+ UWORD noCols = 0;
+ UWORD colNo = 0;
+ wxDbColInf *colInf = 0;
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ SQLLEN cb;
+ wxString TableName;
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ // Pass 1 - Determine how many columns there are.
+ // Pass 2 - Allocate the wxDbColInf array and fill in
+ // the array with the column information.
+ int pass;
+ for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
+ {
+ if (pass == 2)
+ {
+ if (noCols == 0) // Probably a bogus table name(s)
+ break;
+ // Allocate n wxDbColInf objects to hold the column information
+ colInf = new wxDbColInf[noCols+1];
+ if (!colInf)
+ break;
+ // Mark the end of the array
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].tableName, wxEmptyString);
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].colName, wxEmptyString);
+ colInf[noCols].sqlDataType = 0;
+ }
+ // Loop through each table name
+ int tbl;
+ for (tbl = 0; tableName[tbl]; tbl++)
+ {
+ TableName = tableName[tbl];
+ // Oracle and Interbase table names are uppercase only, so force
+ // the name to uppercase just in case programmer forgot to do this
+ if ((Dbms() == dbmsORACLE) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsFIREBIRD) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsINTERBASE))
+ TableName = TableName.Upper();
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // MySQL, SQLServer, and Access cannot accept a user name when looking up column names, so we
+ // use the call below that leaves out the user name
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (SQLTCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // Owner
+ (SQLTCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // Owner
+ (SQLTCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ if (colInf)
+ delete [] colInf;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ while ((retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if (pass == 1) // First pass, just add up the number of columns
+ noCols++;
+ else // Pass 2; Fill in the array of structures
+ {
+ if (colNo < noCols) // Some extra error checking to prevent memory overwrites
+ {
+ // NOTE: Only the ODBC 1.x fields are retrieved
+ GetData( 1, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].catalog, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 2, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].schema, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 3, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].tableName, DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 4, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].colName, DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 5, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].sqlDataType, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 6, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].typeName, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 7, SQL_C_SLONG, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].columnLength, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 8, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].bufferSize, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 9, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].decimalDigits,0, &cb);
+ GetData(10, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].numPrecRadix, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(11, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].nullable, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(12, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].remarks, 254+1, &cb);
+ // Determine the wxDb data type that is used to represent the native data type of this data source
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(typeInfVarchar.TypeName,colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ {
+#ifdef _IODBC_
+ // IODBC does not return a correct columnLength, so we set
+ // columnLength = bufferSize if no column length was returned
+ // IODBC returns the columnLength in bufferSize. (bug)
+ if (colInf[colNo].columnLength < 1)
+ {
+ colInf[colNo].columnLength = colInf[colNo].bufferSize;
+ }
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR;
+ }
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfInteger.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER;
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfFloat.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT;
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfDate.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE;
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfBlob.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_BLOB;
+ colNo++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ if (colInf)
+ delete [] colInf;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return colInf;
+} // wxDb::GetColumns()
+/********** wxDb::GetColumns() **********/
+wxDbColInf *wxDb::GetColumns(const wxString &tableName, UWORD *numCols, const wxChar *userID)
+// Same as the above GetColumns() function except this one gets columns
+// only for a single table, and if 'numCols' is not NULL, the number of
+// columns stored in the returned wxDbColInf is set in '*numCols'
+// userID is evaluated in the following manner:
+// userID == NULL ... UserID is ignored
+// userID == "" ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'
+// userID != "" ... UserID set equal to 'userID'
+// NOTE: ALL column bindings associated with this wxDb instance are unbound
+// by this function. This function should use its own wxDb instance
+// to avoid undesired unbinding of columns.
+ UWORD noCols = 0;
+ UWORD colNo = 0;
+ wxDbColInf *colInf = 0;
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ SQLLEN cb;
+ wxString TableName;
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ // Pass 1 - Determine how many columns there are.
+ // Pass 2 - Allocate the wxDbColInf array and fill in
+ // the array with the column information.
+ int pass;
+ for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
+ {
+ if (pass == 2)
+ {
+ if (noCols == 0) // Probably a bogus table name(s)
+ break;
+ // Allocate n wxDbColInf objects to hold the column information
+ colInf = new wxDbColInf[noCols+1];
+ if (!colInf)
+ break;
+ // Mark the end of the array
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].tableName, wxEmptyString);
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].colName, wxEmptyString);
+ colInf[noCols].sqlDataType = 0;
+ }
+ TableName = tableName;
+ // Oracle and Interbase table names are uppercase only, so force
+ // the name to uppercase just in case programmer forgot to do this
+ if ((Dbms() == dbmsORACLE) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsFIREBIRD) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsINTERBASE))
+ TableName = TableName.Upper();
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // MySQL, SQLServer, and Access cannot accept a user name when looking up column names, so we
+ // use the call below that leaves out the user name
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (SQLTCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // Owner
+ (SQLTCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // Owner
+ (SQLTCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ if (colInf)
+ delete [] colInf;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ if (numCols)
+ *numCols = 0;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ while ((retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if (pass == 1) // First pass, just add up the number of columns
+ noCols++;
+ else // Pass 2; Fill in the array of structures
+ {
+ if (colNo < noCols) // Some extra error checking to prevent memory overwrites
+ {
+ // NOTE: Only the ODBC 1.x fields are retrieved
+ GetData( 1, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].catalog, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 2, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].schema, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 3, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].tableName, DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 4, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].colName, DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 5, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].sqlDataType, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 6, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].typeName, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 7, SQL_C_SLONG, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].columnLength, 0, &cb);
+ // BJO 991214 : SQL_C_SSHORT instead of SQL_C_SLONG, otherwise fails on Sparc (probably all 64 bit architectures)
+ GetData( 8, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].bufferSize, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 9, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].decimalDigits,0, &cb);
+ GetData(10, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].numPrecRadix, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(11, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].nullable, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(12, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].remarks, 254+1, &cb);
+ // Start Values for Primary/Foriegn Key (=No)
+ colInf[colNo].PkCol = 0; // Primary key column 0=No; 1= First Key, 2 = Second Key etc.
