# build environment settings. If you want to make considerable changes, then
# you should create your own settings file and specify that to create-release.sh.
-# host name of the machine to use for windows builds
-# Where is the build dir from the remote machine's perspective?
# the local spot that we put everything when done, before possibly copying
# to remote hosts
# directory to store the wx tree we pull from CVS
+CURDATE=`date -I`
# build info
-### Windows defines ###
-# so we can setup the Windows dev environment if it is not already done
-MSVS7_DIR="C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 2003"
-MSVS6_DIR="C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio"
-MSPSDK_DIR="C:/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK"
-### End Windows defines ###
+if [ "$KIND" = "release" ]; then
+ FTPDIR=/home/ftp/pub/${BUILD_VERSION}
+ KIND=daily
+ FTPDIR=/home/ftp/pub/CVS_HEAD/v2
+echo "Building for ${BUILD_VERSION}"
# Default build settings
# If building is successful, delete temp files?
\ No newline at end of file