxString name ;
- children->GetPropVal( wxT("name") , &name ) ;
- propertyNames.push_back( name.c_str() ) ;
- propertyNodes[name.c_str()] = children->GetChildren() ;
- children = children->GetNext() ;
- }
- for ( int i = 0 ; i <classInfo->GetCreateParamCount() ; ++i )
- {
- const wxChar* paramName = classInfo->GetCreateParamName(i) ;
- PropertyNodes::iterator propiter = propertyNodes.find( paramName ) ;
- const wxPropertyInfo* pi = classInfo->FindPropertyInfo( paramName ) ;
- wxASSERT_MSG(pi,wxString::Format("Unkown Property %s",paramName) ) ;
- // if we don't have the value of a create param set in the xml
- // we use the default value
- if ( propiter != propertyNodes.end() )
- {
- wxXmlNode* prop = propiter->second ;
- if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->IsObjectType() )
- {
- createParamOids[i] = ReadComponent( prop , callbacks ) ;
- createClassInfos[i] = dynamic_cast<const wxClassTypeInfo*>(pi->GetTypeInfo())->GetClassInfo() ;
- }
- else
- {
- createParamOids[i] = wxInvalidObjectID ;
- createParams[i] = ReadValue( prop , pi->GetTypeInfo() ) ;
- createClassInfos[i] = NULL ;
- }
- for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < propertyNames.size() ; ++j )
- {
- if ( propertyNames[j] == paramName )
- {
- propertyNames[j] = "" ;
- break ;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- createParams[i] = pi->GetDefaultValue() ;
- }
- }
- // got the parameters. Call the Create method
- callbacks->CreateObject(objectID, classInfo,
- classInfo->GetCreateParamCount(),
- createParams, createParamOids, createClassInfos, metadata );
- // now stream in the rest of the properties, in the sequence their properties were written in the xml
- for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < propertyNames.size() ; ++j )
- {
- if ( propertyNames[j].length() )
- {
- PropertyNodes::iterator propiter = propertyNodes.find( propertyNames[j] ) ;
- if ( propiter != propertyNodes.end() )
- {
- wxXmlNode* prop = propiter->second ;
- const wxPropertyInfo* pi = classInfo->FindPropertyInfo( propertyNames[j].c_str() ) ;
- if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_COLLECTION )
- {
- const wxCollectionTypeInfo* collType = dynamic_cast< const wxCollectionTypeInfo* >( pi->GetTypeInfo() ) ;
- const wxTypeInfo * elementType = collType->GetElementType() ;
- while( prop )
- {
- wxASSERT_MSG(prop->GetName() == wxT("element") , wxT("A non empty collection must consist of 'element' nodes")) ;
- wxXmlNode* elementContent = prop->GetChildren() ;
- if ( elementContent )
- {
- // we skip empty elements
- if ( elementType->IsObjectType() )
- {
- int valueId = ReadComponent( elementContent , callbacks ) ;
- if ( valueId != wxInvalidObjectID )
- {
- if ( pi->GetAccessor()->HasAdder() )
- callbacks->AddToPropertyCollectionAsObject( objectID , classInfo , pi , valueId ) ;
- // TODO for collections we must have a notation on taking over ownership or not
- if ( elementType->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT && valueId != wxNullObjectID )
- callbacks->DestroyObject( valueId , GetObjectClassInfo( valueId ) ) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- wxxVariant elementValue = ReadValue( elementContent , elementType ) ;
- if ( pi->GetAccessor()->HasAdder() )
- callbacks->AddToPropertyCollection( objectID , classInfo ,pi , elementValue ) ;
- }
- }
- prop = prop->GetNext() ;
- }
- }
- else if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->IsObjectType() )
- {
- int valueId = ReadComponent( prop , callbacks ) ;
- if ( valueId != wxInvalidObjectID )
- {
- callbacks->SetPropertyAsObject( objectID , classInfo , pi , valueId ) ;
- if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->GetKind() == wxT_OBJECT && valueId != wxNullObjectID )
- callbacks->DestroyObject( valueId , GetObjectClassInfo( valueId ) ) ;
- }
- }
- else if ( pi->GetTypeInfo()->IsDelegateType() )
- {
- if ( prop )
- {
- wxString resstring = prop->GetContent() ;
- wxInt32 pos = resstring.Find('.') ;
- assert( pos != wxNOT_FOUND ) ;
- int sinkOid = atol(resstring.Left(pos)) ;
- wxString handlerName = resstring.Mid(pos+1) ;
- wxClassInfo* sinkClassInfo = GetObjectClassInfo( sinkOid ) ;
- callbacks->SetConnect( objectID , classInfo , dynamic_cast<const wxDelegateTypeInfo*>(pi->GetTypeInfo()) , sinkClassInfo ,
- sinkClassInfo->FindHandlerInfo(handlerName) , sinkOid ) ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- wxxVariant nodeval ;
- callbacks->SetProperty( objectID, classInfo ,pi , ReadValue( prop , pi->GetTypeInfo() ) ) ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- delete[] createParams ;
- delete[] createParamOids ;
- delete[] createClassInfos ;
- return objectID;
-wxxVariant wxXmlReader::ReadValue(wxXmlNode *node,
- const wxTypeInfo *type )
- wxString content ;
- if ( node )
- content = node->GetContent() ;
- wxxVariant result ;
- type->ConvertFromString( content , result ) ;
- return result ;
-int wxXmlReader::ReadObject( const wxString &name , wxDepersister *callbacks)
- wxXmlNode *iter = m_parent->GetChildren() ;
- while ( iter )
- {
- wxString entryName ;
- if ( iter->GetPropVal("name", &entryName) )
- {
- if ( entryName == name )
- return ReadComponent( iter->GetChildren() , callbacks ) ;
- }
- iter = iter->GetNext() ;
- }
- return wxInvalidObjectID ;