-27. Fix assert (and crash in debug) in wxFileConfigGroup::DeleteSubgroupByName
-Checking in src/common/fileconf.cpp;
-/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/common/fileconf.cpp,v <-- fileconf.cpp
-new revision: 1.93; previous revision: 1.92
-28. Set orientation for scrolbar events
-Checking in src/msw/scrolbar.cpp;
-/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/msw/scrolbar.cpp,v <-- scrolbar.cpp
-new revision: 1.24; previous revision: 1.23
-29. Patch 664399: wxButton default size should not be adjusted
- (wxUniv), cures overlapping buttons on e.g. wxWizard sample.
-Index: src/univ/button.cpp
-RCS file: /pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/univ/button.cpp,v
-retrieving revision 1.15
-diff -r1.15 button.cpp
-< s_sizeBtn.x = 8*dc.GetCharWidth();
-< s_sizeBtn.y = (11*dc.GetCharHeight())/10 + 2;
-> s_sizeBtn.x = dc.GetCharWidth()*10 + 2;
-> s_sizeBtn.y = dc.GetCharHeight()*11/10 + 2;
-< // for compatibility with other ports, the buttons default size is never
-< // less than the standard one, but not when display not PDAs.
-< if (wxSystemSettings::GetScreenType() > wxSYS_SCREEN_PDA)
-< {
-< if ( !(GetWindowStyle() & wxBU_EXACTFIT) )
-< {
-< wxSize szDef = GetDefaultSize();
-< if ( width < szDef.x )
-< width = szDef.x;
-< }
-< }
-> // The default size should not be adjusted, so the code is moved into the
-> // renderer. This is conceptual wrong but currently the only solution
-Index: src/univ/themes/win32.cpp
-RCS file: /pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/univ/themes/win32.cpp,v
-retrieving revision 1.55
-diff -r1.55 win32.cpp
-> // for compatibility with other ports, the buttons default size is never
-> // less than the standard one, but not when display not PDAs.
-> if (wxSystemSettings::GetScreenType() > wxSYS_SCREEN_PDA)
-> {
-> if ( !(window->GetWindowStyle() & wxBU_EXACTFIT) )
-> {
-> wxSize szDef = wxButton::GetDefaultSize();
-> if ( size->x < szDef.x )
-> size->x = szDef.x;
-> }
-> }
-30. [wxMotif] Coloured stipples, don't use stipples in DoDrawText
-Checking in src/motif/dcclient.cpp;
-/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/motif/dcclient.cpp,v <-- dcclient.cpp
-new revision: 1.47; previous revision: 1.46
-31. [wxHTML] Fix parsing of CDATA tags and ignore <script>
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/html htmlpars.cpp,1.29,1.30 htmltag.cpp,1.31,1.32
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/html m_layout.cpp,1.17,1.18
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/html htmltag.cpp,1.32,1.33
-32. Fix wxFileConfig behaviour in Unicode mode
-Note: this must be done a bit differently, w/o wxFileConfig::m_conv!
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/include/wx fileconf.h,1.39,1.40
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/common fileconf.cpp,1.93,1.94
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/include/wx strconv.h,1.12,1.13
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/common strconv.cpp,1.71,1.72
-33. Fix memory leak in wxMimeTypesManager
-Checking in src/unix/mimetype.cpp;
-/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/unix/mimetype.cpp,v <-- mimetype.cpp
-new revision: 1.32; previous revision: 1.31
-34. Fix memory leak in generic wxFileDialog
-Checking in src/generic/filedlgg.cpp;
-/pack/cvsroots/wxwindows/wxWindows/src/generic/filedlgg.cpp,v <-- filedlgg.cpp
-new revision: 1.84; previous revision: 1.83
-33. Add support for GTK2 label mnemonics (patch #689573)
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/gtk button.cpp,1.53,1.54 checkbox.cpp,1.52,1.53 control.cpp,1.26,1.27 radiobut.cpp,1.42,1.43
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/include/wx/gtk control.h,1.16,1.17
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/docs changes.txt,1.255,1.256
-CVS: [VS] wxWindows/src/gtk control.cpp,1.27,1.28
-34. Accept '\r' as delimiter when parsing dates (bug #684617)
-CVS: [VZ] wxWindows/src/common datetime.cpp,1.73,1.74
-35. Fix wxFontEncoding values:
-make wxFONTENCODING_EUC_JP == wxFONTENCODING_UTF8 + 1 in wx/fontenc.h