\helpref{wxRichTextAttr}{wxrichtextattr}, \helpref{wxTextAttrEx}{wxtextattrex},
\helpref{wxRichTextEvent}{wxrichtextevent}, \helpref{wxRichTextRange}{wxrichtextrange},
\helpref{wxRichTextFileHandler}{wxrichtextfilehandler}, \helpref{wxRichTextHTMLHandler}{wxrichtexthtmlhandler},
wxRichTextCtrl provides a generic implementation of a rich text editor that can handle different character
instead of marking text in bold, specifying a large font size, and applying a certain
paragraph spacing and alignment for every such heading. Similarly,
wxWidgets provides a class called \helpref{wxRichTextStyleSheet}{wxrichtextstylesheet} which manages style definitions
-(\helpref{wxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinition}{wxrichtextparagraphstyledefinition} and \helpref{wxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinition}{wxrichtextcharacterstyledefinition}).
+(\helpref{wxRichTextParagraphStyleDefinition}{wxrichtextparagraphstyledefinition}, \helpref{wxRichTextListStyleDefinition}{wxrichtextliststyledefinition} and \helpref{wxRichTextCharacterStyleDefinition}{wxrichtextcharacterstyledefinition}).
Once you have added definitions to a style sheet and associated it with a wxRichTextCtrl,
you can apply a named definition to a range of text. The classes \helpref{wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl}{wxrichtextstylecomboctrl}\rtfsp
and \helpref{wxRichTextStyleListBox}{wxrichtextstylelistbox} can be used to present the user with a list
This is useful if the style definitions have changed, and you want the content to reflect this.
It relies on the fact that when you apply a named style, the style definition name is recorded in the
content. So ApplyStyleSheet works by finding the paragraph attributes with style names and re-applying the definition's
-attributes to the paragraph. Currently, this works with paragraph style definitions only.
+attributes to the paragraph. Currently, this works with paragraph and list style definitions only.
\subsection{wxRichTextCtrl dialogs}\label{wxrichtextctrldialogs}
\item As the selection is expanded, the text jumps slightly due to kerning differences between
drawing a single text string versus drawing several fragments separately. This could
be improved by using wxDC::GetPartialTextExtents to calculate exactly where the separate fragments
-should be drawn.
-Alternatively, it might be possible to use the difference between the width of text from
-a to b+1, versus the width of the text from a to b added to the width of b to b+1.
-Note that this problem also applies to separation of text fragments due to difference in their attributes.
-\item Selection doesn't work properly for text that contains tabs.
+should be drawn. Note that this problem also applies to separation of text fragments due to difference in their attributes.
This is a list of some of the features that have yet to be implemented. Help with them will be appreciated.
-\item Printing
\item RTF input and output
+\item Conversion from HTML
+\item Open Office input and output
\item Floating images, with content wrapping around them
\item A ruler control
\item Standard editing toolbars
-\item Automatic list numbering
\item Tables
+\item Bitmap bullets
+\item Borders
\item Text frames
-\item Add ability to show images in wxHTML output (currently uses embedded data suitable only for real browsers)
-\item More complete stylesheet viewer, plus style sheet editing dialogs
-\item Ability to read and write style sheets
+\item Justified text, in print/preview at least
There are also things that could be done to take advantage of the underlying text capabilities of the platform;