+ colInf[colNo].PkTableName[0] = 0; // Tablenames where Primary Key is used as a Foreign Key
+ colInf[colNo].FkCol = 0; // Foreign key column 0=No; 1= First Key, 2 = Second Key etc.
+ colInf[colNo].FkTableName[0] = 0; // Foreign key table name
+ // BJO 20000428 : Virtuoso returns type names with upper cases!
+ if (Dbms() == dbmsVIRTUOSO)
+ {
+ wxString s = colInf[colNo].typeName;
+ s = s.MakeLower();
+ wxStrcmp(colInf[colNo].typeName, s.c_str());
+ }
+ // Determine the wxDb data type that is used to represent the native data type of this data source
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(typeInfVarchar.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ {
+#ifdef _IODBC_
+ // IODBC does not return a correct columnLength, so we set
+ // columnLength = bufferSize if no column length was returned
+ // IODBC returns the columnLength in bufferSize. (bug)
+ if (colInf[colNo].columnLength < 1)
+ {
+ colInf[colNo].columnLength = colInf[colNo].bufferSize;
+ }
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR;
+ }
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfInteger.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER;
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfFloat.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT;
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfDate.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE;
+ else if (!wxStricmp(typeInfBlob.TypeName, colInf[colNo].typeName))
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_BLOB;
+ colNo++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ if (colInf)
+ delete [] colInf;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ if (numCols)
+ *numCols = 0;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // Store Primary and Foriegn Keys
+ GetKeyFields(tableName,colInf,noCols);
+ if (numCols)
+ *numCols = noCols;
+ return colInf;
+} // wxDb::GetColumns()
+#else // New GetColumns
+ BJO 20000503
+ These are tentative new GetColumns members which should be more database
+ independent and which always returns the columns in the order they were
+ created.
+ - The first one (wxDbColInf *wxDb::GetColumns(wxChar *tableName[], const
+ wxChar* userID)) calls the second implementation for each separate table
+ before merging the results. This makes the code easier to maintain as
+ only one member (the second) makes the real work
+ - wxDbColInf *wxDb::GetColumns(const wxString &tableName, int *numCols, const
+ wxChar *userID) is a little bit improved
+ - It doesn't anymore rely on the type-name to find out which database-type
+ each column has
+ - It ends by sorting the columns, so that they are returned in the same
+ order they were created
+typedef struct
+ UWORD noCols;
+ wxDbColInf *colInf;
+} _TableColumns;
+wxDbColInf *wxDb::GetColumns(wxChar *tableName[], const wxChar *userID)
+ int i, j;
+ // The last array element of the tableName[] argument must be zero (null).
+ // This is how the end of the array is detected.
+ UWORD noCols = 0;
+ // How many tables ?
+ int tbl;
+ for (tbl = 0 ; tableName[tbl]; tbl++);
+ // Create a table to maintain the columns for each separate table
+ _TableColumns *TableColumns = new _TableColumns[tbl];
+ // Fill the table
+ for (i = 0 ; i < tbl ; i++)
+ {
+ TableColumns[i].colInf = GetColumns(tableName[i], &TableColumns[i].noCols, userID);
+ if (TableColumns[i].colInf == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ noCols += TableColumns[i].noCols;
+ }
+ // Now merge all the separate table infos
+ wxDbColInf *colInf = new wxDbColInf[noCols+1];
+ // Mark the end of the array
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].tableName, wxEmptyString);
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].colName, wxEmptyString);
+ colInf[noCols].sqlDataType = 0;
+ // Merge ...
+ int offset = 0;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < tbl ; i++)
+ {
+ for (j = 0 ; j < TableColumns[i].noCols ; j++)
+ {
+ colInf[offset++] = TableColumns[i].colInf[j];
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] TableColumns;
+ return colInf;
+} // wxDb::GetColumns() -- NEW
+wxDbColInf *wxDb::GetColumns(const wxString &tableName, int *numCols, const wxChar *userID)
+// Same as the above GetColumns() function except this one gets columns
+// only for a single table, and if 'numCols' is not NULL, the number of
+// columns stored in the returned wxDbColInf is set in '*numCols'
+// userID is evaluated in the following manner:
+// userID == NULL ... UserID is ignored
+// userID == "" ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'
+// userID != "" ... UserID set equal to 'userID'
+// NOTE: ALL column bindings associated with this wxDb instance are unbound
+// by this function. This function should use its own wxDb instance
+// to avoid undesired unbinding of columns.
+ UWORD noCols = 0;
+ UWORD colNo = 0;
+ wxDbColInf *colInf = 0;
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ SDWORD cb;
+ wxString TableName;
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ // Pass 1 - Determine how many columns there are.
+ // Pass 2 - Allocate the wxDbColInf array and fill in
+ // the array with the column information.
