+ // update the item positioning state
+ if ( !isHorizontal )
+ y += cursize.y + kwxMacToolSpacing;
+ else
+ x += cursize.x + kwxMacToolSpacing;
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ }
+ if ( isHorizontal )
+ {
+ // if not set yet, only one row
+ if ( m_maxRows <= 0 )
+ SetRows( 1 );
+ maxWidth += m_xMargin + kwxMacToolBarLeftMargin;
+ m_minWidth = maxWidth;
+ m_minHeight = m_maxHeight = maxToolHeight + 2 * (m_yMargin + kwxMacToolBarTopMargin);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if not set yet, have one column
+ if ( (GetToolsCount() > 0) && (m_maxRows <= 0) )
+ SetRows( GetToolsCount() );
+ maxHeight += m_yMargin + kwxMacToolBarTopMargin;
+ m_minHeight = maxHeight;
+ m_minWidth = m_maxWidth = maxToolWidth + 2 * (m_yMargin + kwxMacToolBarTopMargin);
+ }
+ int totalStretchableSpace = 0;
+ int spacePerStretchable = 0;
+ if ( numStretchableSpaces > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( isHorizontal )
+ totalStretchableSpace = tw - maxWidth;
+ else
+ totalStretchableSpace = th - maxHeight;
+ if ( totalStretchableSpace > 0 )
+ spacePerStretchable = totalStretchableSpace / numStretchableSpaces;
+ }
+ // perform real positioning
+ x = m_xMargin + kwxMacToolBarLeftMargin;
+ y = m_yMargin + kwxMacToolBarTopMargin;
+ node = m_tools.GetFirst();
+ int currentStretchable = 0;
+ while ( node )
+ {
+ tool = (wxToolBarTool*) node->GetData();
+ if ( tool == NULL )
+ {
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ continue;
+ }
+ wxSize cursize = tool->GetSize();
+ if ( tool->IsStretchableSpace() )
+ {
+ ++currentStretchable;
+ int thisSpace = currentStretchable == numStretchableSpaces ?
+ totalStretchableSpace - (currentStretchable-1)*spacePerStretchable :
+ spacePerStretchable;
+ if ( isHorizontal )
+ cursize.x += thisSpace;
+ else
+ cursize.y += thisSpace;
+ }
+ if ( !isHorizontal )