editMenu.Append(wx.ID_PASTE, _("&Paste\tCtrl+V"), _("Inserts Clipboard contents"))
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_PASTE, self.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wx.ID_PASTE, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
- editMenu.Append(wx.ID_CLEAR, _("Cle&ar"), _("Erases the selection"))
+ editMenu.Append(wx.ID_CLEAR, _("&Delete"), _("Erases the selection"))
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_CLEAR, self.ProcessEvent)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wx.ID_CLEAR, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent)
helpMenu = wx.Menu()
helpMenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, _("&About" + " " + wx.GetApp().GetAppName()), _("Displays program information, version number, and copyright"))
- wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_ABOUT, self.OnAbout)
menuBar.Append(helpMenu, _("&Help"))
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_ABOUT, self.OnAbout)
wx.EVT_UPDATE_UI(self, wx.ID_ABOUT, self.ProcessUpdateUIEvent) # Using ID_ABOUT to update the window menu, the window menu items are not triggering
if sdi: # TODO: Is this really needed?
+ if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
+ self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # wxBug: Have to set the menubar at the very end or the automatic MDI "window" menu doesn't get put in the right place when the services add new menus to the menubar
wx.GetApp().SetTopWindow(self) # Need to do this here in case the services are looking for wx.GetApp().GetTopWindow()
for service in wx.GetApp().GetServices():
service.InstallControls(self, menuBar = menuBar, toolBar = toolBar, statusBar = statusBar)
if hasattr(service, "ShowWindow"):
service.ShowWindow() # instantiate service windows for correct positioning, we'll hide/show them later based on user preference
- self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # wxBug: Have to set the menubar at the very end or the automatic MDI "window" menu doesn't get put in the right place when the services add new menus to the menubar
+ if wx.Platform != '__WXMAC__':
+ self.SetMenuBar(menuBar) # wxBug: Have to set the menubar at the very end or the automatic MDI "window" menu doesn't get put in the right place when the services add new menus to the menubar
def ProcessEvent(self, event):
return wx.GetApp().ProcessUpdateUIEvent(event)
- def CreateEmbeddedWindows(self, windows = 0):
+ def CreateEmbeddedWindows(self, windows=0):
Create the specified embedded windows around the edges of the frame.
return None
- def _CreateEmbeddedWindow(self, parent, size, orientation, alignment, visible = True, sash = None):
+ def _CreateEmbeddedWindow(self, parent, size, orientation, alignment, visible=True, sash=None):
Creates the embedded window with the specified size, orientation, and alignment. If the
window is not visible it will retain the size with which it was last viewed.
return window
- def ShowEmbeddedWindow(self, window, show = True):
+ def ShowEmbeddedWindow(self, window, show=True):
Shows or hides the embedded window specified by the embedded window location constant.
- def __init__(self, doc, view, frame, id, title, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name = "frame"):
+ def __init__(self, doc, view, frame, id, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name="frame"):
Constructor. Note that the event table must be rebuilt for the
frame since the EvtHandler is not virtual.
# self._notebook.SetSizer(wx.NotebookSizer(self._notebook))
wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(self, self._notebook.GetId(), self.OnNotebookPageChanged)
wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self._notebook, self.OnNotebookRightClick)
+ wx.EVT_MOTION(self._notebook, self.OnNotebookMouseOver)
templates = wx.GetApp().GetDocumentManager().GetTemplates()
iconList = wx.ImageList(16, 16, initialCount = len(templates))
for template in templates:
icon = template.GetIcon()
if icon:
- if icon.GetHeight() != 16:
- icon.SetHeight(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
- if icon.GetWidth() != 16:
- icon.SetWidth(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
+ if icon.GetHeight() != 16 or icon.GetWidth() != 16:
+ icon.SetHeight(16)
+ icon.SetWidth(16)
+ if wx.GetApp().GetDebug():
+ print "Warning: icon for '%s' isn't 16x16, not crossplatform" % template._docTypeName
iconIndex = iconList.AddIcon(icon)
self._iconIndexLookup.append((template, iconIndex))
icon = getBlankIcon()
- if icon.GetHeight() != 16:
- icon.SetHeight(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
- if icon.GetWidth() != 16:
- icon.SetWidth(16) # wxBug: img2py.py uses EmptyIcon which is 32x32
+ if icon.GetHeight() != 16 or icon.GetWidth() != 16:
+ icon.SetHeight(16)
+ icon.SetWidth(16)
+ if wx.GetApp().GetDebug():
+ print "Warning: getBlankIcon isn't 16x16, not crossplatform"
self._blankIconIndex = iconList.AddIcon(icon)
+ def OnNotebookMouseOver(self, event):
+ # wxBug: On Windows XP the tooltips don't automatically disappear when you move the mouse and it is on a notebook tab, has nothing to do with this code!!!