+ int pass;
+ for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
+ {
+ if (pass == 2)
+ {
+ if (noCols == 0) // Probably a bogus table name(s)
+ break;
+ // Allocate n wxDbColInf objects to hold the column information
+ colInf = new wxDbColInf[noCols+1];
+ if (!colInf)
+ break;
+ // Mark the end of the array
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].tableName, wxEmptyString);
+ wxStrcpy(colInf[noCols].colName, wxEmptyString);
+ colInf[noCols].sqlDataType = 0;
+ }
+ TableName = tableName;
+ // Oracle and Interbase table names are uppercase only, so force
+ // the name to uppercase just in case programmer forgot to do this
+ if ((Dbms() == dbmsORACLE) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsFIREBIRD) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsINTERBASE))
+ TableName = TableName.Upper();
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // MySQL, SQLServer, and Access cannot accept a user name when looking up column names, so we
+ // use the call below that leaves out the user name
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (UCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // Owner
+ (UCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // Owner
+ (UCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ if (colInf)
+ delete [] colInf;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ if (numCols)
+ *numCols = 0;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ while ((retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ if (pass == 1) // First pass, just add up the number of columns
+ noCols++;
+ else // Pass 2; Fill in the array of structures
+ {
+ if (colNo < noCols) // Some extra error checking to prevent memory overwrites
+ {
+ // NOTE: Only the ODBC 1.x fields are retrieved
+ GetData( 1, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].catalog, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 2, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].schema, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 3, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].tableName, DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 4, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].colName, DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 5, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].sqlDataType, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 6, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].typeName, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 7, SQL_C_SLONG, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].columnLength, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 8, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].bufferSize, 0, &cb);
+ GetData( 9, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].decimalDigits,0, &cb);
+ GetData(10, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].numPrecRadix, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(11, SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR*) &colInf[colNo].nullable, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(12, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) colInf[colNo].remarks, 254+1, &cb);
+ // Start Values for Primary/Foriegn Key (=No)
+ colInf[colNo].PkCol = 0; // Primary key column 0=No; 1= First Key, 2 = Second Key etc.
+ colInf[colNo].PkTableName[0] = 0; // Tablenames where Primary Key is used as a Foreign Key
+ colInf[colNo].FkCol = 0; // Foreign key column 0=No; 1= First Key, 2 = Second Key etc.
+ colInf[colNo].FkTableName[0] = 0; // Foreign key table name
+#ifdef _IODBC_
+ // IODBC does not return a correct columnLength, so we set
+ // columnLength = bufferSize if no column length was returned
+ // IODBC returns the columnLength in bufferSize. (bug)
+ if (colInf[colNo].columnLength < 1)
+ {
+ colInf[colNo].columnLength = colInf[colNo].bufferSize;
+ }
+ // Determine the wxDb data type that is used to represent the native data type of this data source
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = 0;
+ // Get the intern datatype
+ switch (colInf[colNo].sqlDataType)
+ {
+ #if defined(SQL_WCHAR)
+ case SQL_WCHAR:
+ #endif
+ #if defined(SQL_WVARCHAR)
+ #endif
+ case SQL_CHAR:
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR;
+ break;
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_MEMO;
+ break;
+ case SQL_BIT:
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_INTEGER;
+ break;
+ case SQL_DOUBLE:
+ case SQL_FLOAT:
+ case SQL_REAL:
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT;
+ break;
+ case SQL_DATE:
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_DATE;
+ break;
+ case SQL_BINARY:
+ colInf[colNo].dbDataType = DB_DATA_TYPE_BLOB;
+ break;
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ default:
+ wxString errMsg;
+ errMsg.Printf(wxT("SQL Data type %d currently not supported by wxWidgets"), colInf[colNo].sqlDataType);
+ wxLogDebug(errMsg,wxT("ODBC DEBUG MESSAGE"));
+ }
+ colNo++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ if (colInf)
+ delete [] colInf;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ if (numCols)
+ *numCols = 0;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // Store Primary and Foreign Keys
+ GetKeyFields(tableName,colInf,noCols);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Now sort the the columns in order to make them appear in the right order
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Build a generic SELECT statement which returns 0 rows
+ wxString Stmt;
+ Stmt.Printf(wxT("select * from \"%s\" where 0=1"), tableName);
+ // Execute query
+ if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (UCHAR FAR *) Stmt.c_str(), SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Get the number of result columns
+ if (SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &noCols) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (noCols == 0) // Probably a bogus table name
+ return NULL;
+ // Get the name
+ int i;
+ short colNum;
+ UCHAR name[100];
+ SWORD Sword;
+ SDWORD Sdword;
+ for (colNum = 0; colNum < noCols; colNum++)
+ {
+ if (SQLColAttributes(hstmt,colNum+1, SQL_COLUMN_NAME,
+ name, sizeof(name),
+ &Sword, &Sdword) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ wxString Name1 = name;
+ Name1 = Name1.Upper();
+ // Where is this name in the array ?
+ for (i = colNum ; i < noCols ; i++)
+ {
+ wxString Name2 = colInf[i].colName;
+ Name2 = Name2.Upper();
+ if (Name2 == Name1)
+ {
+ if (colNum != i) // swap to sort
+ {
+ wxDbColInf tmpColInf = colInf[colNum];
+ colInf[colNum] = colInf[i];
+ colInf[i] = tmpColInf;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // End sorting
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ if (numCols)
+ *numCols = noCols;
+ return colInf;
+} // wxDb::GetColumns()
+#endif // #else OLD_GETCOLUMNS
+/********** wxDb::GetColumnCount() **********/
+int wxDb::GetColumnCount(const wxString &tableName, const wxChar *userID)
+ * Returns a count of how many columns are in a table.
+ * If an error occurs in computing the number of columns
+ * this function will return a -1 for the count
+ *
+ * userID is evaluated in the following manner:
+ * userID == NULL ... UserID is ignored
+ * userID == "" ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'
+ * userID != "" ... UserID set equal to 'userID'
+ *
+ * NOTE: ALL column bindings associated with this wxDb instance are unbound
+ * by this function. This function should use its own wxDb instance
+ * to avoid undesired unbinding of columns.
