- public:
- wxToolBarBase(void);
- ~wxToolBarBase(void);
- // Handle wxToolBar events
- // Only allow toggle if returns TRUE. Call when left button up.
- virtual bool OnLeftClick(int toolIndex, bool toggleDown);
- // Call when right button down.
- virtual void OnRightClick(int toolIndex, long x, long y);
- // Called when the mouse cursor enters a tool bitmap.
- // Argument is -1 if mouse is exiting the toolbar.
- virtual void OnMouseEnter(int toolIndex);
- // If pushedBitmap is NULL, a reversed version of bitmap is
- // created and used as the pushed/toggled image.
- // If toggle is TRUE, the button toggles between the two states.
- virtual wxToolBarTool *AddTool(int toolIndex, const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxBitmap& pushedBitmap = wxNullBitmap,
- bool toggle = FALSE, long xPos = -1, long yPos = -1, wxObject *clientData = NULL,
- const wxString& helpString1 = "", const wxString& helpString2 = "");
- virtual void AddSeparator(void);
- virtual void ClearTools(void);
- virtual void EnableTool(int toolIndex, bool enable);
- virtual void ToggleTool(int toolIndex, bool toggle); // toggle is TRUE if toggled on
- virtual void SetToggle(int toolIndex, bool toggle); // Set this to be togglable (or not)
- virtual wxObject *GetToolClientData(int index) const;
- inline wxList& GetTools(void) const { return (wxList&) m_tools; }
- // After the toolbar has initialized, this is the size the tools take up
- inline void GetMaxSize ( long * width, long * height ) const
- { wxSize maxSize(GetMaxSize()); *width = maxSize.x; *height = maxSize.y; }
- virtual wxSize GetMaxSize ( void ) const;
+ wxToolBarBase();
+ virtual ~wxToolBarBase();
+ // toolbar construction
+ // --------------------
+ // the most commonly used version of AddTool()
+ wxToolBarToolBase *AddTool(int id,
+ const wxBitmap& bitmap,
+ const wxString& shortHelpString = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& longHelpString = wxEmptyString)
+ {
+ return AddTool(id, bitmap, wxNullBitmap, FALSE, NULL,
+ shortHelpString, longHelpString);
+ }
+ // If pushedBitmap is NULL, a reversed version of bitmap is created and
+ // used as the pushed/toggled image. If toggle is TRUE, the button toggles
+ // between the two states.
+ wxToolBarToolBase *AddTool(int id,
+ const wxBitmap& bitmap,
+ const wxBitmap& pushedBitmap,
+ bool toggle = FALSE,
+ wxObject *clientData = NULL,
+ const wxString& shortHelpString = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& longHelpString = wxEmptyString)
+ {
+ return AddTool(id, bitmap, pushedBitmap, toggle,
+ -1, -1, clientData, shortHelpString, longHelpString);
+ }
+ // the old version of AddTool() kept for compatibility
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *AddTool
+ (
+ int id,
+ const wxBitmap& bitmap,
+ const wxBitmap& pushedBitmap,
+ bool toggle,
+ wxCoord xPos,
+ wxCoord yPos = -1,
+ wxObject *clientData = NULL,
+ const wxString& helpString1 = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& helpString2 = wxEmptyString
+ );
+ // insert the new tool at the given position, if pos == GetToolsCount(), it
+ // is equivalent to AddTool()
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *InsertTool
+ (
+ size_t pos,
+ int id,
+ const wxBitmap& bitmap,
+ const wxBitmap& pushedBitmap = wxNullBitmap,
+ bool toggle = FALSE,
+ wxObject *clientData = NULL,
+ const wxString& help1 = wxEmptyString,
+ const wxString& help2 = wxEmptyString
+ );
+ // add an arbitrary control to the toolbar, return TRUE if ok (notice that
+ // the control will be deleted by the toolbar and that it will also adjust
+ // its position/size)
+ //
+ // NB: the control should have toolbar as its parent
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *AddControl(wxControl *control);
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *InsertControl(size_t pos, wxControl *control);
+ // add a separator to the toolbar
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *AddSeparator();
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *InsertSeparator(size_t pos);
+ // remove the tool from the toolbar: the caller is responsible for actually
+ // deleting the pointer
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *RemoveTool(int id);
+ // delete tool either by index or by position
+ virtual bool DeleteToolByPos(size_t pos);
+ virtual bool DeleteTool(int id);
+ // delete all tools
+ virtual void ClearTools();
+ // must be called after all buttons have been created to finish toolbar
+ // initialisation
+ virtual bool Realize();
+ // tools state
+ // -----------
+ virtual void EnableTool(int id, bool enable);
+ virtual void ToggleTool(int id, bool toggle);
+ // Set this to be togglable (or not)
+ virtual void SetToggle(int id, bool toggle);
+ // set/get tools client data (not for controls)
+ virtual wxObject *GetToolClientData(int id) const;
+ virtual void SetToolClientData(int id, wxObject *clientData);
+ // return TRUE if the tool is toggled
+ virtual bool GetToolState(int id) const;
+ virtual bool GetToolEnabled(int id) const;
+ virtual void SetToolShortHelp(int id, const wxString& helpString);
+ virtual wxString GetToolShortHelp(int id) const;
+ virtual void SetToolLongHelp(int id, const wxString& helpString);
+ virtual wxString GetToolLongHelp(int id) const;
+ // margins/packing/separation
+ // --------------------------
+ virtual void SetMargins(int x, int y);
+ void SetMargins(const wxSize& size)
+ { SetMargins((int) size.x, (int) size.y); }
+ virtual void SetToolPacking(int packing)
+ { m_toolPacking = packing; }
+ virtual void SetToolSeparation(int separation)
+ { m_toolSeparation = separation; }
+ virtual wxSize GetToolMargins() { return GetMargins(); }
+ virtual int GetToolPacking() { return m_toolPacking; }
+ virtual int GetToolSeparation() { return m_toolSeparation; }
+ // for compatibility
+ wxSize GetMargins() const { return wxSize(m_xMargin, m_yMargin); }
+ // toolbar geometry
+ // ----------------
+ // set the number of toolbar rows
+ virtual void SetRows(int nRows);
+ // the toolbar can wrap - limit the number of columns or rows it may take
+ void SetMaxRowsCols(int rows, int cols)
+ { m_maxRows = rows; m_maxCols = cols; }
+ int GetMaxRows() const { return m_maxRows; }
+ int GetMaxCols() const { return m_maxCols; }
+ // get/set the size of the bitmaps used by the toolbar: should be called
+ // before adding any tools to the toolbar
+ virtual void SetToolBitmapSize(const wxSize& size)
+ { m_defaultWidth = size.x; m_defaultHeight = size.y; };
+ virtual wxSize GetToolBitmapSize() const
+ { return wxSize(m_defaultWidth, m_defaultHeight); }
+ // the button size in some implementations is bigger than the bitmap size:
+ // get the total button size (by default the same as bitmap size)
+ virtual wxSize GetToolSize() const
+ { return GetToolBitmapSize(); } ;
+ // returns a (non separator) tool containing the point (x, y) or NULL if
+ // there is no tool at this point (corrdinates are client)
+ virtual wxToolBarToolBase *FindToolForPosition(wxCoord x,
+ wxCoord y) const = 0;
+ // return TRUE if this is a vertical toolbar, otherwise FALSE
+ bool IsVertical() const { return HasFlag(wxTB_VERTICAL); }