* CVSID: $Id$
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __GSOCK_UNX_H
#define __GSOCK_UNX_H
#include "wx/setup.h"
#include "wx/gsocket.h"
+#include "gsocket.h"
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+class GSocketBSD
+ GSocketBSD();
+ virtual ~GSocketBSD();
+ bool IsOk() { return m_ok; }
+ void Close();
+ void Shutdown();
+ GSocketError SetLocal(GAddress *address);
+ GSocketError SetPeer(GAddress *address);
+ GAddress *GetLocal();
+ GAddress *GetPeer();
+ GSocketError SetServer();
+ GSocket *WaitConnection();
+ int SetReusable();
+ GSocketError Connect(GSocketStream stream);
+ GSocketError SetNonOriented();
+ int Read(char *buffer, int size);
+ int Write(const char *buffer, int size);
+ GSocketEventFlags Select(GSocketEventFlags flags);
+ void SetNonBlocking(int non_block);
+ void SetTimeout(unsigned long millisec);
+ GSocketError GetError();
+ void SetCallback(GSocketEventFlags flags,
+ GSocketCallback callback, char *cdata);
+ void UnsetCallback(GSocketEventFlags flags);
+ GSocketError GetSockOpt(int level, int optname, void *optval, int *optlen);
+ GSocketError SetSockOpt(int level, int optname,
+ const void *optval, int optlen);
+ /* API compatibility functions */
+ static void _GSocket_Detected_Read(GSocket *socket);
+ static void _GSocket_Detected_Write(GSocket *socket);
+ void Enable(GSocketEvent event);
+ void Disable(GSocketEvent event);
+ GSocketError Input_Timeout();
+ GSocketError Output_Timeout();
+ int Recv_Stream(char *buffer, int size);
+ int Recv_Dgram(char *buffer, int size);
+ int Send_Stream(const char *buffer, int size);
+ int Send_Dgram(const char *buffer, int size);
+ void Detected_Read();
+ void Detected_Write();
+ bool m_ok;
+ virtual void EventLoop_Enable_Events() = 0;
+ virtual void EventLoop_Disable_Events() = 0;
+ virtual void EventLoop_Install_Callback(GSocketEvent event) = 0;
+ virtual void EventLoop_Uninstall_Callback(GSocketEvent event) = 0;
+ /* DFE: We can't protect these data member until the GUI code is updated */
+ /* protected: */
+#else /* def wxUSE_GSOCKET_CPLUSPLUS */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* Definition of GSocket */
-struct _GSocket {
+struct _GSocket
+#endif /* def wxUSE_GSOCKET_CPLUSPLUS */
int m_fd;
- GAddress *m_local, *m_peer;
+ GAddress *m_local;
+ GAddress *m_peer;
GSocketError m_error;
- bool m_non_blocking, m_server, m_stream, m_oriented;
- bool m_establishing;
+ int m_non_blocking;
+ int m_server;
+ int m_stream;
+ int m_establishing;
+ int m_reusable;
unsigned long m_timeout;
/* Callbacks */
+ GSocketEventFlags m_detected;
GSocketCallback m_cbacks[GSOCK_MAX_EVENT];
char *m_data[GSOCK_MAX_EVENT];
- /* IO calls associated */
- bool m_iocalls[GSOCK_MAX_EVENT];
char *m_gui_dependent;
+ /* Function pointers */
+ struct GSocketBaseFunctionsTable *m_functions;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* GSocketBSDGUIShim */
+class GSocketBSDGUIShim:public GSocketBSD
+ friend void GSocket_SetGUIFunctions(struct GSocketGUIFunctionsTable *guifunc);
+ static inline bool GUI_Init();
+ static inline void GUI_Cleanup();
+ static inline bool UseGUI();
+ GSocketBSDGUIShim();
+ virtual ~GSocketBSDGUIShim();
+ virtual void EventLoop_Enable_Events();
+ virtual void EventLoop_Disable_Events();
+ virtual void EventLoop_Install_Callback(GSocketEvent event);
+ virtual void EventLoop_Uninstall_Callback(GSocketEvent event);
+/* Table of GUI-related functions. We must call them indirectly because
+ * of wxBase and GUI separation: */
+ static struct GSocketGUIFunctionsTable *ms_gui_functions;
+#endif /* ndef wxUSE_GSOCKET_CPLUSPLUS */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* Definition of GAddress */
-struct _GAddress {
+struct _GAddress
struct sockaddr *m_addr;
size_t m_len;
GSocketError m_error;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
-void _GSocket_Enable(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event);
-void _GSocket_Disable(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event);
-void _GSocket_Configure_Callbacks(GSocket *socket);
+/* Compatibility methods to support old C API (from gsocket.h) */
+inline void GSocket_Shutdown(GSocket *socket)
+{ socket->Shutdown(); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_SetLocal(GSocket *socket, GAddress *address)
+{ return socket->SetLocal(address); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_SetPeer(GSocket *socket, GAddress *address)