+ */
+ UWORD noCols = 0;
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ wxString TableName;
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ TableName = tableName;
+ // Oracle and Interbase table names are uppercase only, so force
+ // the name to uppercase just in case programmer forgot to do this
+ if ((Dbms() == dbmsORACLE) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsFIREBIRD) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsINTERBASE))
+ TableName = TableName.Upper();
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // MySQL, SQLServer, and Access cannot accept a user name when looking up column names, so we
+ // use the call below that leaves out the user name
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (SQLTCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // Owner
+ (SQLTCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // Owner
+ (SQLTCHAR *) TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ // Count the columns
+ while ((retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS)
+ noCols++;
+ if (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
+ { // Error occurred, abort
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return noCols;
+} // wxDb::GetColumnCount()
+/********** wxDb::GetCatalog() *******/
+wxDbInf *wxDb::GetCatalog(const wxChar *userID)
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * -- 19991203 : mj10777 : Create ------
+ * -- : Creates a wxDbInf with Tables / Cols Array ------
+ * -- : uses SQLTables and fills pTableInf; ------
+ * -- : pColInf is set to NULL and numCols to 0; ------
+ * -- : returns pDbInf (wxDbInf) ------
+ * -- - if unsuccessful (pDbInf == NULL) ------
+ * -- : pColInf can be filled with GetColumns(..); ------
+ * -- : numCols can be filled with GetColumnCount(..); ------
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * userID is evaluated in the following manner:
+ * userID == NULL ... UserID is ignored
+ * userID == "" ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'
+ * userID != "" ... UserID set equal to 'userID'
+ *
+ * NOTE: ALL column bindings associated with this wxDb instance are unbound
+ * by this function. This function should use its own wxDb instance
+ * to avoid undesired unbinding of columns.
+ */
+ int noTab = 0; // Counter while filling table entries
+ int pass;
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ SQLLEN cb;
+ wxString tblNameSave;
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Create the Database Array of catalog entries
+ wxDbInf *pDbInf = new wxDbInf;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Table Information
+ // Pass 1 - Determine how many Tables there are.
+ // Pass 2 - Create the Table array and fill it
+ // - Create the Cols array = NULL
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++)
+ {
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE); // Close if Open
+ tblNameSave.Empty();
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLTables(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (SQLTCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // User specified
+ NULL, 0, // All tables
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLTables(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // User specified
+ NULL, 0, // All tables
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ pDbInf = NULL;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return pDbInf;
+ }
+ while ((retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt)) == SQL_SUCCESS) // Table Information
+ {
+ if (pass == 1) // First pass, just count the Tables
+ {
+ if (pDbInf->numTables == 0)
+ {
+ GetData( 1, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) pDbInf->catalog, 128+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 2, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) pDbInf->schema, 128+1, &cb);
+ }
+ pDbInf->numTables++; // Counter for Tables
+ } // if (pass == 1)
+ if (pass == 2) // Create and fill the Table entries
+ {
+ if (pDbInf->pTableInf == NULL) // Has the Table Array been created
+ { // no, then create the Array
+ pDbInf->pTableInf = new wxDbTableInf[pDbInf->numTables];
+ noTab = 0;
+ } // if (pDbInf->pTableInf == NULL) // Has the Table Array been created
+ GetData( 3, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) (pDbInf->pTableInf+noTab)->tableName, DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 4, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) (pDbInf->pTableInf+noTab)->tableType, 30+1, &cb);
+ GetData( 5, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) (pDbInf->pTableInf+noTab)->tableRemarks, 254+1, &cb);
+ noTab++;
+ } // if
+ } // while
+ } // for
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // Query how many columns are in each table
+ for (noTab=0;noTab<pDbInf->numTables;noTab++)
+ {
+ (pDbInf->pTableInf+noTab)->numCols = (UWORD)GetColumnCount((pDbInf->pTableInf+noTab)->tableName,UserID);
+ }
+ return pDbInf;
+} // wxDb::GetCatalog()
+/********** wxDb::Catalog() **********/
+bool wxDb::Catalog(const wxChar *userID, const wxString &fileName)
+ * Creates the text file specified in 'filename' which will contain
+ * a minimal data dictionary of all tables accessible by the user specified
+ * in 'userID'
+ *
+ * userID is evaluated in the following manner:
+ * userID == NULL ... UserID is ignored
+ * userID == "" ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'
+ * userID != "" ... UserID set equal to 'userID'
+ *
+ * NOTE: ALL column bindings associated with this wxDb instance are unbound
+ * by this function. This function should use its own wxDb instance
+ * to avoid undesired unbinding of columns.
+ */
+ wxASSERT(fileName.Length());
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ SQLLEN cb;
+ wxChar tblName[DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1];
+ wxString tblNameSave;
+ wxChar colName[DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1];
+ SWORD sqlDataType;
+ wxChar typeName[30+1];
+ SDWORD precision, length;
+ FILE *fp = wxFopen(fileName.c_str(),wxT("wt"));
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ return false;
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsFIREBIRD &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsINTERBASE &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (SQLTCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // User specified
+ NULL, 0, // All tables
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLColumns(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // User specified
+ NULL, 0, // All tables
+ NULL, 0); // All columns
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return false;
+ }
+ wxString outStr;
+ tblNameSave.Empty();
+ int cnt = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS && retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
+ break;
+ GetData(3,SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR *) tblName, DB_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN+1, &cb);
+ GetData(4,SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR *) colName, DB_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN+1,&cb);
+ GetData(5,SQL_C_SSHORT, (UCHAR *)&sqlDataType, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(6,SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR *) typeName, sizeof(typeName), &cb);
+ GetData(7,SQL_C_SLONG, (UCHAR *)&precision, 0, &cb);
+ GetData(8,SQL_C_SLONG, (UCHAR *)&length, 0, &cb);
+ if (wxStrcmp(tblName, tblNameSave.c_str()))
+ {
+ if (cnt)
+ wxFputs(wxT("\n"), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("================================ "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("================================ "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("===================== "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("========= "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("=========\n"), fp);
+ outStr.Printf(wxT("%-32s %-32s %-21s %9s %9s\n"),
+ wxFputs(outStr.c_str(), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("================================ "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("================================ "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("===================== "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("========= "), fp);
+ wxFputs(wxT("=========\n"), fp);
+ tblNameSave = tblName;
+ }
+ outStr.Printf(wxT("%-32s %-32s (%04d)%-15s %9ld %9ld\n"),
+ tblName, colName, sqlDataType, typeName, precision, length);
+ if (wxFputs(outStr.c_str(), fp) == EOF)
+ {
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return false;
+ }
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND)
+ DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt);
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return(retcode == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND);
+} // wxDb::Catalog()
+bool wxDb::TableExists(const wxString &tableName, const wxChar *userID, const wxString &tablePath)
+ * Table name can refer to a table, view, alias or synonym. Returns true
+ * if the object exists in the database. This function does not indicate
+ * whether or not the user has privleges to query or perform other functions
+ * on the table.
