+ wxHtmlCell();
+ virtual ~wxHtmlCell();
+ void SetParent(wxHtmlContainerCell *p) {m_Parent = p;}
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *GetParent() const {return m_Parent;}
+ int GetPosX() const {return m_PosX;}
+ int GetPosY() const {return m_PosY;}
+ int GetWidth() const {return m_Width;}
+ int GetHeight() const {return m_Height;}
+ int GetDescent() const {return m_Descent;}
+ const wxString& GetId() const { return m_id; }
+ void SetId(const wxString& id) { m_id = id; }
+ // returns the link associated with this cell. The position is position within
+ // the cell so it varies from 0 to m_Width, from 0 to m_Height
+ virtual wxHtmlLinkInfo* GetLink(int WXUNUSED(x) = 0, int WXUNUSED(y) = 0) const
+ { return m_Link; }
+ // members access methods
+ wxHtmlCell *GetNext() const {return m_Next;}
+ // members writing methods
+ virtual void SetPos(int x, int y) {m_PosX = x, m_PosY = y;}
+ void SetLink(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link);
+ void SetNext(wxHtmlCell *cell) {m_Next = cell;}
+ // 1. adjust cell's width according to the fact that maximal possible width is w.
+ // (this has sense when working with horizontal lines, tables etc.)
+ // 2. prepare layout (=fill-in m_PosX, m_PosY (and sometime m_Height) members)
+ // = place items to fit window, according to the width w
+ virtual void Layout(int w);
+ // renders the cell
+ virtual void Draw(wxDC& WXUNUSED(dc), int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y), int WXUNUSED(view_y1), int WXUNUSED(view_y2)) {}
+ // proceed drawing actions in case the cell is not visible (scrolled out of screen).
+ // This is needed to change fonts, colors and so on
+ virtual void DrawInvisible(wxDC& WXUNUSED(dc), int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y)) {}
+ // This method returns pointer to the FIRST cell for that
+ // the condition
+ // is true. It first checks if the condition is true for this
+ // cell and then calls m_Next->Find(). (Note: it checks
+ // all subcells if the cell is container)
+ // Condition is unique condition identifier (see htmldefs.h)
+ // (user-defined condition IDs should start from 10000)
+ // and param is optional parameter
+ // Example : m_Cell->Find(wxHTML_COND_ISANCHOR, "news");
+ // returns pointer to anchor news
+ virtual const wxHtmlCell* Find(int condition, const void* param) const;
+ // This function is called when mouse button is clicked over the cell.
+ //
+ // Parent is pointer to wxHtmlWindow that generated the event
+ // HINT: if this handling is not enough for you you should use
+ // wxHtmlBinderCell
+ virtual void OnMouseClick(wxWindow *parent, int x, int y, const wxMouseEvent& event);
+ // This method used to adjust pagebreak position. The parameter is
+ // variable that contains y-coordinate of page break (= horizontal line that
+ // should not be crossed by words, images etc.). If this cell cannot be divided
+ // into two pieces (each one on another page) then it moves the pagebreak
+ // few pixels up.
+ //
+ // Returned value : true if pagebreak was modified, false otherwise
+ // Usage : while (container->AdjustPagebreak(&p)) {}
+ virtual bool AdjustPagebreak(int *pagebreak) const;
+ // Sets cell's behaviour on pagebreaks (see AdjustPagebreak). Default
+ // is true - the cell can be split on two pages
+ void SetCanLiveOnPagebreak(bool can) { m_CanLiveOnPagebreak = can; }
+ // Returns y-coordinates that contraint the cell, i.e. left is highest
+ // and right lowest coordinate such that the cell lays between then.
+ // Note: this method does not return meaningful values if you haven't
+ // called Layout() before!
+ virtual void GetHorizontalConstraints(int *left, int *right) const;
+ // Returns true for simple == terminal cells, i.e. not composite ones.
+ // This if for internal usage only and may disappear in future versions!
+ virtual bool IsTerminalCell() const { return TRUE; }
+ // Find the terminal cell inside this cell at the given position (relative
+ // to this cell)
+ //
+ // Returns NULL if not found
+ virtual wxHtmlCell *FindCellByPos(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const;
+ wxHtmlCell *m_Next;
+ // pointer to the next cell
+ wxHtmlContainerCell *m_Parent;