*args, **kwds):
"""Create Crust instance."""
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
+ # Turn off the tab-traversal style that is automatically
+ # turned on by wx.SplitterWindow. We do this because on
+ # Windows the event for Ctrl-Enter is stolen and used as a
+ # navigation key, but the Shell window uses it to insert lines.
+ style = self.GetWindowStyle()
+ self.SetWindowStyle(style & ~wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)
self.shell = Shell(parent=self, introText=intro,
locals=locals, InterpClass=InterpClass,
self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.calltip, text='Calltip')
self.sessionlisting = SessionListing(parent=self.notebook)
- self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.sessionlisting, text='Session')
+ self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.sessionlisting, text='History')
self.dispatcherlisting = DispatcherListing(parent=self.notebook)
self.notebook.AddPage(page=self.dispatcherlisting, text='Dispatcher')
- self.SplitHorizontally(self.shell, self.notebook, -self.sashoffset)
+ # Initialize in an unsplit mode, and check later after loading
+ # settings if we should split or not.
+ self.shell.Hide()
+ self.notebook.Hide()
+ self.Initialize(self.shell)
+ self._shouldsplit = True
+ wx.CallAfter(self._CheckShouldSplit)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.SplitterOnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED, self.OnChanged)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.OnSashDClick)
+ def _CheckShouldSplit(self):
+ if self._shouldsplit:
+ self.SplitHorizontally(self.shell, self.notebook, -self.sashoffset)
+ self.lastsashpos = self.GetSashPosition()
+ else:
+ self.lastsashpos = -1
+ self.issplit = self.IsSplit()
+ def ToggleTools(self):
+ """Toggle the display of the filling and other tools"""
+ if self.issplit:
+ self.Unsplit()
+ else:
+ self.SplitHorizontally(self.shell, self.notebook, -self.sashoffset)
+ self.lastsashpos = self.GetSashPosition()
+ self.issplit = self.IsSplit()
+ def ToolsShown(self):
+ return self.issplit
def OnChanged(self, event):
"""update sash offset from the bottom of the window"""
self.sashoffset = self.GetSize().height - event.GetSashPosition()
+ self.lastsashpos = event.GetSashPosition()
+ def OnSashDClick(self, event):
+ self.Unsplit()
+ self.issplit = False
# Make the splitter expand the top window when resized
def SplitterOnSize(self, event):
zoom = config.ReadInt('View/Zoom/Display', -99)
if zoom != -99:
+ self.issplit = config.ReadInt('Sash/IsSplit', True)
+ if not self.issplit:
+ self._shouldsplit = False
def SaveSettings(self, config):
- config.WriteInt('Sash/CrustPos', self.GetSashPosition())
+ if self.lastsashpos != -1:
+ config.WriteInt('Sash/CrustPos', self.lastsashpos)
+ config.WriteInt('Sash/IsSplit', self.issplit)
config.WriteInt('View/Zoom/Display', self.display.GetZoom())
self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 208))
dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.display, signal='Shell.calltip')
+ df = self.GetFont()
+ font = wx.Font(df.GetPointSize(), wx.TELETYPE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+ self.SetFont(font)
def display(self, calltip):
"""Receiver for Shell.calltip signal."""
## self.SetValue(calltip) # Caused refresh problem on Windows.
style = (wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY |
wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style=style)
- dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.push, signal='Interpreter.push')
+ dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.addHistory, signal="Shell.addHistory")
+ dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.clearHistory, signal="Shell.clearHistory")
+ dispatcher.connect(receiver=self.loadHistory, signal="Shell.loadHistory")
+ df = self.GetFont()
+ font = wx.Font(df.GetPointSize(), wx.TELETYPE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+ self.SetFont(font)
+ def loadHistory(self, history):
+ # preload the existing history, if any
+ hist = history[:]
+ hist.reverse()
+ self.SetValue('\n'.join(hist) + '\n')
+ self.SetInsertionPointEnd()
- def push(self, command, more):
- """Receiver for Interpreter.push signal."""
- if command and not more:
+ def addHistory(self, command):
+ if command:
- start, end = self.GetSelection()
- if start != end:
- self.SetSelection(0, 0)
self.AppendText(command + '\n')
+ def clearHistory(self):
+ self.SetValue("")
class DispatcherListing(wx.TextCtrl):
"""Text control containing all dispatches for session."""
wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, id, style=style)
+ df = self.GetFont()
+ font = wx.Font(df.GetPointSize(), wx.TELETYPE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
+ self.SetFont(font)
def spy(self, signal, sender):
"""Receiver for Any signal from Any sender."""
text = '%r from %s' % (signal, sender)
+ def ToggleTools(self):
+ """Toggle the display of the filling and other tools"""
+ return self.crust.ToggleTools()
+ def ToolsShown(self):
+ return self.crust.ToolsShown()
def OnHelp(self, event):
"""Show a help dialog."""
frame.ShellFrameMixin.OnHelp(self, event)
- def SaveSettings(self):
+ def SaveSettings(self, force=False):
if self.config is not None:
- if self.autoSaveSettings:
+ if self.autoSaveSettings or force:
frame.Frame.SaveSettings(self, self.config)
def DoSaveSettings(self):
if self.config is not None:
- self.SaveSettings()
+ self.SaveSettings(force=True)