+ *
+ * userID is evaluated in the following manner:
+ * userID == NULL ... UserID is ignored
+ * userID == "" ... UserID set equal to 'this->uid'
+ * userID != "" ... UserID set equal to 'userID'
+ */
+ wxASSERT(tableName.Length());
+ wxString TableName;
+ if (Dbms() == dbmsDBASE)
+ {
+ wxString dbName;
+ if (tablePath.Length())
+ dbName.Printf(wxT("%s/%s.dbf"), tablePath.c_str(), tableName.c_str());
+ else
+ dbName.Printf(wxT("%s.dbf"), tableName.c_str());
+ bool exists;
+ exists = wxFileExists(dbName);
+ return exists;
+ }
+ wxString UserID;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ TableName = tableName;
+ // Oracle and Interbase table names are uppercase only, so force
+ // the name to uppercase just in case programmer forgot to do this
+ if ((Dbms() == dbmsORACLE) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsFIREBIRD) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsINTERBASE))
+ TableName = TableName.Upper();
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ // Some databases cannot accept a user name when looking up table names,
+ // so we use the call below that leaves out the user name
+ if (!UserID.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsDB2 &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsFIREBIRD &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsINTERBASE &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsPERVASIVE_SQL)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLTables(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ (SQLTCHAR *) UserID.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // Only tables owned by this user
+ (SQLTCHAR FAR *)TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All table types
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLTables(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // All qualifiers
+ NULL, 0, // All owners
+ (SQLTCHAR FAR *)TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS,
+ NULL, 0); // All table types
+ }
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ return(DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt));
+ retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
+ if (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS && retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
+ {
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return(DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt));
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return true;
+} // wxDb::TableExists()
+/********** wxDb::TablePrivileges() **********/
+bool wxDb::TablePrivileges(const wxString &tableName, const wxString &priv, const wxChar *userID,
+ const wxChar *schema, const wxString &WXUNUSED(tablePath))
+ wxASSERT(tableName.Length());
+ wxDbTablePrivilegeInfo result;
+ SQLLEN cbRetVal;
+ RETCODE retcode;
+ // We probably need to be able to dynamically set this based on
+ // the driver type, and state.
+ wxChar curRole[]=wxT("public");
+ wxString TableName;
+ wxString UserID,Schema;
+ convertUserID(userID,UserID);
+ convertUserID(schema,Schema);
+ TableName = tableName;
+ // Oracle and Interbase table names are uppercase only, so force
+ // the name to uppercase just in case programmer forgot to do this
+ if ((Dbms() == dbmsORACLE) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsFIREBIRD) ||
+ (Dbms() == dbmsINTERBASE))
+ TableName = TableName.Upper();
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ // Some databases cannot accept a user name when looking up table names,
+ // so we use the call below that leaves out the user name
+ if (!Schema.empty() &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsACCESS &&
+ Dbms() != dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER)
+ {
+ retcode = SQLTablePrivileges(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // Catalog
+ (SQLTCHAR FAR *)Schema.c_str(), SQL_NTS, // Schema
+ (SQLTCHAR FAR *)TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retcode = SQLTablePrivileges(hstmt,
+ NULL, 0, // Catalog
+ NULL, 0, // Schema
+ (SQLTCHAR FAR *)TableName.c_str(), SQL_NTS);
+ }
+ wxFprintf(stderr ,wxT("SQLTablePrivileges() returned %i \n"),retcode);
+ if ((retcode != SQL_SUCCESS) && (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO))
+ return (DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt));
+ bool failed = false;
+ retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
+ while (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
+ {
+ if (SQLGetData(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.tableQual, sizeof(result.tableQual), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (!failed && SQLGetData(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.tableOwner, sizeof(result.tableOwner), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (!failed && SQLGetData(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.tableName, sizeof(result.tableName), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (!failed && SQLGetData(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.grantor, sizeof(result.grantor), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (!failed && SQLGetData(hstmt, 5, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.grantee, sizeof(result.grantee), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (!failed && SQLGetData(hstmt, 6, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.privilege, sizeof(result.privilege), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (!failed && SQLGetData(hstmt, 7, SQL_C_WXCHAR, (UCHAR*) result.grantable, sizeof(result.grantable), &cbRetVal) != SQL_SUCCESS)
+ failed = true;
+ if (failed)
+ {
+ return(DispAllErrors(henv, hdbc, hstmt));
+ }
+ wxFprintf(stderr,wxT("Scanning %s privilege on table %s.%s granted by %s to %s\n"),
+ result.privilege,result.tableOwner,result.tableName,
+ result.grantor, result.grantee);
+ if (UserID.IsSameAs(result.tableOwner,false))
+ {
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (UserID.IsSameAs(result.grantee,false) &&
+ !wxStrcmp(result.privilege,priv))
+ {
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!wxStrcmp(result.grantee,curRole) &&
+ !wxStrcmp(result.privilege,priv))
+ {
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ retcode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
+ }
+ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_CLOSE);
+ return false;
+} // wxDb::TablePrivileges
+const wxString wxDb::SQLTableName(const wxChar *tableName)
+ wxString TableName;
+ if (Dbms() == dbmsACCESS)
+ TableName = _T("\"");
+ TableName += tableName;
+ if (Dbms() == dbmsACCESS)
+ TableName += _T("\"");
+ return TableName;
+} // wxDb::SQLTableName()
+const wxString wxDb::SQLColumnName(const wxChar *colName)
+ wxString ColName;
+ if (Dbms() == dbmsACCESS)
+ ColName = _T("\"");
+ ColName += colName;
+ if (Dbms() == dbmsACCESS)
+ ColName += _T("\"");
+ return ColName;
+} // wxDb::SQLColumnName()
+/********** wxDb::SetSqlLogging() **********/
+bool wxDb::SetSqlLogging(wxDbSqlLogState state, const wxString &filename, bool append)
+ wxASSERT(state == sqlLogON || state == sqlLogOFF);
+ wxASSERT(state == sqlLogOFF || filename.Length());
+ if (state == sqlLogON)
+ {
+ if (fpSqlLog == 0)
+ {
+ fpSqlLog = wxFopen(filename.c_str(), (append ? wxT("at") : wxT("wt")));
+ if (fpSqlLog == NULL)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else // sqlLogOFF
+ {
+ if (fpSqlLog)
+ {
+ if (fclose(fpSqlLog))
+ return false;
+ fpSqlLog = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ sqlLogState = state;
+ return true;
+} // wxDb::SetSqlLogging()
+/********** wxDb::WriteSqlLog() **********/
+bool wxDb::WriteSqlLog(const wxString &logMsg)
+ wxASSERT(logMsg.Length());
+ if (fpSqlLog == 0 || sqlLogState == sqlLogOFF)
+ return false;
+ if (wxFputs(wxT("\n"), fpSqlLog) == EOF)
+ return false;
+ if (wxFputs(logMsg, fpSqlLog) == EOF)
+ return false;
+ if (wxFputs(wxT("\n"), fpSqlLog) == EOF)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+} // wxDb::WriteSqlLog()
+/********** wxDb::Dbms() **********/
+wxDBMS wxDb::Dbms(void)
+ * Be aware that not all database engines use the exact same syntax, and not
+ * every ODBC compliant database is compliant to the same level of compliancy.
