// Licence: wxWindows licence
+ Signal constants used by wxProcess.
+enum wxSignal
+ wxSIGNONE = 0, //!< verify if the process exists under Unix
+ wxSIGKILL, //!< forcefully kill, dangerous!
+ wxSIGTERM //!< terminate the process gently
+ Return values for wxProcess::Kill.
+enum wxKillError
+ wxKILL_OK, //!< no error
+ wxKILL_BAD_SIGNAL, //!< no such signal
+ wxKILL_ACCESS_DENIED, //!< permission denied
+ wxKILL_NO_PROCESS, //!< no such process
+ wxKILL_ERROR //!< another, unspecified error
+enum wxKillFlags
+ wxKILL_NOCHILDREN = 0, //!< don't kill children
+ wxKILL_CHILDREN = 1 //!< kill children
+enum wxShutdownFlags
+ wxSHUTDOWN_FORCE = 1, //!< can be combined with other flags (MSW-only)
+ wxSHUTDOWN_POWEROFF = 2, //!< power off the computer
+ wxSHUTDOWN_REBOOT = 4, //!< shutdown and reboot
+ wxSHUTDOWN_LOGOFF = 8 //!< close session (currently MSW-only)
@class wxWindowDisabler
@note This function is categorized as a GUI one and so is not thread-safe.
+ @library{wxcore}
void wxBell();
doesn't otherwise handle this event.
@since 2.9.0
@see wxGetLibraryVersionInfo()
void wxInfoMessageBox(wxWindow* parent);
Get wxWidgets version information.
@since 2.9.2
@see wxVersionInfo
wxVersionInfo wxGetLibraryVersionInfo();
Find the deepest window at the given mouse position in screen coordinates,
returning the window if found, or @NULL if not.
+ This function takes child windows at the given position into account even
+ if they are disabled. The hidden children are however skipped by it.
wxWindow* wxFindWindowAtPoint(const wxPoint& pt);
-extern "C"
-typedef int (wxCMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNCDATA)(const void* pItem1, const void* pItem2, const void* user_data);
+typedef int (*wxSortCallback)(const void* pItem1, const void* pItem2, const void* user_data);
- Function for performing a qsort operation including a user data
- parameter.
+ Function implementing quick sort algorithm.
+ This function sorts @a total_elems objects of size @a size located at @a
+ pbase. It uses @a cmp function for comparing them and passes @a user_data
+ pointer to the comparison function each time it's called.
-void wxQsort(void *const pbase, size_t total_elems,
- size_t size, CMPFUNCDATA cmp, const void* user_data);
+void wxQsort(void* pbase, size_t total_elems,
+ size_t size, wxSortCallback cmp, const void* user_data);
void wxSetDisplayName(const wxString& displayName);
+ flags for wxStripMenuCodes
+ // strip '&' characters
+ wxStrip_Mnemonics = 1,
+ // strip everything after '\t'
+ wxStrip_Accel = 2,
+ // strip everything (this is the default)
+ wxStrip_All = wxStrip_Mnemonics | wxStrip_Accel
Strips any menu codes from @a str and returns the result.
'uname -r' command); e.g. "2" and "6" if the machine is using kernel 2.6.19.
For Mac OS X systems (@c wxOS_MAC) the major and minor version integers are the
- natural version numbers associated with the OS; e.g. "10" and and "6" if the machine
+ natural version numbers associated with the OS; e.g. "10" and "6" if the machine
is using Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
For Windows-like systems (@c wxOS_WINDOWS) the major and minor version integers will
wxEnvVariableHashMap env;
+ Bit flags that can be used with wxExecute().
+ */
+ /**
+ Execute the process asynchronously.
+ Notice that, due to its value, this is the default.
+ */
+ wxEXEC_ASYNC = 0,
+ /**
+ Execute the process synchronously.
+ */
+ wxEXEC_SYNC = 1,
+ /**
+ Always show the child process console under MSW.
+ The child console is hidden by default if the child IO is redirected,
+ this flag allows to change this and show it nevertheless.
+ This flag is ignored under the other platforms.
+ */
+ /**
+ Make the new process a group leader.
+ Under Unix, if the process is the group leader then passing
+ wxKILL_CHILDREN to wxKill() kills all children as well as pid.
+ Under MSW, applies only to console applications and is only supported
+ under NT family (i.e. not under Windows 9x). It corresponds to the
+ native @c CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP and, in particular, ensures that
+ Ctrl-Break signals will be sent to all children of this process as well
+ to the process itself. Support for this flag under MSW was added in
+ version 2.9.4 of wxWidgets.
