-bool wxHtmlHelpFrame::Display(const wxString& x)
- wxString url = m_Data->FindPageByName(x);
- if (!url.IsEmpty())
- {
- m_HtmlWin->LoadPage(url);
- NotifyPageChanged();
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-bool wxHtmlHelpFrame::Display(const int id)
- wxString url = m_Data->FindPageById(id);
- if (!url.IsEmpty())
- {
- m_HtmlWin->LoadPage(url);
- NotifyPageChanged();
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-bool wxHtmlHelpFrame::DisplayContents()
- if (! m_ContentsBox)
- return FALSE;
- if (!m_Splitter->IsSplit())
- {
- m_NavigPan->Show(TRUE);
- m_HtmlWin->Show(TRUE);
- m_Splitter->SplitVertically(m_NavigPan, m_HtmlWin, m_Cfg.sashpos);
- m_Cfg.navig_on = TRUE;
- }
- m_NavigPan->SetSelection(0);
- if (m_Data->GetBookRecArray().GetCount() > 0)
- {
- wxHtmlBookRecord& book = m_Data->GetBookRecArray()[0];
- if (!book.GetStart().IsEmpty())
- m_HtmlWin->LoadPage(book.GetFullPath(book.GetStart()));
- }
- return TRUE;
-bool wxHtmlHelpFrame::DisplayIndex()
- if (! m_IndexList)
- return FALSE;
- if (!m_Splitter->IsSplit())
- {
- m_NavigPan->Show(TRUE);
- m_HtmlWin->Show(TRUE);
- m_Splitter->SplitVertically(m_NavigPan, m_HtmlWin, m_Cfg.sashpos);
- }
- m_NavigPan->SetSelection(1);
- if (m_Data->GetBookRecArray().GetCount() > 0)
- {
- wxHtmlBookRecord& book = m_Data->GetBookRecArray()[0];
- if (!book.GetStart().IsEmpty())
- m_HtmlWin->LoadPage(book.GetFullPath(book.GetStart()));
- }
- return TRUE;
-bool wxHtmlHelpFrame::KeywordSearch(const wxString& keyword)
- if (! (m_SearchList && m_SearchButton && m_SearchText && m_SearchChoice))
- return FALSE;
- int foundcnt = 0, curi;
- wxString foundstr;
- wxString book = wxEmptyString;
- if (!m_Splitter->IsSplit())
- {
- m_NavigPan->Show(TRUE);
- m_HtmlWin->Show(TRUE);
- m_Splitter->SplitVertically(m_NavigPan, m_HtmlWin, m_Cfg.sashpos);
- }
- m_NavigPan->SetSelection(m_SearchPage);
- m_SearchList->Clear();
- m_SearchText->SetValue(keyword);
- m_SearchButton->Enable(FALSE);
- if (m_SearchChoice->GetSelection() != 0)
- book = m_SearchChoice->GetStringSelection();
- wxHtmlSearchStatus status(m_Data, keyword,
- m_SearchCaseSensitive->GetValue(), m_SearchWholeWords->GetValue(),
- book);
- wxProgressDialog progress(_("Searching..."), _("No matching page found yet"),
- status.GetMaxIndex(), this,
- while (status.IsActive())
- {
- curi = status.GetCurIndex();
- if (curi % 32 == 0 && progress.Update(curi) == FALSE)
- break;
- if (status.Search())
- {
- foundstr.Printf(_("Found %i matches"), ++foundcnt);
- progress.Update(status.GetCurIndex(), foundstr);
- m_SearchList->Append(status.GetName(), status.GetContentsItem());
- }
- }
- m_SearchButton->Enable(TRUE);
- m_SearchText->SetSelection(0, keyword.Length());
- m_SearchText->SetFocus();
- if (foundcnt)
- {
- wxHtmlContentsItem *it = (wxHtmlContentsItem*) m_SearchList->GetClientData(0);
- if (it)
- {
- m_HtmlWin->LoadPage(it->GetFullPath());
- NotifyPageChanged();
- }
- }
- return (foundcnt > 0);
-#define MAX_ROOTS 64
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::CreateContents()
- if (! m_ContentsBox)
- return ;
- m_ContentsBox->Clear();
- if (m_PagesHash) delete m_PagesHash;
- m_PagesHash = new wxHashTable(wxKEY_STRING, 2 * m_Data->GetContentsCnt());
- m_PagesHash->DeleteContents(TRUE);
- int cnt = m_Data->GetContentsCnt();
- int i;
- wxHtmlContentsItem *it;
- wxTreeItemId roots[MAX_ROOTS];
- bool imaged[MAX_ROOTS];
- m_ContentsBox->DeleteAllItems();
- roots[0] = m_ContentsBox->AddRoot(_("(Help)"));
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemImage(roots[0], IMG_RootFolder);