+ * Some manufacturers support the minimum Level 1 compliancy, and others up
+ * through Level 3. Others support subsets of features for levels above 1.
+ *
+ * If you find an inconsistency between the wxDb class and a specific database
+ * engine, and an identifier to this section, and special handle the database in
+ * the area where behavior is non-conforming with the other databases.
+ *
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * - Currently the only database supported by the class to support VIEWS
+ *
+ * - Does not support the SQL_TIMESTAMP structure
+ * - Supports only one cursor and one connect (apparently? with Microsoft driver only?)
+ * - Does not automatically create the primary index if the 'keyField' param of SetColDef
+ * is true. The user must create ALL indexes from their program.
+ * - Table names can only be 8 characters long
+ * - Column names can only be 10 characters long
+ *
+ * SYBASE (all)
+ * - To lock a record during QUERY functions, the reserved word 'HOLDLOCK' must be added
+ * after every table name involved in the query/join if that tables matching record(s)
+ * are to be locked
+ * - Ignores the keywords 'FOR UPDATE'. Use the HOLDLOCK functionality described above
+ *
+ * SYBASE (Enterprise)
+ * - If a column is part of the Primary Key, the column cannot be NULL
+ * - Maximum row size is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1920 bytes
+ *
+ * MY_SQL
+ * - If a column is part of the Primary Key, the column cannot be NULL
+ * - Cannot support selecting for update [::CanSelectForUpdate()]. Always returns FALSE
+ * - Columns that are part of primary or secondary keys must be defined as being NOT NULL
+ * when they are created. Some code is added in ::CreateIndex to try to adjust the
+ * column definition if it is not defined correctly, but it is experimental
+ * - Does not support sub-queries in SQL statements
+ *
+ * - Does not support the keywords 'ASC' or 'DESC' as of release v6.5.0
+ * - Does not support sub-queries in SQL statements
+ *
+ * DB2
+ * - Primary keys must be declared as NOT NULL
+ * - Table and index names must not be longer than 13 characters in length (technically
+ * table names can be up to 18 characters, but the primary index is created using the
+ * base table name plus "_PIDX", so the limit if the table has a primary index is 13.
+ *
+ *
+ * - Columns that are part of primary keys must be defined as being NOT NULL
+ * when they are created. Some code is added in ::CreateIndex to try to adjust the
+ * column definition if it is not defined correctly, but it is experimental
+ */
+ // Should only need to do this once for each new database connection
+ // so return the value we already determined it to be to save time
+ // and lots of string comparisons
+ if (dbmsType != dbmsUNIDENTIFIED)
+ return(dbmsType);
+ // When run in console mode, use standard out to display errors.
+ cout << "Database connecting to: " << dbInf.dbmsName << endl;
+ wxLogDebug(wxT("Database connecting to: "));
+ wxLogDebug(dbInf.dbmsName);
+ wxChar baseName[25+1];
+ wxStrncpy(baseName, dbInf.dbmsName, 25);
+ baseName[25] = 0;
+ // RGG 20001025 : add support for Interbase
+ // GT : Integrated to base classes on 20001121
+ if (!wxStricmp(dbInf.dbmsName,wxT("Interbase")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsINTERBASE));
+ // BJO 20000428 : add support for Virtuoso
+ if (!wxStricmp(dbInf.dbmsName,wxT("OpenLink Virtuoso VDBMS")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsVIRTUOSO));
+ if (!wxStricmp(dbInf.dbmsName,wxT("Adaptive Server Anywhere")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsSYBASE_ASA));
+ // BJO 20000427 : The "SQL Server" string is also returned by SQLServer when
+ // connected through an OpenLink driver.
+ // Is it also returned by Sybase Adapatitve server?
