#include "printing.h"
-#ifndef __WXMSW__
- #include "mondrian.xpm"
+ #include "../sample.xpm"
// Global print data, to remember settings during the session
// Create the main frame window
// ----------------------------
- MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, _T("wxWidgets Printing Demo"),
+ MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, wxT("wxWidgets Printing Demo"),
wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(400, 400));
- SetTopWindow(frame);
return true;
dc.DrawText( wxT("Rectangle 200 by 80"), 40, 40);
- dc.SetPen( wxPen(*wxBLACK,0,wxDOT_DASH) );
+ dc.SetPen( wxPen(*wxBLACK, 0, wxPENSTYLE_DOT_DASH) );
dc.DrawEllipse(50, 140, 100, 50);
str.Printf( wxT("---- Text at angle %d ----"), i );
dc.DrawRotatedText( str, 100, 300, i );
- wxIcon my_icon = wxICON(mondrian);
+ wxIcon my_icon = wxICON(sample);
dc.DrawIcon( my_icon, 100, 100);
if (window_dc)
gc = wxGraphicsContext::Create( *window_dc );
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ wxEnhMetaFileDC *emf_dc = wxDynamicCast( &dc, wxEnhMetaFileDC );
+ if (emf_dc)
+ gc = wxGraphicsContext::Create( *emf_dc );
if (gc)
// make a path that contains a circle and some lines, centered at 100,100
gc->SetPen( *wxRED_PEN );
- gc->SetFont( m_testFont, *wxGREEN );
wxGraphicsPath path = gc->CreatePath();
path.AddCircle( 50.0, 50.0, 50.0 );
path.MoveToPoint(0.0, 50.0);
+ // draw some text
+ wxString text("Text by wxGraphicsContext");
+ gc->SetFont( m_testFont, *wxBLACK );
+ gc->DrawText(text, 25.0, 60.0);
+ // draw rectangle around the text
+ double w, h, d, el;
+ gc->GetTextExtent(text, &w, &h, &d, &el);
+ gc->SetPen( *wxBLACK_PEN );
+ gc->DrawRectangle(25.0, 60.0, w, h);
delete gc;
+ MyFrame::OnPreviewFrameModalityKind)
MyFrame::MyFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString&title, const wxPoint&pos, const wxSize&size)
: wxFrame(frame, wxID_ANY, title, pos, size)
m_canvas = NULL;
+ m_previewModality = wxPreviewFrame_AppModal;
// Give us a status line
- SetStatusText(_T("Printing demo"));
+ SetStatusText(wxT("Printing demo"));
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
// Load icon and bitmap
- SetIcon( wxICON( mondrian) );
+ SetIcon( wxICON( sample) );
// Make a menubar
wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
- file_menu->Append(wxID_PRINT, _T("&Print..."), _T("Print"));
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PAGE_SETUP, _T("Page Set&up..."), _T("Page setup"));
+ file_menu->Append(wxID_PRINT, wxT("&Print..."), wxT("Print"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PAGE_SETUP, wxT("Page Set&up..."), wxT("Page setup"));
#ifdef __WXMAC__
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PAGE_MARGINS, _T("Page Margins..."), _T("Page margins"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PAGE_MARGINS, wxT("Page Margins..."), wxT("Page margins"));
- file_menu->Append(wxID_PREVIEW, _T("Print Pre&view"), _T("Preview"));
+ file_menu->Append(wxID_PREVIEW, wxT("Print Pre&view"), wxT("Preview"));
+ wxMenu * const menuModalKind = new wxMenu;
+ menuModalKind->AppendRadioItem(WXPRINT_FRAME_MODAL_APP, "&App modal");
+ menuModalKind->AppendRadioItem(WXPRINT_FRAME_MODAL_WIN, "&Window modal");
+ menuModalKind->AppendRadioItem(WXPRINT_FRAME_MODAL_NON, "&Not modal");
+ file_menu->AppendSubMenu(menuModalKind, "Preview frame &modal kind");
// Accelerators
wxAcceleratorEntry entries[1];
#if defined(__WXMSW__) &&wxTEST_POSTSCRIPT_IN_MSW
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PRINT_PS, _T("Print PostScript..."), _T("Print (PostScript)"));
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PAGE_SETUP_PS, _T("Page Setup PostScript..."), _T("Page setup (PostScript)"));
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PREVIEW_PS, _T("Print Preview PostScript"), _T("Preview (PostScript)"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PRINT_PS, wxT("Print PostScript..."), wxT("Print (PostScript)"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PAGE_SETUP_PS, wxT("Page Setup PostScript..."), wxT("Page setup (PostScript)"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_PREVIEW_PS, wxT("Print Preview PostScript"), wxT("Preview (PostScript)"));
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_ANGLEUP, _T("Angle up\tAlt-U"), _T("Raise rotated text angle"));
- file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_ANGLEDOWN, _T("Angle down\tAlt-D"), _T("Lower rotated text angle"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_ANGLEUP, wxT("Angle up\tAlt-U"), wxT("Raise rotated text angle"));