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemSelectedImage(roots[0], IMG_RootFolder);
- imaged[0] = TRUE;
- for (it = m_Data->GetContents(), i = 0; i < cnt; i++, it++)
- {
- roots[it->m_Level + 1] = m_ContentsBox->AppendItem(
- roots[it->m_Level], it->m_Name, IMG_Page, -1,
- new wxHtmlHelpTreeItemData(i));
- m_PagesHash->Put(it->GetFullPath(),
- new wxHtmlHelpHashData(i, roots[it->m_Level + 1]));
- if (it->m_Level == 0)
- {
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemBold(roots[1], TRUE);
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemImage(roots[1], IMG_Book);
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemSelectedImage(roots[1], IMG_Book);
- imaged[1] = TRUE;
- }
- else
- imaged[it->m_Level + 1] = FALSE;
- if (!imaged[it->m_Level])
- {
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemImage(roots[it->m_Level], IMG_Folder);
- m_ContentsBox->SetItemSelectedImage(roots[it->m_Level], IMG_Folder);
- imaged[it->m_Level] = TRUE;
- }
- }
- m_ContentsBox->Expand(roots[0]);
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::CreateIndex()
- if (! m_IndexList)
- return ;
- m_IndexList->Clear();
- int cnt = m_Data->GetIndexCnt();
- wxString cnttext;
- if (cnt > INDEX_IS_SMALL) cnttext.Printf(_("%i of %i"), 0, cnt);
- else cnttext.Printf(_("%i of %i"), cnt, cnt);
- m_IndexCountInfo->SetLabel(cnttext);
- if (cnt > INDEX_IS_SMALL) return;
- wxHtmlContentsItem* index = m_Data->GetIndex();
- for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- m_IndexList->Append(index[i].m_Name, (char*)(index + i));
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::CreateSearch()
- if (! (m_SearchList && m_SearchChoice))
- return ;
- m_SearchList->Clear();
- m_SearchChoice->Clear();
- m_SearchChoice->Append(_("Search in all books"));
- const wxHtmlBookRecArray& bookrec = m_Data->GetBookRecArray();
- int i, cnt = bookrec.GetCount();
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- m_SearchChoice->Append(bookrec[i].GetTitle());
- m_SearchChoice->SetSelection(0);
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::RefreshLists()
- CreateContents();
- CreateIndex();
- CreateSearch();
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::ReadCustomization(wxConfigBase *cfg, const wxString& path)
- wxString oldpath;
- wxString tmp;
- if (path != wxEmptyString)
- {
- oldpath = cfg->GetPath();
- cfg->SetPath(_T("/") + path);
- }
- m_Cfg.navig_on = cfg->Read(wxT("hcNavigPanel"), m_Cfg.navig_on) != 0;
- m_Cfg.sashpos = cfg->Read(wxT("hcSashPos"), m_Cfg.sashpos);
- m_Cfg.x = cfg->Read(wxT("hcX"), m_Cfg.x);
- m_Cfg.y = cfg->Read(wxT("hcY"), m_Cfg.y);
- m_Cfg.w = cfg->Read(wxT("hcW"), m_Cfg.w);
- m_Cfg.h = cfg->Read(wxT("hcH"), m_Cfg.h);
- m_FixedFace = cfg->Read(wxT("hcFixedFace"), m_FixedFace);
- m_NormalFace = cfg->Read(wxT("hcNormalFace"), m_NormalFace);
- m_FontSize = cfg->Read(wxT("hcFontSize"), m_FontSize);
- {
- int i;
- int cnt;
- wxString val, s;
- cnt = cfg->Read(wxT("hcBookmarksCnt"), 0L);
- if (cnt != 0)
- {
- m_BookmarksNames.Clear();
- m_BookmarksPages.Clear();
- if (m_Bookmarks)
- {
- m_Bookmarks->Clear();
- m_Bookmarks->Append(_("(bookmarks)"));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- {
- val.Printf(wxT("hcBookmark_%i"), i);
- s = cfg->Read(val);
- m_BookmarksNames.Add(s);
- if (m_Bookmarks) m_Bookmarks->Append(s);
- val.Printf(wxT("hcBookmark_%i_url"), i);
- s = cfg->Read(val);
- m_BookmarksPages.Add(s);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_HtmlWin)
- m_HtmlWin->ReadCustomization(cfg);
- if (path != wxEmptyString)
- cfg->SetPath(oldpath);