+ // OpenLink driver name is OLOD3032.DLL for msw and oplodbc.so for unix
+ if (!wxStricmp(dbInf.dbmsName,wxT("SQL Server")))
+ {
+ if (!wxStrncmp(dbInf.driverName, wxT("oplodbc"), 7) ||
+ !wxStrncmp(dbInf.driverName, wxT("OLOD"), 4))
+ return ((wxDBMS)(dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER));
+ else
+ return ((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsSYBASE_ASE));
+ }
+ if (!wxStricmp(dbInf.dbmsName,wxT("Microsoft SQL Server")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER));
+ baseName[10] = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("PostgreSQL"))) // v6.5.0
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsPOSTGRES));
+ baseName[9] = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("Pervasive")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsPERVASIVE_SQL));
+ baseName[8] = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("Informix")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsINFORMIX));
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("Firebird")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsFIREBIRD));
+ baseName[6] = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("Oracle")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsORACLE));
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("ACCESS")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsACCESS));
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("Sybase")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsSYBASE_ASE));
+ baseName[5] = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("DBASE")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsDBASE));
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("xBase")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsXBASE_SEQUITER));
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("MySQL")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsMY_SQL));
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("MaxDB")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsMAXDB));
+ baseName[3] = 0;
+ if (!wxStricmp(baseName,wxT("DB2")))
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsDB2));
+ return((wxDBMS)(dbmsType = dbmsUNIDENTIFIED));
+} // wxDb::Dbms()
+bool wxDb::ModifyColumn(const wxString &tableName, const wxString &columnName,
+ int dataType, ULONG columnLength,
+ const wxString &optionalParam)
+ wxASSERT(tableName.Length());
+ wxASSERT(columnName.Length());
+ wxASSERT((dataType == DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR && columnLength > 0) ||
+ dataType != DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR);
+ // Must specify a columnLength if modifying a VARCHAR type column
+ if (dataType == DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR && !columnLength)
+ return false;
+ wxString dataTypeName;
+ wxString sqlStmt;
+ wxString alterSlashModify;
+ switch(dataType)
+ {
+ dataTypeName = typeInfVarchar.TypeName;
+ break;
+ dataTypeName = typeInfInteger.TypeName;
+ break;
+ dataTypeName = typeInfFloat.TypeName;
+ break;
+ dataTypeName = typeInfDate.TypeName;
+ break;
+ dataTypeName = typeInfBlob.TypeName;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set the modify or alter syntax depending on the type of database connected to
+ switch (Dbms())
+ {
+ case dbmsORACLE :
+ alterSlashModify = _T("MODIFY");
+ break;
+ case dbmsMS_SQL_SERVER :
+ alterSlashModify = _T("ALTER COLUMN");
+ break;
+ case dbmsUNIDENTIFIED :
+ return false;
+ case dbmsSYBASE_ASA :
+ case dbmsSYBASE_ASE :
+ case dbmsMY_SQL :
+ case dbmsPOSTGRES :
+ case dbmsACCESS :
+ case dbmsDBASE :
+ case dbmsXBASE_SEQUITER :
+ default :
+ alterSlashModify = _T("MODIFY");
+ break;
+ }
+ // create the SQL statement
+ if ( Dbms() == dbmsMY_SQL )
+ {
+ sqlStmt.Printf(wxT("ALTER TABLE %s %s %s %s"), tableName.c_str(), alterSlashModify.c_str(),
+ columnName.c_str(), dataTypeName.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sqlStmt.Printf(wxT("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %s"), tableName.c_str(), alterSlashModify.c_str(),
+ columnName.c_str(), dataTypeName.c_str());
+ }
+ // For varchars only, append the size of the column
+ if (dataType == DB_DATA_TYPE_VARCHAR &&
+ (Dbms() != dbmsMY_SQL || dataTypeName != _T("text")))
+ {
+ wxString s;
+ s.Printf(wxT("(%lu)"), columnLength);
+ sqlStmt += s;
+ }
+ // for passing things like "NOT NULL"
+ if (optionalParam.Length())
+ {
+ sqlStmt += wxT(" ");
+ sqlStmt += optionalParam;
+ }
+ return ExecSql(sqlStmt);
+} // wxDb::ModifyColumn()
+/********** wxDbGetConnection() **********/
+wxDb WXDLLIMPEXP_ODBC *wxDbGetConnection(wxDbConnectInf *pDbConfig, bool FwdOnlyCursors)
+ wxDbList *pList;
+ // Used to keep a pointer to a DB connection that matches the requested
+ // DSN and FwdOnlyCursors settings, even if it is not FREE, so that the
+ // data types can be copied from it (using the wxDb::Open(wxDb *) function)
+ // rather than having to re-query the datasource to get all the values
+ // using the wxDb::Open(Dsn,Uid,AuthStr) function
+ wxDb *matchingDbConnection = NULL;
+ // Scan the linked list searching for an available database connection
+ // that's already been opened but is currently not in use.
+ for (pList = PtrBegDbList; pList; pList = pList->PtrNext)
+ {
+ // The database connection must be for the same datasource
+ // name and must currently not be in use.
+ if (pList->Free &&
+ (pList->PtrDb->FwdOnlyCursors() == FwdOnlyCursors))
+ {
+ if (pDbConfig->UseConnectionStr())
+ {
+ if (pList->PtrDb->OpenedWithConnectionString() &&
+ (!wxStrcmp(pDbConfig->GetConnectionStr(), pList->ConnectionStr)))
+ {
+ // Found a free connection
+ pList->Free = false;
+ return(pList->PtrDb);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!pList->PtrDb->OpenedWithConnectionString() &&
+ (!wxStrcmp(pDbConfig->GetDsn(), pList->Dsn)))
+ {
+ // Found a free connection
+ pList->Free = false;
+ return(pList->PtrDb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pDbConfig->UseConnectionStr())
+ {
+ if (!wxStrcmp(pDbConfig->GetConnectionStr(), pList->ConnectionStr))
+ matchingDbConnection = pList->PtrDb;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!wxStrcmp(pDbConfig->GetDsn(), pList->Dsn) &&
+ !wxStrcmp(pDbConfig->GetUserID(), pList->Uid) &&
+ !wxStrcmp(pDbConfig->GetPassword(), pList->AuthStr))
+ matchingDbConnection = pList->PtrDb;
+ }
+ }
+ // No available connections. A new connection must be made and
+ // appended to the end of the linked list.
