+ if ( m_release && m_ref != NULL )
+ CFRelease( m_ref ) ;
+ m_ref = NULL ;
+ }
+ refType Detach()
+ {
+ refType val = m_ref ;
+ m_release = false ;
+ m_ref = NULL ;
+ return val ;
+ }
+ void Set( refType ref , bool release = true )
+ {
+ Release() ;
+ m_release = release ;
+ m_ref = ref ;
+ }
+ operator refType () const { return m_ref; }
+private :
+ refType m_ref ;
+ bool m_release ;
+} ;
+#if wxUSE_GUI
+GWorldPtr wxMacCreateGWorld( int width , int height , int depth ) ;
+void wxMacDestroyGWorld( GWorldPtr gw ) ;
+PicHandle wxMacCreatePict( GWorldPtr gw , GWorldPtr mask = NULL ) ;
+CIconHandle wxMacCreateCIcon(GWorldPtr image , GWorldPtr mask , short dstDepth , short iconSize ) ;
+void wxMacSetColorTableEntry( CTabHandle newColors , int index , int red , int green , int blue ) ;
+CTabHandle wxMacCreateColorTable( int numColors ) ;
+void wxMacCreateBitmapButton( ControlButtonContentInfo*info , const wxBitmap& bitmap , int forceType = 0 ) ;
+void wxMacReleaseBitmapButton( ControlButtonContentInfo*info ) ;
+#define MAC_WXCOLORREF(a) (*((RGBColor*)&(a)))
+#define MAC_WXHBITMAP(a) (GWorldPtr(a))
+#define MAC_WXHMETAFILE(a) (PicHandle(a))
+#define MAC_WXHICON(a) (IconRef(a))
+#define MAC_WXHCURSOR(a) (CursHandle(a))
+#define MAC_WXHRGN(a) (RgnHandle(a))
+#define MAC_WXHWND(a) (WindowPtr(a))
+#define MAC_WXRECPTR(a) ((Rect*)a)
+#define MAC_WXPOINTPTR(a) ((Point*)a)
+#define MAC_WXHMENU(a) ((MenuHandle)a)
+struct wxOpaqueWindowRef
+ wxOpaqueWindowRef( WindowRef ref ) { m_data = ref ; }
+ operator WindowRef() { return m_data ; }
+private :
+ WindowRef m_data ;
+} ;
+void wxMacRectToNative( const wxRect *wx , Rect *n ) ;
+void wxMacNativeToRect( const Rect *n , wxRect* wx ) ;
+void wxMacPointToNative( const wxPoint* wx , Point *n ) ;
+void wxMacNativeToPoint( const Point *n , wxPoint* wx ) ;
+wxWindow * wxFindControlFromMacControl(ControlRef inControl ) ;
+wxTopLevelWindowMac* wxFindWinFromMacWindow( WindowRef inWindow ) ;
+wxMenu* wxFindMenuFromMacMenu(MenuRef inMenuRef) ;
+extern wxWindow* g_MacLastWindow ;
+pascal OSStatus wxMacTopLevelMouseEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data ) ;
+Rect wxMacGetBoundsForControl( wxWindow* window , const wxPoint& pos , const wxSize &size , bool adjustForOrigin = true ) ;
+ControlActionUPP GetwxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc() ;
+class wxMacControl
+public :
+ wxMacControl( wxWindow* peer , bool isRootControl = false ) ;
+ wxMacControl( wxWindow* peer , ControlRef control ) ;
+ wxMacControl( wxWindow* peer , WXWidget control ) ;
+ virtual ~wxMacControl() ;
+ void Init() ;
+ virtual void Dispose() ;
+ bool Ok() const { return GetControlRef() != NULL ; }
+ virtual ControlRef * GetControlRefAddr() { return &m_controlRef; }
+ virtual ControlRef GetControlRef() const { return m_controlRef ; }
+ virtual void SetReference( SInt32 data ) ;
+ /*
+ void operator= (ControlRef c) { m_controlRef = c ; }
+ operator ControlRef () { return m_controlRef; }
+ operator ControlRef * () { return &m_controlRef; }
+ */
+ // accessing data and values
+ virtual OSStatus SetData( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , Size inSize , const void * inData ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus GetData( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , Size inBufferSize , void * inOutBuffer , Size * outActualSize ) const ;
+ virtual OSStatus GetDataSize( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , Size * outActualSize ) const ;
+ virtual OSStatus SendEvent( EventRef ref , OptionBits inOptions = 0 ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SendHICommand( HICommand &command , OptionBits inOptions = 0 ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SendHICommand( UInt32 commandID , OptionBits inOptions = 0 ) ;
+ virtual SInt32 GetValue() const ;
+ virtual SInt32 GetMaximum() const ;
+ virtual SInt32 GetMinimum() const ;
+ virtual void SetValue( SInt32 v ) ;
+ virtual void SetMinimum( SInt32 v ) ;
+ virtual void SetMaximum( SInt32 v ) ;
+ virtual void SetValueAndRange( SInt32 value , SInt32 minimum , SInt32 maximum ) ;
+ virtual void SetRange( SInt32 minimum , SInt32 maximum ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetFocus( ControlFocusPart focusPart ) ;
+ virtual bool HasFocus() const ;
+ virtual bool NeedsFocusRect() const ;
+ virtual void SetNeedsFocusRect( bool needs ) ;
+ // templated helpers
+ Size GetDataSize( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag ) const
+ {
+ Size sz ;
+ verify_noerr( GetDataSize( inPartCode , inTag , &sz ) ) ;
+ return sz ;
+ }
+ template <typename T> OSStatus SetData( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , const T *data )
+ {
+ return SetData( inPartCode , inTag , sizeof( T ) , data ) ;
+ }
+ template <typename T> OSStatus SetData( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , const T& data )
+ {
+ return SetData( inPartCode , inTag , sizeof( T ) , &data ) ;
+ }
+ template <typename T> OSStatus GetData( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag , T *data ) const
+ {
+ Size dummy ;