+ file_menu->Append(WXPRINT_ANGLEDOWN, wxT("Angle down\tAlt-D"), wxT("Lower rotated text angle"));
- file_menu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("E&xit"), _T("Exit program"));
+ file_menu->Append(wxID_EXIT, wxT("E&xit"), wxT("Exit program"));
wxMenu *help_menu = new wxMenu;
- help_menu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About"), _T("About this demo"));
+ help_menu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, wxT("&About"), wxT("About this demo"));
wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
- menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _T("&File"));
- menu_bar->Append(help_menu, _T("&Help"));
+ menu_bar->Append(file_menu, wxT("&File"));
+ menu_bar->Append(help_menu, wxT("&Help"));
// Associate the menu bar with the frame
wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(* g_printData);
wxPrinter printer(&printDialogData);
- MyPrintout printout(this, _T("My printout"));
+ MyPrintout printout(this, wxT("My printout"));
if (!printer.Print(this, &printout, true /*prompt*/))
if (wxPrinter::GetLastError() == wxPRINTER_ERROR)
- wxLogError(_T("There was a problem printing. Perhaps your current printer is not set correctly?"));
+ wxLogError(wxT("There was a problem printing. Perhaps your current printer is not set correctly?"));
- wxLogMessage(_T("You canceled printing"));
+ wxLogMessage(wxT("You canceled printing"));
if (!preview->IsOk())
delete preview;
- wxLogError(_T("There was a problem previewing.\nPerhaps your current printer is not set correctly?"));
+ wxLogError(wxT("There was a problem previewing.\nPerhaps your current printer is not set correctly?"));
wxPreviewFrame *frame =
- new wxPreviewFrame(preview, this, _T("Demo Print Preview"), wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(600, 650));
+ new wxPreviewFrame(preview, this, wxT("Demo Print Preview"), wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(600, 650));
- frame->Initialize();
+ frame->InitializeWithModality(m_previewModality);
void MyFrame::OnPrintPS(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxPostScriptPrinter printer(g_printData);
- MyPrintout printout(_T("My printout"));
+ MyPrintout printout(wxT("My printout"));
printer.Print(this, &printout, true/*prompt*/);
(*g_printData) = printer.GetPrintData();
wxPrintDialogData printDialogData(* g_printData);
wxPrintPreview *preview = new wxPrintPreview(new MyPrintout, new MyPrintout, &printDialogData);
wxPreviewFrame *frame =
- new wxPreviewFrame(preview, this, _T("Demo Print Preview"), wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(600, 650));
+ new wxPreviewFrame(preview, this, wxT("Demo Print Preview"), wxPoint(100, 100), wxSize(600, 650));
void MyFrame::OnPrintAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- (void)wxMessageBox(_T("wxWidgets printing demo\nAuthor: Julian Smart"),
- _T("About wxWidgets printing demo"), wxOK|wxCENTRE);
+ (void)wxMessageBox(wxT("wxWidgets printing demo\nAuthor: Julian Smart"),
+ wxT("About wxWidgets printing demo"), wxOK|wxCENTRE);
void MyFrame::OnAngleUp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+void MyFrame::OnPreviewFrameModalityKind(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ m_previewModality = static_cast<wxPreviewFrameModalityKind>(
+ wxPreviewFrame_AppModal +
+ (event.GetId() - WXPRINT_FRAME_MODAL_APP));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MyCanvas
int ppiPrinterX, ppiPrinterY;
GetPPIPrinter(&ppiPrinterX, &ppiPrinterY);
- // This scales the DC so that the printout roughly represents the the screen
+ // This scales the DC so that the printout roughly represents the screen
// scaling. The text point size _should_ be the right size but in fact is
// too small for some reason. This is a detail that will need to be
// addressed at some point but can be fudged for the moment.
{ // GetTextExtent demo:
- wxString words[7] = { _T("This "), _T("is "), _T("GetTextExtent "),
- _T("testing "), _T("string. "), _T("Enjoy "), _T("it!") };
+ wxString words[7] = { wxT("This "), wxT("is "), wxT("GetTextExtent "),
+ wxT("testing "), wxT("string. "), wxT("Enjoy "), wxT("it!") };
wxCoord w, h;
long x = 200, y= 250;
wxFont fnt(15, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL);
- dc->DrawText(_T("Some test text"), 200, 300 );
+ dc->DrawText(wxT("Some test text"), 200, 300 );
dc->DrawLine( (long)leftMarginLogical, (long)bottomMarginLogical,
(long)rightMarginLogical, (long)bottomMarginLogical);
- WritePageHeader(this, dc, _T("A header"), logUnitsFactor);
+ WritePageHeader(this, dc, wxT("A header"), logUnitsFactor);
// Writes a header on a page. Margin units are in millimetres.