#ifndef __WXMSW__
- #include "sample.xpm"
+ #include "../sample.xpm"
#include "wx/aboutdlg.h"
// Create the main frame window
- MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("Animation Demo"),
+ MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("Animation Demo"),
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(500, 400),
- SetTopWindow(frame);
return true;
wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
- file_menu->Append(wxID_OPEN, _T("&Open Animation...\tCtrl+O"), _T("Loads an animation"));
+ file_menu->Append(wxID_OPEN, wxT("&Open Animation...\tCtrl+O"), wxT("Loads an animation"));
#endif // wxUSE_FILEDLG
wxMenu *play_menu = new wxMenu;
- play_menu->Append(ID_PLAY, _T("Play\tCtrl+P"), _T("Play the animation"));
- play_menu->Append(wxID_STOP, _T("Stop\tCtrl+P"), _T("Stop the animation"));
+ play_menu->Append(ID_PLAY, wxT("Play\tCtrl+P"), wxT("Play the animation"));
+ play_menu->Append(wxID_STOP, wxT("Stop\tCtrl+S"), wxT("Stop the animation"));
- play_menu->Append(ID_SET_NULL_ANIMATION, _T("Set null animation"),
- _T("Sets the empty animation in the control"));
- play_menu->AppendCheckItem(ID_SET_INACTIVE_BITMAP, _T("Set inactive bitmap"),
- _T("Sets an inactive bitmap for the control"));
- play_menu->AppendCheckItem(ID_SET_NO_AUTO_RESIZE, _T("Set no autoresize"),
- _T("Tells the control not to resize automatically"));
- play_menu->Append(ID_SET_BGCOLOR, _T("Set background colour..."),
- _T("Sets the background colour of the control"));
+ play_menu->Append(ID_SET_NULL_ANIMATION, wxT("Set null animation"),
+ wxT("Sets the empty animation in the control"));
+ play_menu->AppendCheckItem(ID_SET_INACTIVE_BITMAP, wxT("Set inactive bitmap"),
+ wxT("Sets an inactive bitmap for the control"));
+ play_menu->AppendCheckItem(ID_SET_NO_AUTO_RESIZE, wxT("Set no autoresize"),
+ wxT("Tells the control not to resize automatically"));
+ play_menu->Append(ID_SET_BGCOLOR, wxT("Set background colour..."),
+ wxT("Sets the background colour of the control"));
wxMenu *help_menu = new wxMenu;
wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
- menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _T("&File"));
- menu_bar->Append(play_menu, _T("&Animation"));
- menu_bar->Append(help_menu, _T("&Help"));
+ menu_bar->Append(file_menu, wxT("&File"));
+ menu_bar->Append(play_menu, wxT("&Animation"));
+ menu_bar->Append(help_menu, wxT("&Help"));
// Associate the menu bar with this frame
wxAboutDialogInfo info;
info.SetName(_("wxAnimationCtrl and wxAnimation sample"));
info.SetDescription(_("This sample program demonstrates the usage of wxAnimationCtrl"));
- info.SetCopyright(_T("(C) 2006 Julian Smart"));
+ info.SetCopyright(wxT("(C) 2006 Julian Smart"));
- info.AddDeveloper(_T("Julian Smart"));
- info.AddDeveloper(_T("Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia"));
- info.AddDeveloper(_T("Francesco Montorsi"));
+ info.AddDeveloper(wxT("Julian Smart"));
+ info.AddDeveloper(wxT("Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia"));
+ info.AddDeveloper(wxT("Francesco Montorsi"));
void MyFrame::OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- wxFileDialog dialog(this, _T("Please choose an animation"),
+ wxFileDialog dialog(this, wxT("Please choose an animation"),
wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxT("*.gif;*.ani"), wxFD_OPEN);
if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
if (m_animationCtrl->LoadFile(filename))
- wxMessageBox(_T("Sorry, this animation is not a valid format for wxAnimation."));
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("Sorry, this animation is not a valid format for wxAnimation."));
#if 0
wxAnimation temp;