+ index, type = self._notebook.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
+ if index > -1:
+ doc = self._notebook.GetPage(index).GetView().GetDocument()
+ self._notebook.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(doc.GetFilename()))
+ else:
+ self._notebook.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(""))
+ event.Skip()
def OnNotebookRightClick(self, event):
Handles right clicks for the notebook, enabling users to either close
wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, OnRightMenuSelect)
if self._notebook.GetPageCount() > 1:
+ id = wx.NewId()
+ menu.Append(id, _("Close All but \"%s\"" % doc.GetPrintableName()))
+ def OnRightMenuSelect(event):
+ for i in range(self._notebook.GetPageCount()-1, -1, -1): # Go from len-1 to 0
+ if i != index:
+ doc = self._notebook.GetPage(i).GetView().GetDocument()
+ if not self.GetDocumentManager().CloseDocument(doc, False):
+ return
+ wx.EVT_MENU(self, id, OnRightMenuSelect)
tabsMenu = wx.Menu()
menu.AppendMenu(wx.NewId(), _("Select Tab"), tabsMenu)
index = self.GetNotebookPageIndex(panel)
if index > -1:
+ self._notebook.SetFocus()
- def __init__(self, doc, view, frame, id, title, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name = "frame"):
+ def __init__(self, doc, view, frame, id, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name="frame"):
Constructor. Note that the event table must be rebuilt for the
frame since the EvtHandler is not virtual.
self._docManager = docManager
- def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar=None, toolBar=None, statusBar=None, document=None):
"""Called to install controls into the menubar and toolbar of a SDI or MDI window. Override this method for a particular service."""
- def __init__(self, showGeneralOptions=True, allowModeChanges=True):
+ def __init__(self, showGeneralOptions=True, supportedModes=wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI & wx.lib.docview.DOC_MDI):
Initializes the options service with the option of suppressing the default
general options pane that is included with the options service by setting
- self._allowModeChanges = allowModeChanges
+ self._supportedModes = supportedModes
self._toolOptionsID = wx.NewId()
if showGeneralOptions:
- def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar=None, toolBar=None, statusBar=None, document=None):
Installs a "Tools" menu with an "Options" menu item.
return False
- def GetAllowModeChanges(self):
+ def GetSupportedModes(self):
- Return true if the default general options pane should allow users to
- change the document interface mode between SDI and MDI modes.
+ Return the modes supported by the application. Use docview.DOC_SDI and
+ docview.DOC_MDI flags to check if SDI and/or MDI modes are supported.
- return self._allowModeChanges
+ return self._supportedModes
- def SetAllowModeChanges(self, allowModeChanges):
+ def SetSupportedModes(self, _supportedModessupportedModes):
- Set to true if the default general options pane should allow users to
- change the document interface mode between SDI and MDI modes.
+ Sets the modes supported by the application. Use docview.DOC_SDI and
+ docview.DOC_MDI flags to set if SDI and/or MDI modes are supported.
- self._allowModeChanges = allowModeChanges
+ self._supportedModes = supportedModes
def ClearOptionsPanels(self):
Initializes the options dialog with a notebook page that contains new
instances of the passed optionsPanelClasses.
