+ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(CocoaWindowCompareContext)
+ CocoaWindowCompareContext(); // Not implemented
+ CocoaWindowCompareContext(NSView *target, NSArray *subviews)
+ {
+ m_target = target;
+ // Cocoa sorts subviews in-place.. make a copy
+ m_subviews = [subviews copy];
+ }
+ ~CocoaWindowCompareContext()
+ { // release the copy
+ [m_subviews release];
+ }
+ NSView* target()
+ { return m_target; }
+ NSArray* subviews()
+ { return m_subviews; }
+ /* Helper function that returns the comparison based off of the original ordering */
+ CocoaWindowCompareFunctionResult CompareUsingOriginalOrdering(id first, id second)
+ {
+ NSUInteger firstI = [m_subviews indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:first];
+ NSUInteger secondI = [m_subviews indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:second];
+ // NOTE: If either firstI or secondI is NSNotFound then it will be NSIntegerMax and thus will
+ // likely compare higher than the other view which is reasonable considering the only way that
+ // can happen is if the subview was added after our call to subviews but before the call to
+ // sortSubviewsUsingFunction:context:. Thus we don't bother checking. Particularly because
+ // that case should never occur anyway because that would imply a multi-threaded GUI call
+ // which is a big no-no with Cocoa.
+ // Subviews are ordered from back to front meaning one that is already lower will have an lower index.
+ NSComparisonResult result = (firstI < secondI)
+ ? NSOrderedAscending /* -1 */
+ : (firstI > secondI)
+ ? NSOrderedDescending /* 1 */
+ : NSOrderedSame /* 0 */;
+#if 0 // Enable this if you need to debug the algorithm.
+ NSLog(@"%@ [%d] %s %@ [%d]\n", first, firstI, comparisonresultStrings[result+1], second, secondI);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* The subview we are trying to Raise or Lower */
+ NSView *m_target;
+ /* A copy of the original array of subviews */
+ NSArray *m_subviews;
+/* Causes Cocoa to raise the target view to the top of the Z-Order by telling the sort function that
+ * the target view is always higher than every other view. When comparing two views neither of
+ * which is the target, it returns the correct response based on the original ordering
+ */
+static CocoaWindowCompareFunctionResult CocoaRaiseWindowCompareFunction(id first, id second, void *ctx)
+ CocoaWindowCompareContext *compareContext = (CocoaWindowCompareContext*)ctx;