+ if (PtrBegDbList)
+ {
+ // Find the end of the list
+ for (pList = PtrBegDbList; pList->PtrNext; pList = pList->PtrNext);
+ // Append a new list item
+ pList->PtrNext = new wxDbList;
+ pList->PtrNext->PtrPrev = pList;
+ pList = pList->PtrNext;
+ }
+ else // Empty list
+ {
+ // Create the first node on the list
+ pList = PtrBegDbList = new wxDbList;
+ pList->PtrPrev = 0;
+ }
+ // Initialize new node in the linked list
+ pList->PtrNext = 0;
+ pList->Free = false;
+ pList->Dsn = pDbConfig->GetDsn();
+ pList->Uid = pDbConfig->GetUserID();
+ pList->AuthStr = pDbConfig->GetPassword();
+ pList->ConnectionStr = pDbConfig->GetConnectionStr();
+ pList->PtrDb = new wxDb(pDbConfig->GetHenv(), FwdOnlyCursors);
+ bool opened;
+ if (!matchingDbConnection)
+ {
+ if (pDbConfig->UseConnectionStr())
+ {
+ opened = pList->PtrDb->Open(pDbConfig->GetConnectionStr());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ opened = pList->PtrDb->Open(pDbConfig->GetDsn(), pDbConfig->GetUserID(), pDbConfig->GetPassword());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ opened = pList->PtrDb->Open(matchingDbConnection);
+ // Connect to the datasource
+ if (opened)
+ {
+ pList->PtrDb->setCached(true); // Prevent a user from deleting a cached connection
+ pList->PtrDb->SetSqlLogging(SQLLOGstate, SQLLOGfn, true);
+ return(pList->PtrDb);
+ }
+ else // Unable to connect, destroy list item
+ {
+ if (pList->PtrPrev)
+ pList->PtrPrev->PtrNext = 0;
+ else
+ PtrBegDbList = 0; // Empty list again
+ pList->PtrDb->CommitTrans(); // Commit any open transactions on wxDb object
+ pList->PtrDb->Close(); // Close the wxDb object
+ delete pList->PtrDb; // Deletes the wxDb object
+ delete pList; // Deletes the linked list object
+ return(0);
+ }
+} // wxDbGetConnection()
+/********** wxDbFreeConnection() **********/
+bool WXDLLIMPEXP_ODBC wxDbFreeConnection(wxDb *pDb)
+ wxDbList *pList;
+ // Scan the linked list searching for the database connection
+ for (pList = PtrBegDbList; pList; pList = pList->PtrNext)
+ {
+ if (pList->PtrDb == pDb) // Found it, now free it!!!
+ return (pList->Free = true);
+ }
+ // Never found the database object, return failure
+ return false;
+} // wxDbFreeConnection()
+/********** wxDbCloseConnections() **********/
+void WXDLLIMPEXP_ODBC wxDbCloseConnections(void)
+ wxDbList *pList, *pNext;
+ // Traverse the linked list closing database connections and freeing memory as I go.
+ for (pList = PtrBegDbList; pList; pList = pNext)
+ {
+ pNext = pList->PtrNext; // Save the pointer to next
+ pList->PtrDb->CommitTrans(); // Commit any open transactions on wxDb object
+ pList->PtrDb->Close(); // Close the wxDb object
+ pList->PtrDb->setCached(false); // Allows deletion of the wxDb instance
+ delete pList->PtrDb; // Deletes the wxDb object
+ delete pList; // Deletes the linked list object
+ }
+ // Mark the list as empty
+ PtrBegDbList = 0;
+} // wxDbCloseConnections()
+/********** wxDbConnectionsInUse() **********/
+int WXDLLIMPEXP_ODBC wxDbConnectionsInUse(void)
+ wxDbList *pList;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ // Scan the linked list counting db connections that are currently in use
+ for (pList = PtrBegDbList; pList; pList = pList->PtrNext)
+ {
+ if (pList->Free == false)
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ return(cnt);
+} // wxDbConnectionsInUse()
+/********** wxDbLogExtendedErrorMsg() **********/
+// DEBUG ONLY function
+const wxChar WXDLLIMPEXP_ODBC *wxDbLogExtendedErrorMsg(const wxChar *userText,
+ wxDb *pDb,
+ const wxChar *ErrFile,
+ int ErrLine)
+ static wxString msg;
+ msg = userText;
+ wxString tStr;
+ if (ErrFile || ErrLine)
+ {
+ msg += wxT("File: ");
+ msg += ErrFile;
+ msg += wxT(" Line: ");
+ tStr.Printf(wxT("%d"),ErrLine);
+ msg += tStr.c_str();
+ msg += wxT("\n");
+ }
+ msg.Append (wxT("\nODBC errors:\n"));
+ msg += wxT("\n");
+ // Display errors for this connection
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < DB_MAX_ERROR_HISTORY; i++)
+ {
+ if (pDb->errorList[i])
+ {
+ msg.Append(pDb->errorList[i]);
+ if (wxStrcmp(pDb->errorList[i], wxEmptyString) != 0)
+ msg.Append(wxT("\n"));
+ // Clear the errmsg buffer so the next error will not
+ // end up showing the previous error that have occurred
+ wxStrcpy(pDb->errorList[i], wxEmptyString);
+ }
+ }
+ msg += wxT("\n");
+ wxLogDebug(msg.c_str());
+ return msg.c_str();
+} // wxDbLogExtendedErrorMsg()
+/********** wxDbSqlLog() **********/
+bool wxDbSqlLog(wxDbSqlLogState state, const wxChar *filename)
+ bool append = false;
+ wxDbList *pList;
+ for (pList = PtrBegDbList; pList; pList = pList->PtrNext)
+ {
+ if (!pList->PtrDb->SetSqlLogging(state,filename,append))
+ return false;
+ append = true;
+ }
+ SQLLOGstate = state;
+ SQLLOGfn = filename;
+ return true;