#include "wx/msgdlg.h"
-#include "wx/mac/private.h"
+#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
#include "wx/mac/printmac.h"
+#include "wx/mac/private/print.h"
+#define mm2pt 2.83464566929
+#define pt2mm 0.352777777778
#include "wx/dcprint.h"
#include "wx/printdlg.h"
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxMacPrintPreview, wxPrintPreviewBase)
+wxNativePrintData* wxNativePrintData::Create()
+ return new wxMacCarbonPrintData() ;
+ m_macPageFormat = kPMNoPageFormat;
+ m_macPrintSettings = kPMNoPrintSettings;
+ m_macPrintSession = kPMNoReference ;
+ ValidateOrCreate() ;
+ if (m_macPageFormat != kPMNoPageFormat)
+ {
+ (void)PMRelease(m_macPageFormat);
+ m_macPageFormat = kPMNoPageFormat;
+ }
+ if (m_macPrintSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings)
+ {
+ (void)PMRelease(m_macPrintSettings);
+ m_macPrintSettings = kPMNoPrintSettings;
+ }
+ if ( m_macPrintSession != kPMNoReference )
+ {
+ (void)PMRelease(m_macPrintSession);
+ m_macPrintSession = kPMNoReference;
+ }
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::ValidateOrCreate()
+ OSStatus err = noErr ;
+ if ( m_macPrintSession == kPMNoReference )
+ {
+ err = PMCreateSession( (PMPrintSession *) &m_macPrintSession ) ;
+ }
+ // Set up a valid PageFormat object.
+ if ( m_macPageFormat == kPMNoPageFormat)
+ {
+ err = PMCreatePageFormat((PMPageFormat *) &m_macPageFormat);
+ // Note that PMPageFormat is not session-specific, but calling
+ // PMSessionDefaultPageFormat assigns values specific to the printer
+ // associated with the current printing session.
+ if ((err == noErr) &&
+ ( m_macPageFormat != kPMNoPageFormat))
+ {
+ err = PMSessionDefaultPageFormat((PMPrintSession) m_macPrintSession,
+ (PMPageFormat) m_macPageFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = PMSessionValidatePageFormat((PMPrintSession) m_macPrintSession,
+ (PMPageFormat) m_macPageFormat,
+ kPMDontWantBoolean);
+ }
+ // Set up a valid PrintSettings object.
+ if ( m_macPrintSettings == kPMNoPrintSettings)
+ {
+ err = PMCreatePrintSettings((PMPrintSettings *) &m_macPrintSettings);
+ // Note that PMPrintSettings is not session-specific, but calling
+ // PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings assigns values specific to the printer
+ // associated with the current printing session.
+ if ((err == noErr) &&
+ ( m_macPrintSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings))
+ {
+ err = PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings((PMPrintSession) m_macPrintSession,
+ (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = PMSessionValidatePrintSettings((PMPrintSession) m_macPrintSession,
+ (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings,
+ kPMDontWantBoolean);
+ }
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPrintData* data )
+ ValidateOrCreate() ;
+ PMSetCopies( (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings , data->GetNoCopies() , false ) ;
+ PMSetOrientation( (PMPageFormat) m_macPageFormat , ( data->GetOrientation() == wxLANDSCAPE ) ?
+ kPMLandscape : kPMPortrait , false ) ;
+ // collate cannot be set
+#if 0 // not yet tested
+ if ( m_printerName.Length() > 0 )
+ PMSessionSetCurrentPrinter( (PMPrintSession) m_macPrintSession , wxMacCFStringHolder( m_printerName ) ) ;
+ PMColorMode color ;
+ PMGetColorMode( (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings, &color ) ;
+ if ( data->GetColour() )
+ {
+ if ( color == kPMBlackAndWhite )
+ PMSetColorMode( (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings, kPMColor ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ PMSetColorMode( (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings, kPMBlackAndWhite ) ;
+ // PMDuplexMode not yet accessible via API
+ // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API
+ // todo paperSize
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData* data )
+ OSStatus err = noErr ;
+ UInt32 copies ;
+ err = PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ;
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ data->SetNoCopies( copies ) ;
+ PMOrientation orientation ;
+ err = PMGetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , &orientation ) ;
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ if ( orientation == kPMPortrait || orientation == kPMReversePortrait )
+ data->SetOrientation( wxPORTRAIT );
+ else
+ data->SetOrientation( wxLANDSCAPE );
+ }
+ // collate cannot be set
+#if 0
+ {
+ wxMacCFStringHolder name ;
+ PMPrinter printer ;
+ PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession ,
+ &printer ) ;
+ m_printerName = name.AsString() ;
+ }
+ PMColorMode color ;
+ err = PMGetColorMode( m_macPrintSettings, &color ) ;
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ data->SetColour( !(color == kPMBlackAndWhite) ) ;
+ // PMDuplexMode not yet accessible via API
+ // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API
+ // todo paperSize
+ PMRect rPaper;
+ err = PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect( m_macPageFormat, &rPaper);
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ data->SetPaperSize( wxSize (
+ (int)(( rPaper.right - rPaper.left ) * pt2mm + 0.5 ) ,
+ (int)(( rPaper.bottom - rPaper.top ) * pt2mm + 0.5 ) ) );
+ }
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPageSetupData *data )
+ // should we setup the page rect here ?
