#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys, os, string
+import sys, os, string, glob
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from distutils.file_util import copy_file
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath
# flags and values that affect this script
+VERSION = "2.3.3"
DESCRIPTION = "Cross platform GUI toolkit for Python"
AUTHOR = "Robin Dunn"
AUTHOR_EMAIL = "Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com>"
# wxWindows must have been built with /MD, not /MDd
# (using FINAL=hybrid will do it.)
-WXDLLVER = '232' # Version part of DLL name
+WXDLLVER = '233' # Version part of DLL name
+# Tools and scripts
+TOOLS = [("wxPython/tools", glob.glob("tools/*.py")),
+ ("wxPython/tools/XRCed", glob.glob("tools/XRCed/*.py") +
+ glob.glob("tools/XRCed/*.xrc") +
+ ["tools/XRCed/CHANGES",
+ "tools/XRCed/TODO",
+ "tools/XRCed/README"]),
+ ]
ext_package = PKGDIR,
ext_modules = wxpExtensions,
+ ##data_files = TOOLS,
ext_package = PKGDIR,
ext_modules = wxpExtensions,