(wxMediaPlayerNotebookPage*) m_frame->m_notebook->GetCurrentPage();
wxMediaCtrl* currentMediaCtrl = currentpage->m_mediactrl;
- if(currentpage)
- {
- // Number of minutes/seconds total
- wxLongLong llLength = currentpage->m_mediactrl->Length();
- int nMinutes = (int) (llLength / 60000).GetValue();
- int nSeconds = (int) ((llLength % 60000)/1000).GetValue();
+ // Number of minutes/seconds total
+ wxLongLong llLength = currentpage->m_mediactrl->Length();
+ int nMinutes = (int) (llLength / 60000).GetValue();
+ int nSeconds = (int) ((llLength % 60000)/1000).GetValue();
- // Duration string (i.e. MM:SS)
- wxString sDuration;
- sDuration.Printf(wxT("%2i:%02i"), nMinutes, nSeconds);
+ // Duration string (i.e. MM:SS)
+ wxString sDuration;
+ sDuration.Printf(wxT("%2i:%02i"), nMinutes, nSeconds);
- // Number of minutes/seconds total
- wxLongLong llTell = currentpage->m_mediactrl->Tell();
- nMinutes = (int) (llTell / 60000).GetValue();
- nSeconds = (int) ((llTell % 60000)/1000).GetValue();
+ // Number of minutes/seconds total
+ wxLongLong llTell = currentpage->m_mediactrl->Tell();
+ nMinutes = (int) (llTell / 60000).GetValue();
+ nSeconds = (int) ((llTell % 60000)/1000).GetValue();
- // Position string (i.e. MM:SS)
- wxString sPosition;
- sPosition.Printf(wxT("%2i:%02i"), nMinutes, nSeconds);
+ // Position string (i.e. MM:SS)
+ wxString sPosition;
+ sPosition.Printf(wxT("%2i:%02i"), nMinutes, nSeconds);
- // Set the third item in the listctrl entry to the duration string
- if(currentpage->m_nLastFileId >= 0)
- currentpage->m_playlist->SetItem(
- currentpage->m_nLastFileId, 2, sDuration);
+ // Set the third item in the listctrl entry to the duration string
+ if(currentpage->m_nLastFileId >= 0)
+ currentpage->m_playlist->SetItem(
+ currentpage->m_nLastFileId, 2, sDuration);
- // Setup the slider and gauge min/max values
- currentpage->m_slider->SetRange(0, (int)(llLength / 1000).GetValue());
- currentpage->m_gauge->SetRange(100);
+ // Setup the slider and gauge min/max values
+ currentpage->m_slider->SetRange(0, (int)(llLength / 1000).GetValue());
+ currentpage->m_gauge->SetRange(100);
- // if the slider is not being dragged then update it with the song position
- if(currentpage->IsBeingDragged() == false)
- currentpage->m_slider->SetValue((long)(llTell / 1000).GetValue());
+ // if the slider is not being dragged then update it with the song position
+ if(currentpage->IsBeingDragged() == false)
+ currentpage->m_slider->SetValue((long)(llTell / 1000).GetValue());
- // Update the gauge with the download progress
- wxLongLong llDownloadProgress =
- currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetDownloadProgress();
- wxLongLong llDownloadTotal =
- currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetDownloadTotal();
+ // Update the gauge with the download progress
+ wxLongLong llDownloadProgress =
+ currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetDownloadProgress();
+ wxLongLong llDownloadTotal =
+ currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetDownloadTotal();
- if(llDownloadTotal.GetValue() != 0)
- {
- currentpage->m_gauge->SetValue(
- (int) ((llDownloadProgress * 100) / llDownloadTotal).GetValue()
- );
- }
+ if(llDownloadTotal.GetValue() != 0)
+ {
+ currentpage->m_gauge->SetValue(
+ (int) ((llDownloadProgress * 100) / llDownloadTotal).GetValue()
+ );
+ }
- // GetBestSize holds the original video size
- wxSize videoSize = currentMediaCtrl->GetBestSize();
+ // GetBestSize holds the original video size
+ wxSize videoSize = currentMediaCtrl->GetBestSize();
- // Now the big part - set the status bar text to
- // hold various metadata about the media
+ // Now the big part - set the status bar text to
+ // hold various metadata about the media
- m_frame->SetStatusText(wxString::Format(
- wxT("Size(x,y):%i,%i ")
- wxT("Position:%s/%s Speed:%1.1fx ")
- wxT("State:%s Loops:%i D/T:[%i]/[%i] V:%i%%"),
- videoSize.x,
- videoSize.y,
- sPosition.c_str(),
- sDuration.c_str(),
- currentMediaCtrl->GetPlaybackRate(),
- wxGetMediaStateText(currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetState()),
- currentpage->m_nLoops,
- (int)llDownloadProgress.GetValue(),
- (int)llDownloadTotal.GetValue(),
- (int)(currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetVolume() * 100)));
+ m_frame->SetStatusText(wxString::Format(
+ wxT("Size(x,y):%i,%i ")
+ wxT("Position:%s/%s Speed:%1.1fx ")
+ wxT("State:%s Loops:%i D/T:[%i]/[%i] V:%i%%"),
+ videoSize.x,
+ videoSize.y,
+ sPosition.c_str(),
+ sDuration.c_str(),
+ currentMediaCtrl->GetPlaybackRate(),
+ wxGetMediaStateText(currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetState()),
+ currentpage->m_nLoops,
+ (int)llDownloadProgress.GetValue(),
+ (int)llDownloadTotal.GetValue(),
+ (int)(currentpage->m_mediactrl->GetVolume() * 100)));
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
- }
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++