doesn't show the selection when it doesn't have focus - use this style to force
it to always show it. It doesn't do anything under other platforms.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxHSCROLL}}{A horizontal scrollbar will be created. No effect under GTK+.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_LEFT}}{The text control will be left-justified (default).}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_CENTRE}}{The text control will be centre-justified.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_RIGHT}}{The text control will be right-justified.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_DONTWRAP}}{Same as {\tt wxHSCROLL} style.}
-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_LINEWRAP}}{Wrap the lines too long to be shown entirely at any position (wxUniv only currently)}
-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_WORDWRAP}}{Wrap the lines too long to be shown entirely at word boundaries only (wxUniv only currently)}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_LINEWRAP}}{Wrap the lines too long to be shown entirely at any position (wxUniv only currently).}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTE\_WORDWRAP}}{Wrap the lines too long to be shown entirely at word boundaries only (wxUniv only currently).}
See also \helpref{window styles overview}{windowstyles} and