+{ return socket->SetPeer(address); }
+inline GAddress *GSocket_GetLocal(GSocket *socket)
+{ return socket->GetLocal(); }
+inline GAddress *GSocket_GetPeer(GSocket *socket)
+{ return socket->GetPeer(); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_SetServer(GSocket *socket)
+{ return socket->SetServer(); }
+inline GSocket *GSocket_WaitConnection(GSocket *socket)
+{ return socket->WaitConnection(); }
+inline int GSocket_SetReusable(GSocket *socket)
+{ return socket->SetReusable(); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_Connect(GSocket *socket, GSocketStream stream)
+{ return socket->Connect(stream); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_SetNonOriented(GSocket *socket)
+{ return socket->SetNonOriented(); }
+inline int GSocket_Read(GSocket *socket, char *buffer, int size)
+{ return socket->Read(buffer,size); }
+inline int GSocket_Write(GSocket *socket, const char *buffer, int size)
+{ return socket->Write(buffer,size); }
+inline GSocketEventFlags GSocket_Select(GSocket *socket, GSocketEventFlags flags)
+{ return socket->Select(flags); }
+inline void GSocket_SetNonBlocking(GSocket *socket, int non_block)
+{ socket->SetNonBlocking(non_block); }
+inline void GSocket_SetTimeout(GSocket *socket, unsigned long millisec)
+{ socket->SetTimeout(millisec); }
+inline void GSocket_SetCallback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEventFlags flags,
+ GSocketCallback fallback, char *cdata)
+{ socket->SetCallback(flags,fallback,cdata); }
+inline void GSocket_UnsetCallback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEventFlags flags)
+{ socket->UnsetCallback(flags); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_GetSockOpt(GSocket *socket, int level, int optname,
+ void *optval, int *optlen)
+{ return socket->GetSockOpt(level,optname,optval,optlen); }
+inline GSocketError GSocket_SetSockOpt(GSocket *socket, int level, int optname,
+ const void *optval, int optlen)
+{ return socket->SetSockOpt(level,optname,optval,optlen); }
+#endif /* def wxUSE_GSOCKET_CPLUSPLUS */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/* Input / Output */
+GSocketError _GSocket_Input_Timeout(GSocket *socket);
+GSocketError _GSocket_Output_Timeout(GSocket *socket);
int _GSocket_Recv_Stream(GSocket *socket, char *buffer, int size);
int _GSocket_Recv_Dgram(GSocket *socket, char *buffer, int size);
int _GSocket_Send_Stream(GSocket *socket, const char *buffer, int size);
int _GSocket_Send_Dgram(GSocket *socket, const char *buffer, int size);
-void _GSocket_Install_Callback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent count);
-void _GSocket_Uninstall_Callback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent count);
+/* Callbacks */
+int _GSocket_GUI_Init(void);
+void _GSocket_GUI_Cleanup(void);
+int _GSocket_GUI_Init_Socket(GSocket *socket);
+void _GSocket_GUI_Destroy_Socket(GSocket *socket);
+void _GSocket_Enable_Events(GSocket *socket);
+void _GSocket_Disable_Events(GSocket *socket);
+void _GSocket_Install_Callback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event);
+void _GSocket_Uninstall_Callback(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event);
+void _GSocket_Enable(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event);
+void _GSocket_Disable(GSocket *socket, GSocketEvent event);
void _GSocket_Detected_Read(GSocket *socket);
void _GSocket_Detected_Write(GSocket *socket);
-void _GSocket_GUI_Init(GSocket *socket);
-void _GSocket_GUI_Destroy(GSocket *socket);
+#endif /* ndef wxUSE_GSOCKET_CPLUSPLUS */
+/* GAddress */
-/* Translaters returns false when memory is exhausted */
GSocketError _GAddress_translate_from(GAddress *address,
struct sockaddr *addr, int len);
-GSocketError _GAddress_translate_to(GAddress *address,
- struct sockaddr **addr, int *len);
-/* Initialisers returns FALSE when an error happened in the initialisation */
-/* Internet address family */
+GSocketError _GAddress_translate_to (GAddress *address,
+ struct sockaddr **addr, int *len);
GSocketError _GAddress_Init_INET(GAddress *address);
-/* Local address family */
GSocketError _GAddress_Init_UNIX(GAddress *address);
#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
- /* wxUSE_SOCKETS */
+#endif /* wxUSE_SOCKETS || defined(__GSOCKET_STANDALONE__) */
- /* __GSOCK_UNX_H */
+#endif /* __GSOCK_UNX_H */