+ // since MacOS sometimes has two same paper rects with different
+ // page rects we could make it roundtrip safe perhaps
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferTo( wxPageSetupData* data )
+ PMRect rPaper;
+ OSStatus err = PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect(m_macPageFormat, &rPaper);
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ PMRect rPage ;
+ err = PMGetUnadjustedPageRect(m_macPageFormat , &rPage ) ;
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ data->SetMinMarginTopLeft( wxPoint (
+ (int)(((double) rPage.left - rPaper.left ) * pt2mm) ,
+ (int)(((double) rPage.top - rPaper.top ) * pt2mm) ) ) ;
+ data->SetMinMarginBottomRight( wxPoint (
+ ((double) rPaper.right - rPage.right ) * pt2mm ,
+ ((double) rPaper.bottom - rPage.bottom ) * pt2mm ) ) ;
+ }
+ }
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintDialogData* data )
+ UInt32 minPage , maxPage ;
+ PMGetPageRange( m_macPrintSettings , &minPage , &maxPage ) ;
+ data->SetMinPage( minPage ) ;
+ data->SetMaxPage( maxPage ) ;
+ UInt32 copies ;
+ PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ;
+ data->SetNoCopies( copies ) ;
+ UInt32 from , to ;
+ PMGetFirstPage( m_macPrintSettings , &from ) ;
+ PMGetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , &to ) ;
+ data->SetFromPage( from ) ;
+ data->SetToPage( to ) ;
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPrintDialogData* data )
+ PMSetPageRange( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetMinPage() , data->GetMaxPage() ) ;
+ PMSetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetNoCopies() , false ) ;
+ PMSetFirstPage( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetFromPage() , false ) ;
+ PMSetLastPage( m_macPrintSettings , data->GetToPage() , false ) ;
+void wxMacCarbonPrintData::CopyFrom( wxNativePrintData* d )
+ wxMacCarbonPrintData *data = (wxMacCarbonPrintData*) d ;
+ if ( data->m_macPrintSession != kPMNoReference )
+ PMRetain( data->m_macPrintSession ) ;
+ if ( m_macPrintSession != kPMNoReference )
+ {
+ PMRelease( m_macPrintSession ) ;
+ m_macPrintSession = kPMNoReference ;
+ }
+ if ( data->m_macPrintSession != kPMNoReference )
+ m_macPrintSession = data->m_macPrintSession ;
+ if ( data->m_macPrintSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings )
+ PMRetain( data->m_macPrintSettings ) ;
+ if ( m_macPrintSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings )
+ {
+ PMRelease( m_macPrintSettings ) ;
+ m_macPrintSettings = kPMNoPrintSettings ;
+ }
+ if ( data->m_macPrintSettings != kPMNoPrintSettings )
+ m_macPrintSettings = data->m_macPrintSettings ;
+ if ( data->m_macPageFormat != kPMNoPageFormat )
+ PMRetain( data->m_macPageFormat ) ;
+ if ( m_macPageFormat != kPMNoPageFormat )
+ {
+ PMRelease( m_macPageFormat ) ;
+ m_macPageFormat = kPMNoPageFormat ;
+ }
+ if ( data->m_macPageFormat != kPMNoPageFormat )
+ m_macPageFormat = data->m_macPageFormat ;
+int wxMacCarbonPrintData::ShowPrintDialog()
+ int result = wxID_CANCEL ;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ wxString message ;
+ Boolean accepted;
+ {
+ // Display the Print dialog.
+ if (err == noErr)
+ {
+ err = PMSessionPrintDialog( m_macPrintSession,
+ m_macPrintSettings,
+ m_macPageFormat,
+ &accepted);
+ if ((err == noErr) && !accepted)
+ {
+ err = kPMCancel; // user clicked Cancel button
+ }
+ }
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ result = wxID_OK ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((err != noErr) && (err != kPMCancel))
+ {
+ message.Printf( wxT("Print Error %d"), err ) ;
+ wxMessageDialog dialog( NULL , message , wxEmptyString, wxICON_HAND | wxOK) ;
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+ }
+ return result ;
+int wxMacCarbonPrintData::ShowPageSetupDialog()
+ int result = wxID_CANCEL ;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ wxString message ;
+ Boolean accepted;
+ {
+ // Display the Page Setup dialog.