+ */
+ /**
+ Don't disable the program UI while running the child synchronously.
+ By default synchronous execution disables all program windows to avoid
+ that the user interacts with the program while the child process is
+ running, you can use this flag to prevent this from happening.
+ This flag can only be used with ::wxEXEC_SYNC.
+ */
+ /**
+ Don't dispatch events while the child process is executed.
+ By default, the event loop is run while waiting for synchronous
+ execution to complete and this flag can be used to simply block the
+ main process until the child process finishes
+ This flag can only be used with ::wxEXEC_SYNC.
+ */
+ /**
+ Hide child process console under MSW.
+ Under MSW, hide the console of the child process if it has one,
+ even if its IO is not redirected.
+ This flag is ignored under the other platforms.
+ */
+ /**
+ Convenient synonym for flags given system()-like behaviour.
+ */
Executes another program in Unix or Windows.
wxProcess::OnTerminate() will be called when the process finishes.
Specifying this parameter also allows you to redirect the standard input
and/or output of the process being launched by calling
- wxProcess::Redirect(). If the child process IO is redirected, under Windows
- the process window is not shown by default (this avoids having to flush an
- unnecessary console for the processes which don't create any windows
- anyhow) but a @c wxEXEC_NOHIDE flag can be used to prevent this from
- happening, i.e. with this flag the child process window will be shown
- normally.
+ wxProcess::Redirect().
+ Under Windows, when launching a console process its console is shown by
+ default but hidden if its IO is redirected. Both of these default
+ behaviours may be overridden: if ::wxEXEC_HIDE_CONSOLE is specified, the
+ console will never be shown. If ::wxEXEC_SHOW_CONSOLE is used, the console
+ will be shown even if the child process IO is redirected. Neither of these
+ flags affect non-console Windows applications or does anything under the
+ other systems.
Under Unix the flag @c wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER may be used to ensure that
the new process is a group leader (this will create a new session if
needed). Calling wxKill() passing wxKILL_CHILDREN will kill this process as
well as all of its children (except those which have started their own
- session).
+ session). Under MSW, this flag can be used with console processes only and
+ corresponds to the native @c CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag.
The @c wxEXEC_NOEVENTS flag prevents processing of any events from taking
place while the child process is running. It should be only used for very
string, i.e. "emacs file.txt".
@param flags
Must include either wxEXEC_ASYNC or wxEXEC_SYNC and can also include
- wxEXEC_NOHIDE, wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER (in either case) or
- wxEXEC_NODISABLE and wxEXEC_NOEVENTS or wxEXEC_BLOCK, which is equal to
- their combination, in wxEXEC_SYNC case.
+ either case) or wxEXEC_NODISABLE and wxEXEC_NOEVENTS or wxEXEC_BLOCK,
+ which is equal to their combination, in wxEXEC_SYNC case.
@param callback
An optional pointer to wxProcess.
@param env
additional ones are the command parameters and the array must be
terminated with a @NULL pointer.
@param flags
- Must include either wxEXEC_ASYNC or wxEXEC_SYNC and can also include
- wxEXEC_NOHIDE, wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER (in either case) or
- wxEXEC_NODISABLE and wxEXEC_NOEVENTS or wxEXEC_BLOCK, which is equal to
- their combination, in wxEXEC_SYNC case.
+ Same as for wxExecute(const wxString&,int,wxProcess*) overload.
@param callback
An optional pointer to wxProcess.
@param env
@param output
The string array where the stdout of the executed process is saved.
@param flags
- May include wxEXEC_NOHIDE, wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER (in either case) or
- wxEXEC_NODISABLE and wxEXEC_NOEVENTS or wxEXEC_BLOCK, which is equal to
- their combination. wxEXEC_SYNC is always implicitly added to the flags.
+ Combination of flags to which ::wxEXEC_SYNC is always implicitly added.
@param env
An optional pointer to additional parameters for the child process,
such as its initial working directory and environment variables. This
@param errors
The string array where the stderr of the executed process is saved.
@param flags
- May include wxEXEC_NOHIDE, wxEXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER (in either case) or
- wxEXEC_NODISABLE and wxEXEC_NOEVENTS or wxEXEC_BLOCK, which is equal to
- their combination. wxEXEC_SYNC is always implicitly added to the flags.
+ Combination of flags to which ::wxEXEC_SYNC is always implicitly added.
@param env
An optional pointer to additional parameters for the child process,
such as its initial working directory and environment variables. This