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("Options"), size = (310, 400))
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("Options"), size = (570, 365))
self._optionsPanels = []
self._docManager = docManager
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- optionsNotebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, size = (310, 375))
+ optionsNotebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1, size=(560, 325))
sizer.Add(optionsNotebook, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, SPACE)
for optionsPanelClass in optionsPanelClasses:
optionsPanel = optionsPanelClass(optionsNotebook, -1)
sizer.Add(self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK | wx.CANCEL), 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, HALF_SPACE)
- self.Fit()
+ if wx.Platform != '__WXMAC__' or len(optionsPanelClasses) < 6: # wxBug: Notebook tabs are truncated and user can't get to them on the Mac
+ self.Fit()
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
self._showTipsCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, _("Show tips at start up"))
self._showTipsCheckBox.SetValue(config.ReadInt("ShowTipAtStartup", True))
- if wx.GetApp().GetService(DocOptionsService).GetAllowModeChanges():
- choices = [_("Show each document in its own window"), _("Show all documents in a single window with tabs")]
+ if self._AllowModeChanges():
+ supportedModes = wx.GetApp().GetService(DocOptionsService).GetSupportedModes()
+ choices = []
+ self._sdiChoice = _("Show each document in its own window")
+ self._mdiChoice = _("Show all documents in a single window with tabs")
+ self._winMdiChoice = _("Show all documents in a single window with child windows")
+ if supportedModes & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI:
+ choices.append(self._sdiChoice)
+ choices.append(self._mdiChoice)
if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
- choices.append(_("Show all documents in a single window with child windows"))
+ choices.append(self._winMdiChoice)
self._documentRadioBox = wx.RadioBox(self, -1, _("Document Interface"),
choices = choices,
if config.ReadInt("UseWinMDI", False):
- self._documentRadioBox.SetSelection(2)
+ self._documentRadioBox.SetStringSelection(self._winMdiChoice)
elif config.ReadInt("UseMDI", True):
- self._documentRadioBox.SetSelection(1)
+ self._documentRadioBox.SetStringSelection(self._mdiChoice)
- self._documentRadioBox.SetSelection(0)
+ self._documentRadioBox.SetStringSelection(self._sdiChoice)
def OnDocumentInterfaceSelect(event):
if not self._documentInterfaceMessageShown:
msgTitle = wx.GetApp().GetAppName()
wx.EVT_RADIOBOX(self, self._documentRadioBox.GetId(), OnDocumentInterfaceSelect)
optionsBorderSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
optionsSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- if wx.GetApp().GetService(DocOptionsService).GetAllowModeChanges():
+ if self._AllowModeChanges():
optionsSizer.Add(self._documentRadioBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
optionsSizer.Add(self._showTipsCheckBox, 0, wx.ALL, HALF_SPACE)
optionsBorderSizer.Add(optionsSizer, 0, wx.ALL, SPACE)
parent.AddPage(self, _("Options"))
+ def _AllowModeChanges(self):
+ supportedModes = wx.GetApp().GetService(DocOptionsService).GetSupportedModes()
+ return supportedModes & wx.lib.docview.DOC_SDI and supportedModes & wx.lib.docview.DOC_MDI or wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and supportedModes & wx.lib.docview.DOC_MDI # More than one mode is supported, allow selection
def OnOK(self, optionsDialog):
Updates the config based on the selections in the options panel.
config = wx.ConfigBase_Get()
config.WriteInt("ShowTipAtStartup", self._showTipsCheckBox.GetValue())
- if wx.GetApp().GetService(DocOptionsService).GetAllowModeChanges():
- config.WriteInt("UseMDI", (self._documentRadioBox.GetSelection() == 1))
- config.WriteInt("UseWinMDI", (self._documentRadioBox.GetSelection() == 2))
+ if self._AllowModeChanges():
+ config.WriteInt("UseMDI", (self._documentRadioBox.GetStringSelection() == self._mdiChoice))
+ config.WriteInt("UseWinMDI", (self._documentRadioBox.GetStringSelection() == self._winMdiChoice))
class DocApp(wx.PySimpleApp):
return frame
- def CreateSDIDocumentFrame(self, doc, view, id = -1, title = "", pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+ def CreateSDIDocumentFrame(self, doc, view, id=-1, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
Creates and returns an SDI Document Frame.
return frame
- def CreateTabbedDocumentFrame(self, doc, view, id = -1, title = "", pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+ def CreateTabbedDocumentFrame(self, doc, view, id=-1, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
Creates and returns an MDI Document Frame for a Tabbed MDI view
return frame
- def CreateMDIDocumentFrame(self, doc, view, id = -1, title = "", pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+ def CreateMDIDocumentFrame(self, doc, view, id=-1, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
Creates and returns an MDI Document Frame.