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::WriteCustomization(wxConfigBase *cfg, const wxString& path)
- wxString oldpath;
- wxString tmp;
- if (path != wxEmptyString)
- {
- oldpath = cfg->GetPath();
- cfg->SetPath(_T("/") + path);
- }
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcNavigPanel"), m_Cfg.navig_on);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcSashPos"), (long)m_Cfg.sashpos);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcX"), (long)m_Cfg.x);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcY"), (long)m_Cfg.y);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcW"), (long)m_Cfg.w);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcH"), (long)m_Cfg.h);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcFixedFace"), m_FixedFace);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcNormalFace"), m_NormalFace);
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcFontSize"), (long)m_FontSize);
- if (m_Bookmarks)
- {
- int i;
- int cnt = m_BookmarksNames.GetCount();
- wxString val;
- cfg->Write(wxT("hcBookmarksCnt"), (long)cnt);
- for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
- {
- val.Printf(wxT("hcBookmark_%i"), i);
- cfg->Write(val, m_BookmarksNames[i]);
- val.Printf(wxT("hcBookmark_%i_url"), i);
- cfg->Write(val, m_BookmarksPages[i]);
- }
- }
- if (m_HtmlWin)
- m_HtmlWin->WriteCustomization(cfg);
- if (path != wxEmptyString)
- cfg->SetPath(oldpath);
-static void SetFontsToHtmlWin(wxHtmlWindow *win, wxString scalf, wxString fixf, int size)
- static int f_sizes[5][7] =
- {
- { 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19},
- { 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22},
- {10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 24, 32},
- {14, 16, 18, 24, 32, 38, 45},
- {16, 20, 24, 32, 38, 45, 50}
- };
- win->SetFonts(scalf, fixf, f_sizes[size]);
-class wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog : public wxDialog
- public:
- wxComboBox *NormalFont, *FixedFont;
- wxRadioBox *RadioBox;
- wxHtmlWindow *TestWin;
- wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog(wxWindow *parent) : wxDialog(parent, -1, wxString(_("Help Browser Options")))
- {
- wxString choices[5] = {_("very small"), _("small"), _("medium"), _("large"), _("very large")};
- wxBoxSizer *topsizer, *sizer, *sizer2;
- topsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox(this, -1, _("Normal font:")), wxVERTICAL);
- sizer2->Add(NormalFont = new wxComboBox(this, -1, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(200, 200),
- 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer->Add(sizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 10);
- sizer2 = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox(this, -1, _("Fixed font:")), wxVERTICAL);
- sizer2->Add(FixedFont = new wxComboBox(this, -1, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
- wxSize(200, 200),
- 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer->Add(sizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 10);
- topsizer->Add(sizer);
- topsizer->Add(RadioBox = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, _("Font size:"),
- wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 5, choices, 5),
- 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 10);
- topsizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, -1, _("Preview:")),
- 0, wxLEFT | wxTOP, 10);
- topsizer->Add(TestWin = new wxHtmlWindow(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 150)),
- 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT|wxTOP|wxRIGHT, 10);
- sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_OK, _("OK")), 0, wxALL, 10);
- sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")), 0, wxALL, 10);
- topsizer->Add(sizer, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT);
- SetAutoLayout(TRUE);
- SetSizer(topsizer);
- topsizer->Fit(this);
- Centre(wxBOTH);
- }
- void UpdateTestWin()
- {
- wxBusyCursor bcur;
- SetFontsToHtmlWin(TestWin,
- NormalFont->GetStringSelection(),
- FixedFont->GetStringSelection(),
- RadioBox->GetSelection());
- TestWin->SetPage(_(
-Normal face<br>(and <u>underlined</u>. <i>Italic face.</i> \
-<b>Bold face.</b> <b><i>Bold italic face.</i></b><br>\
-<font size=-2>font size -2</font><br>\
-<font size=-1>font size -1</font><br>\
-<font size=+0>font size +0</font><br>\
-<font size=+1>font size +1</font><br>\
-<font size=+2>font size +2</font><br>\
-<font size=+3>font size +3</font><br>\
-<font size=+4>font size +4</font><br>\
-<p><tt>Fixed size face.<br> <b>bold</b> <i>italic</i> \
-<b><i>bold italic <u>underlined</u></i></b><br>\
-<font size=-2>font size -2</font><br>\
-<font size=-1>font size -1</font><br>\
-<font size=+0>font size +0</font><br>\
-<font size=+1>font size +1</font><br>\
-<font size=+2>font size +2</font><br>\
-<font size=+3>font size +3</font><br>\
-<font size=+4>font size +4</font></tt>\
- ));
- }
- void OnUpdate(wxCommandEvent& event)
- {
- UpdateTestWin();
- }
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog, wxDialog)
- EVT_COMBOBOX(-1, wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog::OnUpdate)
- EVT_RADIOBOX(-1, wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog::OnUpdate)
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::OptionsDialog()
- wxHtmlHelpFrameOptionsDialog dlg(this);
- unsigned i;
- if (m_NormalFonts == NULL)
- {
- wxFontEnumerator enu;
- enu.EnumerateFacenames();
- m_NormalFonts = new wxArrayString;
- *m_NormalFonts = *enu.GetFacenames();
- m_NormalFonts->Sort();
- }
- if (m_FixedFonts == NULL)
- {
- wxFontEnumerator enu;
- enu.EnumerateFacenames(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM, TRUE);
- m_FixedFonts = new wxArrayString;
- *m_FixedFonts = *enu.GetFacenames();
- m_FixedFonts->Sort();
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m_NormalFonts->GetCount(); i++)
- dlg.NormalFont->Append((*m_NormalFonts)[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < m_FixedFonts->GetCount(); i++)
- dlg.FixedFont->Append((*m_FixedFonts)[i]);
- if (!m_NormalFace.IsEmpty()) dlg.NormalFont->SetStringSelection(m_NormalFace);
- else dlg.NormalFont->SetSelection(0);
- if (!m_FixedFace.IsEmpty()) dlg.FixedFont->SetStringSelection(m_FixedFace);
- else dlg.FixedFont->SetSelection(0);
- dlg.RadioBox->SetSelection(m_FontSize);
- dlg.UpdateTestWin();
- if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- m_NormalFace = dlg.NormalFont->GetStringSelection();
- m_FixedFace = dlg.FixedFont->GetStringSelection();
- m_FontSize = dlg.RadioBox->GetSelection();
- SetFontsToHtmlWin(m_HtmlWin, m_NormalFace, m_FixedFace, m_FontSize);
- }
-void wxHtmlHelpFrame::NotifyPageChanged()
- if (m_UpdateContents && m_PagesHash)
- {
- wxString an = m_HtmlWin->GetOpenedAnchor();
- wxHtmlHelpHashData *ha;
- if (an.IsEmpty())
- ha = (wxHtmlHelpHashData*) m_PagesHash->Get(m_HtmlWin->GetOpenedPage());
- else
- ha = (wxHtmlHelpHashData*) m_PagesHash->Get(m_HtmlWin->GetOpenedPage() + wxT("#") + an);
- if (ha)
- {
- bool olduc = m_UpdateContents;
- m_UpdateContents = FALSE;
- m_ContentsBox->SelectItem(ha->m_Id);
- m_ContentsBox->EnsureVisible(ha->m_Id);
- m_UpdateContents = olduc;
- }
- }