yy = yy - hh;
+ int penwidth = m_pen.GetWidth();
+ if ( penwidth == 0 )
+ penwidth = 1 ;
+ if ( m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT )
+ penwidth = 0 ;
+ bool offset = ( penwidth % 2 ) == 1 ;
wxGraphicPath* path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath() ;
- path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww , hh ) ;
+ // if we are offsetting the entire rectangle is moved 0.5, so the border line gets off by 1
+ if ( offset )
+ path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww-1 , hh-1 ) ;
+ else
+ path->AddRectangle( xx , yy , ww , hh ) ;
m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ;
delete path ;
- m_graphicContext->PushState() ;
- m_graphicContext->Translate( xx , yy ) ;
- m_graphicContext->Scale( radius , radius ) ;
- double fw = ww / radius ;
- double fh = hh / radius;
- path->MoveToPoint(fw, fh / 2);
- path->AddArcToPoint(fw, fh, fw / 2, fh, 1);
- path->AddArcToPoint(0, fh, 0, fh / 2, 1);
- path->AddArcToPoint(0, 0, fw / 2, 0, 1);
- path->AddArcToPoint(fw, 0, fw, fh / 2, 1);
+ path->MoveToPoint( xx + ww, yy + hh / 2);
+ path->AddArcToPoint(xx + ww, yy + hh, xx + ww / 2,yy + hh, radius);
+ path->AddArcToPoint(xx , yy + hh, xx , yy + hh / 2, radius);
+ path->AddArcToPoint(xx , yy , xx + ww / 2, yy , radius);
+ path->AddArcToPoint(xx + ww, yy , xx + ww, yy + hh / 2, radius);
m_graphicContext->DrawPath( path ) ;
- m_graphicContext->PopState() ;
delete path ;