+ return GetData( inPartCode , inTag , sizeof( T ) , data , &dummy ) ;
+ }
+ template <typename T> T GetData( ControlPartCode inPartCode , ResType inTag ) const
+ {
+ T value ;
+ verify_noerr( GetData<T>( inPartCode , inTag , &value ) ) ;
+ return value ;
+ }
+ // Flash the control for the specified amount of time
+ virtual void Flash( ControlPartCode part , UInt32 ticks = 8 ) ;
+ virtual void VisibilityChanged( bool shown ) ;
+ virtual void SuperChangedPosition() ;
+ virtual void SetFont( const wxFont & font , const wxColour& foreground , long windowStyle ) ;
+ virtual void SetBackground( const wxBrush &brush ) ;
+ virtual ControlPartCode HandleKey( SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, EventModifiers modifiers ) ;
+ void SetActionProc( ControlActionUPP actionProc ) ;
+ void SetViewSize( SInt32 viewSize ) ;
+ SInt32 GetViewSize() const ;
+ virtual bool IsVisible() const ;
+ virtual void SetVisibility( bool visible , bool redraw ) ;
+ virtual bool IsEnabled() const ;
+ virtual bool IsActive() const ;
+ virtual void Enable( bool enable ) ;
+ // invalidates this control and all children
+ virtual void InvalidateWithChildren() ;
+ virtual void SetDrawingEnabled( bool enable ) ;
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
+ virtual bool GetNeedsDisplay() const ;
+ // where is in native window relative coordinates
+ virtual void SetNeedsDisplay( RgnHandle where ) ;
+ // where is in native window relative coordinates
+ virtual void SetNeedsDisplay( Rect* where = NULL ) ;
+ // if rect = NULL, entire view
+ virtual void ScrollRect( wxRect *rect , int dx , int dy ) ;
+ // in native parent window relative coordinates
+ virtual void GetRect( Rect *r ) ;
+ // in native parent window relative coordinates
+ virtual void SetRect( Rect *r ) ;
+ virtual void GetRectInWindowCoords( Rect *r ) ;
+ virtual void GetBestRect( Rect *r ) ;
+ virtual void SetLabel( const wxString &title ) ;
+ // converts from Toplevel-Content relative to local
+ static void Convert( wxPoint *pt , wxMacControl *convert , wxMacControl *to ) ;
+ virtual void GetFeatures( UInt32 *features ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus GetRegion( ControlPartCode partCode , RgnHandle region ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetZOrder( bool above , wxMacControl* other ) ;
+ // to be moved into a databrowser subclass
+ virtual OSStatus SetSelectionFlags( DataBrowserSelectionFlags ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus AddListViewColumn( DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc *columnDesc,
+ DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus AutoSizeListViewColumns() ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetHasScrollBars( bool horiz , bool vert ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetTableViewHiliteStyle( DataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle hiliteStyle ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetListViewHeaderBtnHeight(UInt16 height) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetCallbacks(const DataBrowserCallbacks * callbacks) ;
+ virtual OSStatus UpdateItems( DataBrowserItemID container, UInt32 numItems,
+ const DataBrowserItemID* items,
+ DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty,
+ DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus AddItems( DataBrowserItemID container, UInt32 numItems,
+ const DataBrowserItemID* items,
+ DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus RemoveItems( DataBrowserItemID container, UInt32 numItems,
+ const DataBrowserItemID* items,
+ DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus RevealItem( DataBrowserItemID item,
+ DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID,
+ DataBrowserRevealOptions options ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus GetSelectionAnchor( DataBrowserItemID * first, DataBrowserItemID * last ) ;
+ virtual bool IsItemSelected( DataBrowserItemID item ) ;
+ virtual OSStatus SetSelectedItems(UInt32 numItems,
+ const DataBrowserItemID * items,
+ DataBrowserSetOption operation ) ;
+ // to be moved into a tab control class
+ virtual OSStatus SetTabEnabled( SInt16 tabNo , bool enable ) ;
+ bool IsCompositing() { return m_isCompositing ; }
+ bool IsRootControl() { return m_isRootControl ; }
+protected :
+ ControlRef m_controlRef ;
+ wxFont m_font ;
+ long m_windowStyle ;
+ wxWindow* m_peer ;
+ bool m_needsFocusRect ;
+ bool m_isCompositing ;
+ bool m_isRootControl ;
+} ;
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxMacCGPath : public wxGraphicPath
+public :
+ wxMacCGPath() ;
+ ~wxMacCGPath() ;
+ // Starts a new subpath at
+ void MoveToPoint( wxCoord x1 , wxCoord y1 ) ;
+ void AddLineToPoint( wxCoord x1 , wxCoord y1 ) ;
+ void AddQuadCurveToPoint( wxCoord cx1, wxCoord cy1, wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1 ) ;
+ void AddRectangle( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord w, wxCoord h ) ;
+ void AddCircle( wxCoord x, wxCoord y , wxCoord r ) ;
+ // closes the current subpath
+ void CloseSubpath() ;