- def CreateChildDocument(self, parentDocument, documentType, objectToEdit, path = ''):
+ def CreateChildDocument(self, parentDocument, documentType, objectToEdit, path=''):
Creates a child window of a document that edits an object. The child window
is managed by the parent document frame, so it will be prompted to close if its
- def __init__(self, docManager, parent, id, title, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name = "DocMDIFrame", embeddedWindows = 0):
+ def __init__(self, docManager, parent, id, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name="DocMDIFrame", embeddedWindows=0):
Initializes the DocMDIParentFrame with the default menubar, toolbar, and status bar. Use the
optional embeddedWindows parameter with the embedded window constants to create embedded
- def __init__(self, doc, view, parent, id, title, pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize, style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name = "DocSDIFrame"):
+ def __init__(self, doc, view, parent, id, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name="DocSDIFrame"):
Initializes the DocSDIFrame with the default menubar, toolbar, and status bar.
self._customEventHandlers = []
- def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar=None, toolBar=None, statusBar=None, document=None):
Installs a File/Properties menu item.
return False
- def ShowPropertiesDialog(self, filename = None):
+ def ShowPropertiesDialog(self, filename=None):
Shows the PropertiesDialog for the specified file.
- def chopPath(self, text, length = 36):
+ def chopPath(self, text, length=36):
Simple version of textwrap. textwrap.fill() unfortunately chops lines at spaces
and creates odd word boundaries. Instead, we will chop the path without regard to
Initializes the properties dialog.
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("File Properties"), size = (310, 330))
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, _("File Properties"), size=(310, 330))
SPACE = 10
- def __init__(self, manager, description, filter, dir, ext, docTypeName, viewTypeName, docType, viewType, flags = wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE, icon = None):
+ def __init__(self, manager, description, filter, dir, ext, docTypeName, viewTypeName, docType, viewType, flags=wx.lib.docview.TEMPLATE_INVISIBLE, icon=None):
Initializes the ChildDocTemplate.
- wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate.__init__(self, manager, description, filter, dir, ext, docTypeName, viewTypeName, docType, viewType, flags = flags, icon = icon)
+ wx.lib.docview.DocTemplate.__init__(self, manager, description, filter, dir, ext, docTypeName, viewTypeName, docType, viewType, flags=flags, icon=icon)
- def CreateDocument(self, path, flags, data = None, parentDocument = None):
+ def CreateDocument(self, path, flags, data=None, parentDocument=None):
Called when a ChildDocument is to be created and does the minimum such that the
ChildDocument looks like a real Document to the framework.
- def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar = None, toolBar = None, statusBar = None, document = None):
+ def InstallControls(self, frame, menuBar=None, toolBar=None, statusBar=None, document=None):
Installs the Window menu.
- def _GetWindowMenuFrameList(self, currentFrame = None):
+ def _GetWindowMenuFrameList(self, currentFrame=None):
Returns the Frame associated with each menu item in the Window menu.
# File generated by encode_bitmaps.py
from wx import ImageFromStream, BitmapFromImage
-from wx import EmptyIcon
import cStringIO
def getBlankData():
return \
-"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\
-\x85IDATX\x85\xed\x97\xc9\n\xc0 \x0cD3\xda\xff\xffcMo\x96Z\xc4\xa5\x91\x14:9\
-\x8a\xe8\xcb\xd3\xb8\x00!\x8ag\x04\xd7\xd9E\xe4\xa8\x1b4'}3 B\xc4L\x7fs\x03\
-\r\x10\x80\x00\x04 \x00\x01\x08@\x80\xe6{\xa0w\x8f[\x85\xbb\x01\xfc\xfeoH\
def getBlankBitmap():
return ImageFromStream(stream)
def getBlankIcon():
- icon = EmptyIcon()
- icon.CopyFromBitmap(getBlankBitmap())
- return icon
+ return wx.IconFromBitmap(getBlankBitmap())