WX_DECLARE_AUTOOLE(wxAutoIConnectionPoint, IConnectionPoint)
WX_DECLARE_AUTOOLE(wxAutoIConnectionPointContainer, IConnectionPointContainer)
-wxDEFINE_EVENT( wxEVT_ACTIVEX, wxActiveXEvent )
+wxDEFINE_EVENT( wxEVT_ACTIVEX, wxActiveXEvent );
// Ole class helpers (sort of MFC-like) from wxActiveX
friend bool wxActiveXEventsInterface(wxActiveXEvents *self, REFIID iid, void **_interface, const char *&desc);
+ // a pointer to this static variable is used as an 'invalid_entry_marker'
+ // wxVariants containing a void* to this variables are 'empty' in the sense
+ // that the actual ActiveX OLE parameter has not been converted and inserted
+ // into m_params.
+ static wxVariant ms_invalidEntryMarker;
wxActiveXEvents(wxActiveXContainer *ax) : m_activeX(ax), m_haveCustomId(false) {}
wxActiveXEvents(wxActiveXContainer *ax, REFIID iid) : m_activeX(ax), m_customId(iid), m_haveCustomId(true) {}
virtual ~wxActiveXEvents()
+ STDMETHODIMP Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid,
+ LCID lcid,
WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS * pDispParams,
- unsigned int * WXUNUSED(puArgErr))
+ VARIANT * pVarResult, EXCEPINFO * pExcepInfo,
+ unsigned int * puArgErr)
return E_NOTIMPL;
// Dispatch Event
wxActiveXEvent event;
+ // Create an empty list of Variants
+ // Note that the event parameters use lazy evaluation
+ // They are not actually created until wxActiveXEvent::operator[] is called
event.m_dispid = dispIdMember;
- // arguments
- if (pDispParams)
- {
- for (DWORD i = pDispParams->cArgs; i > 0; i--)
- {
- VARIANTARG& va = pDispParams->rgvarg[i-1];
- wxVariant vx;
+ // save the native (MSW) event parameters for event handlers that need to access them
+ // this can be done on the stack since wxActiveXEvent is also allocated on the stack
+ wxActiveXEventNativeMSW eventParameters(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr);
+ event.SetClientData(&eventParameters);
-// vx.SetName(px.name);
- wxConvertOleToVariant(va, vx);
- event.m_params.Append(vx);
- }
- }
+ // The event parameters are not copied to event.m_params until they are actually
+ // referenced in wxActiveXEvent::operator[]
+ // This increases performance and avoids error messages and/or crashes
+ // when the event has parameters that are not (yet or never) supported
+ // by wxConvertOleToVariant
// process the events from the activex method
- m_activeX->ProcessEvent(event);
+ m_activeX->ProcessEvent(event);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pDispParams->cArgs; i++)
- VARIANTARG& va = pDispParams->rgvarg[i];
- wxVariant& vx =
- event.m_params[pDispParams->cArgs - i - 1];
- wxConvertVariantToOle(vx, va);
+ size_t params_index = pDispParams->cArgs - i - 1;
+ if (params_index < event.m_params.GetCount()) {
+ wxVariant &vx = event.m_params[params_index];
+ // copy the result back to pDispParams only if the event has been accessed
+ // i.e. if vx != ms_invalidEntryMarker
+ if (!vx.IsType(wxActiveXEvents::ms_invalidEntryMarker.GetType()) || vx!=ms_invalidEntryMarker) {
+ VARIANTARG& va = pDispParams->rgvarg[i];
+ wxConvertVariantToOle(vx, va);
+ }
+ }
+// just a unique global variable
+const int invalid_entry_marker = 0;
+wxVariant wxActiveXEvents::ms_invalidEntryMarker((void*)&invalid_entry_marker);
+size_t wxActiveXEvent::ParamCount() const
+ wxActiveXEventNativeMSW *native=GetNativeParameters();
+ // 'native' will always be != if the event has been created
+ // for an actual active X event.
+ // But it may be zero if the event has been created by wx program code.
+ if (native)
+ return native->pDispParams ? native->pDispParams->cArgs : 0;
+ return m_params.GetCount();
+wxVariant &wxActiveXEvent::operator [](size_t idx)
+ wxASSERT(idx < ParamCount());
+ wxActiveXEventNativeMSW *native=GetNativeParameters();
+ // 'native' will always be != if the event has been created
+ // for an actual active X event.
+ // But it may be zero if the event has been created by wx program code.
+ if (native)
+ {
+ while ( m_params.GetCount()<=idx )
+ {
+ m_params.Append(wxActiveXEvents::ms_invalidEntryMarker);
+ }
+ wxVariant& vx = m_params[idx];
+ if ( vx.IsType(wxActiveXEvents::ms_invalidEntryMarker.GetType()) &&
+ vx == wxActiveXEvents::ms_invalidEntryMarker)
+ {
+ // copy the _real_ parameter into this one
+ // NOTE: m_params stores the parameters in *reverse* order.
+ // Whyever, but this was the case in the original implementation of
+ // wxActiveXEvents::Invoke
+ // Keep this convention.
+ VARIANTARG& va = native->pDispParams->rgvarg[ native->pDispParams->cArgs - idx - 1 ];
+ wxConvertOleToVariant(va, vx);
+ }
+ return vx;
+ }
+ return m_params[idx];
bool wxActiveXEventsInterface(wxActiveXEvents *self, REFIID iid, void **_interface, const char *&desc)
if (self->m_haveCustomId && IsEqualIID(iid, self->m_customId))
-// WXOLE_TRACE("Found Custom Dispatch Interface");
*_interface = (IUnknown *) (IDispatch *) self;
desc = "Custom Dispatch Interface";
return true;