+ if (err == noErr)
+ {
+ err = PMSessionPageSetupDialog( m_macPrintSession,
+ m_macPageFormat,
+ &accepted);
+ if ((err == noErr) && !accepted)
+ {
+ err = kPMCancel; // user clicked Cancel button
+ }
+ }
+ // If the user did not cancel, flatten and save the PageFormat object
+ // with our document.
+ if (err == noErr) {
+ result = wxID_OK ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((err != noErr) && (err != kPMCancel))
+ {
+ message.Printf( wxT("Print Error %d"), err ) ;
+ wxMessageDialog dialog( NULL , message , wxEmptyString, wxICON_HAND | wxOK) ;
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+ }
+ return result ;
+wxNativePrintData* wxNativePrintData::Create()
+ return new wxMacClassicPrintData() ;
+ m_macPrintSettings = NULL ;
+ ValidateOrCreate() ;
+ wxASSERT( m_macPrintSettings );
+ DisposeHandle( (Handle) m_macPrintSettings ) ;
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::ValidateOrCreate()
+ if ( m_macPrintSettings == NULL )
+ {
+ m_macPrintSettings = (THPrint) NewHandleClear( sizeof( TPrint ) );
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).iPrVersion = 0; // something invalid
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.iHRes = 72;
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.iVRes = 72;
+ Rect r1 = { 0, 0, 8*72 - 2 * 18, 11*72 - 2 * 36 };
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.rPage = r1;// must have its top left & (0,0)
+ Rect r2 = { -18, -36, 8*72 - 18, 11*72 - 36 };
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper = r2;
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prStl.iPageV = 11 * 120 ; // 11 inches in 120th of an inch
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prStl.iPageH = 8 * 120 ; // 8 inches in 120th of an inch
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPrintData* data )
+ ValidateOrCreate() ;
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prJob.iCopies = data->GetNoCopies() ;
+ // on mac the paper rect has a negative top left corner, because the page rect (printable area) is at 0,0
+ // if all printing data is consolidated in on structure we will be able to set additional infos about pages
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData* data )
+ data->SetNoCopies( (**m_macPrintSettings).prJob.iCopies );
+ data->SetPaperSize( wxSize(
+ ((double) (**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.right - (**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.left ) * pt2mm ,
+ ((double) (**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.bottom - (**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.top ) * pt2mm ) ) ;
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPageSetupData *data )
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::TransferTo( wxPageSetupData* data )
+ data->SetMinMarginTopLeft( wxPoint(
+ ((double) (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.rPage.left -(**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.left ) * pt2mm ,
+ ((double) (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.rPage.top -(**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.top ) * pt2mm ) ) ;
+ data->SetMinMarginBottomRight( wxPoint(
+ ((double) (**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.right - (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.rPage.right ) * pt2mm ,
+ ((double)(**m_macPrintSettings).rPaper.bottom - (**m_macPrintSettings).prInfo.rPage.bottom ) * pt2mm ) ) ;
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::TransferFrom( wxPrintDialogData* data )
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prJob.iFstPage = data->GetFromPage() ;
+ (**m_macPrintSettings).prJob.iLstPage = data->GetToPage() ;
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintDialogData* data )
+ data->SetFromPage( (**m_macPrintSettings).prJob.iFstPage ) ;
+ data->SetToPage( (**m_macPrintSettings).prJob.iLstPage ) ;
+void wxMacClassicPrintData::CopyFrom( wxNativePrintData* data )
+ DisposeHandle( (Handle) m_macPrintSettings ) ;
+ m_macPrintSettings = ((wxMacClassicPrintData*)data)->m_macPrintSettings;
+ HandToHand( (Handle*) &m_macPrintSettings );
+int wxMacClassicPrintData::ShowPrintDialog()
+ int result = wxID_CANCEL ;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ wxString message ;
+ err = ::UMAPrOpen() ;
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ if ( ::PrJobDialog( m_macPrintSettings ) )
+ {
+ result = wxID_OK ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ message.Printf( wxT("Print Error %d"), err ) ;
+ wxMessageDialog dialog( NULL , message , wxT(""), wxICON_HAND | wxOK) ;
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+ }
+ ::UMAPrClose() ;
+ return result ;
+int wxMacClassicPrintData::ShowPageSetupDialog()
+ int result = wxID_CANCEL ;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ wxString message ;
+ err = ::UMAPrOpen() ;
+ if ( err == noErr )
+ {
+ if ( ::PrStlDialog( m_macPrintSettings ) )
+ {
+ result = wxID_OK ;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ message.Printf( wxT("Print Error %d"), err ) ;
+ wxMessageDialog dialog( NULL , message , wxEmptyString , wxICON_HAND | wxOK) ;
+ dialog.ShowModal();
+ }
+ ::UMAPrClose() ;
+ return result ;
* Printer
GrafPtr thePort ;
GetPort( &thePort ) ;
SetPort( thePort ) ;
+// #endif
keepGoing = printout->OnPrintPage(pn);